2018-06-06 04:33:59 +08:00
MDS := $(wildcard src/*.md src/*/*.md)
HTMLS := $(MDS:.md=.html)
PUBLISH_DIR := ../published/ # ul.elvish.io:elvish.io/published
default: gen
%.html: %.md tools/macros tools/highlighter tools/md-to-html
./tools/md-to-html $< $@
2018-06-06 04:38:39 +08:00
# For building tools/*.
2018-06-06 04:33:59 +08:00
%: %.go
go build -o $@ $<
2018-06-06 04:38:39 +08:00
# Generates the website into the dst directory.
2018-06-06 04:33:59 +08:00
gen: $(HTMLS)
genblog src dst
2018-06-06 04:38:39 +08:00
# Installs or updates genblog.
2018-06-06 04:33:59 +08:00
cd $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/xiaq/genblog; \
git pull; \
go generate; \
go get
genblog -print-default-css > assets/genblog.css
2018-06-06 04:38:39 +08:00
# Copies the generated website into $(PUBLISH_DIR).
2018-06-06 04:33:59 +08:00
publish: gen
rsync -aLv --delete ./dst/ $(PUBLISH_DIR)
rm $(HTMLS)
.PHONY: default gen genblog publish clean