Peter Klausler 573fc6187b [flang] Fix pointer definition semantic checking via refactoring
The infrastructure in semantics that is used to check that the
left-hand sides of normal assignment statements are really definable
variables was not being used to check whether the LHSs of pointer assignments
are modifiable, and so most cases of unmodifiable pointers are left
undiagnosed.  Rework the semantics checking for pointer assignments,
NULLIFY statements, pointer dummy arguments, &c. so that cases of
unmodifiable pointers are properly caught.  This has been done
by extracting all the various definability checking code that has
been implemented for different contexts in Fortran into one new

The new consolidated definability checking code returns messages
meant to be attached as "because: " explanations to context-dependent
errors like "left-hand side of assignment is not definable".
These new error message texts and their attached explanations
affect many existing tests, which have been updated.  The testing
infrastructure was extended by another patch to properly compare
warnings and explanatory messages, which had been ignored until

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D136979
2022-10-31 12:02:21 -07:00

186 lines
5.3 KiB

! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
character(kind=1,len=50) internal_file
character(kind=2,len=50) internal_file2
character(kind=4,len=50) internal_file4
character(kind=1,len=50) internal_fileA(20)
character(kind=1,len=111) msg
character(20) advance
character(20) :: cvar;
character, parameter :: const_internal_file = "(I6)"
character, parameter :: const_cvar*(*) = "Ceci n'est pas une pipe."
integer*1 stat1
integer*2 stat2, id2
integer*8 stat8
integer :: iunit = 10
integer, parameter :: junit = 11, const_size = 13, const_int = 15
integer :: vv(10) = 7
namelist /mmm/ mm1, mm2
namelist /nnn/ nn1, nn2
print*, 'Ok'
read*, jj
read(*, *) jj
read(unit=*, *) jj
read(*, fmt=*) jj
read(*, '(I4)') jj
read(*, fmt='(I4)') jj
read(fmt='(I4)', unit=*) jj
read(iunit, *) jj
read(junit, *) jj
read(10, *) jj, cvar, cvar(7:17)
read(internal_file, *) jj
read(internal_fileA(3), *) jj
read(internal_fileA(4:9), *) jj
read(10, nnn)
read(internal_file, nnn)
read(internal_file, nml=nnn)
read(const_internal_file, *)
read(fmt=*, unit=internal_file)
read(nml=nnn, unit=internal_file)
read(iunit, nnn)
read(10, nml=nnn)
read(10, asynchronous='no') jj
read(10, asynchronous='yes') jj
read(10, eor=9, advance='no', fmt='(I4)') jj
read(10, eor=9, advance='no', fmt='(I4)') jj
read(10, asynchronous='yes', id=id) jj
read(10, '(I4)', advance='no', asynchronous='yes', blank='null', &
decimal='comma', end=9, eor=9, err=9, id=id, iomsg=msg, iostat=stat2, &
pad='no', round='processor_defined', size=kk) jj
read(internal_file2, *) jj
read(internal_file4, *) jj
!ERROR: Internal file must not have a vector subscript
read(internal_fileA(vv), *) jj
!ERROR: Input variable 'const_int' is not definable
!BECAUSE: '15_4' is not a variable or pointer
read(11, *) const_int
!ERROR: SIZE variable 'const_size' is not definable
!BECAUSE: '13_4' is not a variable or pointer
read(11, pos=ipos, size=const_size, end=9)
!ERROR: Input variable 'const_cvar' is not definable
!BECAUSE: '"Ceci n'est pas une pipe."' is not a variable or pointer
read(11, *) const_cvar
!ERROR: Input variable 'const_cvar(3:13)' is not definable
!BECAUSE: '"ci n'est pa"' is not a variable or pointer
read(11, *) const_cvar(3:13)
!ERROR: Duplicate IOSTAT specifier
read(11, pos=ipos, iostat=stat1, iostat=stat2)
!ERROR: Duplicate END specifier
read(11, end=9, pos=ipos, end=9)
!ERROR: Duplicate NML specifier
read(10, nml=mmm, nml=nnn)
!ERROR: READ statement must have a UNIT specifier
read(err=9, iostat=stat8) jj
!ERROR: READ statement must not have a DELIM specifier
!ERROR: READ statement must not have a SIGN specifier
read(10, delim='quote', sign='plus') jj
!ERROR: If NML appears, REC must not appear
read(10, nnn, rec=nn)
!ERROR: If NML appears, FMT must not appear
!ERROR: If NML appears, a data list must not appear
read(10, fmt=*, nml=nnn) jj
!ERROR: If UNIT=* appears, REC must not appear
read(*, rec=13)
!ERROR: If UNIT=* appears, POS must not appear
read(*, pos=13)
!ERROR: If UNIT=internal-file appears, REC must not appear
read(internal_file, rec=13)
!ERROR: If UNIT=internal-file appears, POS must not appear
read(internal_file, pos=13)
!ERROR: If REC appears, END must not appear
read(10, fmt='(I4)', end=9, rec=13) jj
!ERROR: If REC appears, FMT=* must not appear
read(10, *, rec=13) jj
!ERROR: If ADVANCE appears, UNIT=internal-file must not appear
read(internal_file, '(I4)', eor=9, advance='no') jj
!ERROR: If ADVANCE appears, an explicit format must also appear
!ERROR: If EOR appears, ADVANCE with value 'NO' must also appear
read(10, eor=9, advance='yes')
!ERROR: If EOR appears, ADVANCE with value 'NO' must also appear
read(10, eor=9)
!ERROR: Invalid ASYNCHRONOUS value 'nay'
read(10, asynchronous='nay') ! prog req
!ERROR: If ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' appears, UNIT=number must also appear
read(*, asynchronous='yes')
!ERROR: If ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' appears, UNIT=number must also appear
read(internal_file, asynchronous='y'//'es')
!ERROR: If ID appears, ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' must also appear
read(10, id=id)
!ERROR: If ID appears, ASYNCHRONOUS='YES' must also appear
read(10, asynchronous='n'//'o', id=id)
!ERROR: If POS appears, REC must not appear
read(10, pos=13, rec=13) jj
!ERROR: If DECIMAL appears, FMT or NML must also appear
!ERROR: If BLANK appears, FMT or NML must also appear
!ERROR: Invalid DECIMAL value 'Punkt'
read(10, decimal='Punkt', blank='null') jj
!ERROR: If ROUND appears, FMT or NML must also appear
!ERROR: If PAD appears, FMT or NML must also appear
read(10, pad='no', round='nearest') jj
!ERROR: ID kind (2) is smaller than default INTEGER kind (4)
read(10, id=id2, asynchronous='yes') jj
9 continue
subroutine s(aa, n)
integer :: aa(5,*)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer :: bb(10), vv(10)
type tt
real :: x, y, z
end type tt
type(tt) :: qq(20)
vv = 1
read(*, *) aa(n,1)
read(*, *) aa(n:n+2,2)
read(*, *) qq(2:5)%y
!ERROR: Input variable 'n' is not definable
!BECAUSE: 'n' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
read(*, *) n
!ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'aa' may not appear here without subscripts
read(*, *) aa