/* * Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and * that the name of the copyright holders not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. The copyright holders make no representations * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as * is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wayland-private.h" #include "test-runner.h" static const char message[] = "Hello, world"; static struct wl_connection * setup(int *s) { struct wl_connection *connection; assert(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, s) == 0); connection = wl_connection_create(s[0]); assert(connection); return connection; } TEST(connection_create) { struct wl_connection *connection; int s[2]; connection = setup(s); wl_connection_destroy(connection); close(s[0]); close(s[1]); } TEST(connection_write) { struct wl_connection *connection; int s[2]; char buffer[64]; connection = setup(s); assert(wl_connection_write(connection, message, sizeof message) == 0); assert(wl_connection_flush(connection) == sizeof message); assert(read(s[1], buffer, sizeof buffer) == sizeof message); assert(memcmp(message, buffer, sizeof message) == 0); wl_connection_destroy(connection); close(s[0]); close(s[1]); } TEST(connection_data) { struct wl_connection *connection; int s[2]; char buffer[64]; connection = setup(s); assert(write(s[1], message, sizeof message) == sizeof message); assert(wl_connection_read(connection) == sizeof message); wl_connection_copy(connection, buffer, sizeof message); assert(memcmp(message, buffer, sizeof message) == 0); wl_connection_consume(connection, sizeof message); wl_connection_destroy(connection); close(s[0]); close(s[1]); } TEST(connection_queue) { struct wl_connection *connection; int s[2]; char buffer[64]; connection = setup(s); /* Test that wl_connection_queue() puts data in the output * buffer without flush it. Verify that the data did get in * the buffer by writing another message and making sure that * we receive the two messages on the other fd. */ assert(wl_connection_queue(connection, message, sizeof message) == 0); assert(wl_connection_flush(connection) == 0); assert(wl_connection_write(connection, message, sizeof message) == 0); assert(wl_connection_flush(connection) == 2 * sizeof message); assert(read(s[1], buffer, sizeof buffer) == 2 * sizeof message); assert(memcmp(message, buffer, sizeof message) == 0); assert(memcmp(message, buffer + sizeof message, sizeof message) == 0); wl_connection_destroy(connection); close(s[0]); close(s[1]); } struct marshal_data { struct wl_connection *read_connection; struct wl_connection *write_connection; int s[2]; uint32_t buffer[10]; union { uint32_t u; int32_t i; const char *s; int h; } value; }; static void setup_marshal_data(struct marshal_data *data) { assert(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, data->s) == 0); data->read_connection = wl_connection_create(data->s[0]); assert(data->read_connection); data->write_connection = wl_connection_create(data->s[1]); assert(data->write_connection); } static void release_marshal_data(struct marshal_data *data) { close(wl_connection_destroy(data->read_connection)); close(wl_connection_destroy(data->write_connection)); } static void marshal(struct marshal_data *data, const char *format, int size, ...) { struct wl_closure *closure; static const uint32_t opcode = 4444; static struct wl_object sender = { NULL, NULL, 1234 }; struct wl_message message = { "test", format, NULL }; va_list ap; va_start(ap, size); closure = wl_closure_vmarshal(&sender, opcode, ap, &message); va_end(ap); assert(closure); assert(wl_closure_send(closure, data->write_connection) == 0); wl_closure_destroy(closure); assert(wl_connection_flush(data->write_connection) == size); assert(read(data->s[0], data->buffer, sizeof data->buffer) == size); assert(data->buffer[0] == sender.id); assert(data->buffer[1] == (opcode | (size << 16))); } TEST(connection_marshal) { struct marshal_data data; struct wl_object object; struct wl_array array; static const char text[] = "curry"; setup_marshal_data(&data); marshal(&data, "i", 12, 42); assert(data.buffer[2] == 42); marshal(&data, "u", 12, 55); assert(data.buffer[2] == 55); marshal(&data, "s", 20, "frappo"); assert(data.buffer[2] == 7); assert(strcmp((char *) &data.buffer[3], "frappo") == 0); object.id = 557799; marshal(&data, "o", 12, &object); assert(data.buffer[2] == object.id); marshal(&data, "n", 12, &object); assert(data.buffer[2] == object.id); marshal(&data, "?n", 12, NULL); assert(data.buffer[2] == 0); array.data = (void *) text; array.size = sizeof text; marshal(&data, "a", 20, &array); assert(data.buffer[2] == array.size); assert(memcmp(&data.buffer[3], text, array.size) == 0); release_marshal_data(&data); } static void expected_fail_marshal(int expected_error, const char *format, ...) { struct wl_closure *closure; static const uint32_t opcode = 4444; static const struct wl_interface test_interface = { .name = "test_object" }; static struct wl_object sender = { 0 }; struct wl_message message = { "test", format, NULL }; sender.interface = &test_interface; sender.id = 1234; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); closure = wl_closure_vmarshal(&sender, opcode, ap, &message); va_end(ap); assert(closure == NULL); assert(errno == expected_error); } static void expected_fail_marshal_send(struct marshal_data *data, int expected_error, const char *format, ...) { struct wl_closure *closure; static const uint32_t opcode = 4444; static struct wl_object sender = { NULL, NULL, 1234 }; struct wl_message message = { "test", format, NULL }; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); closure = wl_closure_vmarshal(&sender, opcode, ap, &message); va_end(ap); assert(closure); assert(wl_closure_send(closure, data->write_connection) < 0); assert(errno == expected_error); wl_closure_destroy(closure); } TEST(connection_marshal_nullables) { struct marshal_data data; struct wl_object object; struct wl_array array; const char text[] = "curry"; setup_marshal_data(&data); expected_fail_marshal(EINVAL, "o", NULL); expected_fail_marshal(EINVAL, "s", NULL); expected_fail_marshal(EINVAL, "a", NULL); marshal(&data, "?o", 12, NULL); assert(data.buffer[2] == 0); marshal(&data, "?a", 12, NULL); assert(data.buffer[2] == 0); marshal(&data, "?s", 12, NULL); assert(data.buffer[2] == 0); object.id = 55293; marshal(&data, "?o", 12, &object); assert(data.buffer[2] == object.id); array.data = (void *) text; array.size = sizeof text; marshal(&data, "?a", 20, &array); assert(data.buffer[2] == array.size); assert(memcmp(&data.buffer[3], text, array.size) == 0); marshal(&data, "?s", 20, text); assert(data.buffer[2] == sizeof text); assert(strcmp((char *) &data.buffer[3], text) == 0); release_marshal_data(&data); } static void validate_demarshal_u(struct marshal_data *data, struct wl_object *object, uint32_t u) { assert(data->value.u == u); } static void validate_demarshal_i(struct marshal_data *data, struct wl_object *object, int32_t i) { assert(data->value.i == i); } static void validate_demarshal_s(struct marshal_data *data, struct wl_object *object, const char *s) { if (data->value.s != NULL) assert(strcmp(data->value.s, s) == 0); else assert(s == NULL); } static void validate_demarshal_h(struct marshal_data *data, struct wl_object *object, int fd) { struct stat buf1, buf2; assert(fd != data->value.h); fstat(fd, &buf1); fstat(data->value.h, &buf2); assert(buf1.st_dev == buf2.st_dev); assert(buf1.st_ino == buf2.st_ino); close(fd); close(data->value.h); } static void validate_demarshal_f(struct marshal_data *data, struct wl_object *object, wl_fixed_t f) { assert(data->value.i == f); } static void demarshal(struct marshal_data *data, const char *format, uint32_t *msg, void (*func)(void)) { struct wl_message message = { "test", format, NULL }; struct wl_closure *closure; struct wl_map objects; struct wl_object object = { NULL, &func, 0 }; int size = msg[1]; assert(write(data->s[1], msg, size) == size); assert(wl_connection_read(data->read_connection) == size); wl_map_init(&objects, WL_MAP_SERVER_SIDE); object.id = msg[0]; closure = wl_connection_demarshal(data->read_connection, size, &objects, &message); assert(closure); wl_closure_invoke(closure, WL_CLOSURE_INVOKE_SERVER, &object, 0, data); wl_closure_destroy(closure); } TEST(connection_demarshal) { struct marshal_data data; uint32_t msg[10]; setup_marshal_data(&data); data.value.u = 8000; msg[0] = 400200; /* object id */ msg[1] = 12; /* size = 12, opcode = 0 */ msg[2] = data.value.u; demarshal(&data, "u", msg, (void *) validate_demarshal_u); data.value.i = -557799; msg[0] = 400200; msg[1] = 12; msg[2] = data.value.i; demarshal(&data, "i", msg, (void *) validate_demarshal_i); data.value.s = "superdude"; msg[0] = 400200; msg[1] = 24; msg[2] = 10; memcpy(&msg[3], data.value.s, msg[2]); demarshal(&data, "s", msg, (void *) validate_demarshal_s); data.value.s = "superdude"; msg[0] = 400200; msg[1] = 24; msg[2] = 10; memcpy(&msg[3], data.value.s, msg[2]); demarshal(&data, "?s", msg, (void *) validate_demarshal_s); data.value.i = wl_fixed_from_double(-90000.2390); msg[0] = 400200; msg[1] = 12; msg[2] = data.value.i; demarshal(&data, "f", msg, (void *) validate_demarshal_f); data.value.s = NULL; msg[0] = 400200; msg[1] = 12; msg[2] = 0; demarshal(&data, "?s", msg, (void *) validate_demarshal_s); release_marshal_data(&data); } static void marshal_demarshal(struct marshal_data *data, void (*func)(void), int size, const char *format, ...) { struct wl_closure *closure; static const int opcode = 4444; static struct wl_object sender = { NULL, NULL, 1234 }; struct wl_message message = { "test", format, NULL }; struct wl_map objects; struct wl_object object = { NULL, &func, 0 }; va_list ap; uint32_t msg[1] = { 1234 }; va_start(ap, format); closure = wl_closure_vmarshal(&sender, opcode, ap, &message); va_end(ap); assert(closure); assert(wl_closure_send(closure, data->write_connection) == 0); wl_closure_destroy(closure); assert(wl_connection_flush(data->write_connection) == size); assert(wl_connection_read(data->read_connection) == size); wl_map_init(&objects, WL_MAP_SERVER_SIDE); object.id = msg[0]; closure = wl_connection_demarshal(data->read_connection, size, &objects, &message); assert(closure); wl_closure_invoke(closure, WL_CLOSURE_INVOKE_SERVER, &object, 0, data); wl_closure_destroy(closure); } TEST(connection_marshal_demarshal) { struct marshal_data data; char f[] = "/tmp/wayland-tests-XXXXXX"; setup_marshal_data(&data); data.value.u = 889911; marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_u, 12, "u", data.value.u); data.value.i = -13; marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_i, 12, "i", data.value.i); data.value.s = "cookie robots"; marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_s, 28, "s", data.value.s); data.value.s = "cookie robots"; marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_s, 28, "?s", data.value.s); data.value.h = mkstemp(f); assert(data.value.h >= 0); unlink(f); marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_h, 8, "h", data.value.h); data.value.i = wl_fixed_from_double(1234.5678); marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_f, 12, "f", data.value.i); data.value.i = wl_fixed_from_double(-90000.2390); marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_f, 12, "f", data.value.i); data.value.i = wl_fixed_from_double((1 << 23) - 1 + 0.0941); marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_f, 12, "f", data.value.i); release_marshal_data(&data); } TEST(connection_marshal_alot) { struct marshal_data data; char f[64]; int i; setup_marshal_data(&data); /* We iterate enough to make sure we wrap the circular buffers * for both regular data an fds. */ for (i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { strcpy(f, "/tmp/wayland-tests-XXXXXX"); data.value.h = mkstemp(f); assert(data.value.h >= 0); unlink(f); marshal_demarshal(&data, (void *) validate_demarshal_h, 8, "h", data.value.h); } release_marshal_data(&data); } TEST(connection_marshal_too_big) { struct marshal_data data; char *big_string = malloc(5000); assert(big_string); memset(big_string, ' ', 4999); big_string[4999] = '\0'; setup_marshal_data(&data); expected_fail_marshal_send(&data, E2BIG, "s", big_string); release_marshal_data(&data); free(big_string); } static void marshal_helper(const char *format, void *handler, ...) { struct wl_closure *closure; static struct wl_object sender = { NULL, NULL, 1234 }; struct wl_object object = { NULL, &handler, 0 }; static const int opcode = 4444; struct wl_message message = { "test", format, NULL }; va_list ap; int done; va_start(ap, handler); closure = wl_closure_vmarshal(&sender, opcode, ap, &message); va_end(ap); assert(closure); done = 0; wl_closure_invoke(closure, WL_CLOSURE_INVOKE_SERVER, &object, 0, &done); wl_closure_destroy(closure); assert(done); } static void suu_handler(void *data, struct wl_object *object, const char *s, uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2) { int *done = data; assert(strcmp(s, "foo") == 0); assert(u1 = 500); assert(u2 = 404040); *done = 1; } TEST(invoke_closure) { marshal_helper("suu", suu_handler, "foo", 500, 404040); }