eval: Make ValuesOpFunc return an error.

This addresses #570.
This commit is contained in:
Qi Xiao 2018-01-21 01:14:39 +00:00
parent 6e631d7775
commit 66ff05a750
6 changed files with 150 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -136,7 +136,10 @@ func newDelElementOp(ns, name string, begin, headEnd int, indexOps []ValuesOp) O
return func(f *Frame) error {
var indicies []types.Value
for _, indexOp := range indexOps {
indexValues := indexOp.Exec(f)
indexValues, err := indexOp.Exec(f)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(indexValues) != 1 {
f.errorpf(indexOp.Begin, indexOp.End, "index must evaluate to a single value in argument to del")
@ -189,7 +192,11 @@ func compileFn(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) OpFunc {
// function. This step allows the definition of recursive
// functions; the actual function will never be called.
ec.local[varName] = vartypes.NewPtr(&BuiltinFn{"<shouldn't be called>", nop})
closure := op(ec)[0].(*Closure)
values, err := op(ec)
if err != nil {
return err
closure := values[0].(*Closure)
closure.Op = makeFnOp(closure.Op)
return ec.local[varName].Set(closure)
@ -328,7 +335,10 @@ func compileAndOr(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form, init, stopAt bool) OpFunc {
return func(ec *Frame) error {
var lastValue types.Value = types.Bool(init)
for _, op := range argOps {
values := op.Exec(ec)
values, err := op.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, value := range values {
if types.ToBool(value) == stopAt {
ec.OutputChan() <- value
@ -370,7 +380,11 @@ func compileIf(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) OpFunc {
else_ := elseOp.execlambdaOp(ec)
for i, condOp := range condOps {
if allTrue(condOp.Exec(ec.fork("if cond"))) {
condValues, err := condOp.Exec(ec.fork("if cond"))
if err != nil {
return err
if allTrue(condValues) {
bodies[i].Call(ec.fork("if body"), NoArgs, NoOpts)
return nil
@ -395,11 +409,14 @@ func compileWhile(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) OpFunc {
body := bodyOp.execlambdaOp(ec)
for {
cond := condOp.Exec(ec.fork("while cond"))
if !allTrue(cond) {
condValues, err := condOp.Exec(ec.fork("while cond"))
if err != nil {
return err
if !allTrue(condValues) {
err := ec.fork("while").PCall(body, NoArgs, NoOpts)
err = ec.fork("while").PCall(body, NoArgs, NoOpts)
if err != nil {
exc := err.(*Exception)
if exc.Cause == Continue {
@ -559,7 +576,11 @@ func (op ValuesOp) execlambdaOp(ec *Frame) Callable {
return nil
return op.Exec(ec)[0].(Callable)
values, err := op.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
panic("must not be erroneous")
return values[0].(Callable)
// execMustOne executes the LValuesOp and raises an exception if it does not

View File

@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ func (cp *compiler) lvalueElement(ns, name string, n *parse.Indexing) LValuesOpF
indicies := make([]types.Value, len(indexOps))
for i, op := range indexOps {
values := op.Exec(ec)
values, err := op.Exec(ec)
// TODO: Implement multi-indexing.
if len(values) != 1 {
throw(errors.New("multi indexing not implemented"))

View File

@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ func (cp *compiler) form(n *parse.Form) OpFunc {
headOpFunc = variable(headStr + FnSuffix)
} else {
// Fall back to $e:head~.
headOpFunc = func(f *Frame) []types.Value {
return []types.Value{ExternalCmd{headStr}}
headOpFunc = func(f *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
return []types.Value{ExternalCmd{headStr}}, nil
headOp = ValuesOp{headOpFunc, n.Head.Begin(), n.Head.End()}
@ -205,16 +205,20 @@ func (cp *compiler) form(n *parse.Form) OpFunc {
} else {
// Assignment form.
varsOp, restOp := cp.lvaluesMulti(n.Vars)
// This cannot be replaced with newSeqValuesOp as it depends on the fact
// that argOps will be changed later.
argsOp := ValuesOp{
func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
var vs []types.Value
func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
var values []types.Value
for _, op := range argOps {
vs = append(vs, op.Exec(ec)...)
moreValues, err := op.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
values = append(values, moreValues...)
return vs
-1, -1,
return values, nil
}, -1, -1}
if len(argOps) > 0 {
argsOp.Begin = argOps[0].Begin
argsOp.End = argOps[len(argOps)-1].End
@ -300,13 +304,21 @@ func (cp *compiler) form(n *parse.Form) OpFunc {
// args
for _, argOp := range argOps {
args = append(args, argOp.Exec(ec)...)
moreArgs, err := argOp.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return err
args = append(args, moreArgs...)
// opts
// XXX This conversion should be avoided.
opts := optsOp(ec)[0].(types.Map)
optValues, err := optsOp(ec)
if err != nil {
return err
opts := optValues[0].(types.Map)
convertedOpts := make(map[string]types.Value)
var errOpt error
opts.IteratePair(func(k, v types.Value) bool {
@ -371,7 +383,10 @@ func makeAssignmentOpFunc(variablesOp, restOp LValuesOp, valuesOp ValuesOp) OpFu
defer fixNilVariables(variables)
defer fixNilVariables(rest)
values := valuesOp.Exec(ec)
values, err := valuesOp.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(rest) > 1 {
return ErrMoreThanOneRest

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -25,10 +26,10 @@ type ValuesOp struct {
// ValuesOpFunc is the body of ValuesOp.
type ValuesOpFunc func(*Frame) []types.Value
type ValuesOpFunc func(*Frame) ([]types.Value, error)
// Exec executes a ValuesOp and produces Value's.
func (op ValuesOp) Exec(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
func (op ValuesOp) Exec(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
ec.begin, ec.end = op.Begin, op.End
return op.Func(ec)
@ -44,8 +45,12 @@ func (cp *compiler) compound(n *parse.Compound) ValuesOpFunc {
if n.Indexings[0].Head.Type == parse.Tilde {
// A lone ~.
if len(n.Indexings) == 1 {
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return []types.Value{types.String(mustGetHome(""))}
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
home, err := util.GetHome("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []types.Value{types.String(home)}, nil
tilde = true
@ -54,14 +59,20 @@ func (cp *compiler) compound(n *parse.Compound) ValuesOpFunc {
ops := cp.indexingOps(indexings)
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
// Accumulator.
vs := ops[0].Exec(ec)
vs, err := ops[0].Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Logger.Printf("concatenating %v with %d more", vs, len(ops)-1)
for _, op := range ops[1:] {
us := op.Exec(ec)
us, err := op.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vs = outerProduct(vs, us, cat)
// Logger.Printf("with %v => %v", us, vs)
@ -91,7 +102,7 @@ func (cp *compiler) compound(n *parse.Compound) ValuesOpFunc {
vs = newvs
return vs
return vs, nil
@ -185,20 +196,7 @@ func doTilde(v types.Value) types.Value {
func (cp *compiler) array(n *parse.Array) ValuesOpFunc {
return catValuesOps(cp.compoundOps(n.Compounds))
func catValuesOps(ops []ValuesOp) ValuesOpFunc {
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
// Use number of compound expressions as an estimation of the number
// of values
vs := make([]types.Value, 0, len(ops))
for _, op := range ops {
us := op.Exec(ec)
vs = append(vs, us...)
return vs
return newSeqValuesOp(cp.compoundOps(n.Compounds))
func (cp *compiler) indexing(n *parse.Indexing) ValuesOpFunc {
@ -209,31 +207,39 @@ func (cp *compiler) indexing(n *parse.Indexing) ValuesOpFunc {
headOp := cp.primaryOp(n.Head)
indexOps := cp.arrayOps(n.Indicies)
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
vs := headOp.Exec(ec)
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
vs, err := headOp.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, indexOp := range indexOps {
indicies := indexOp.Exec(ec)
indicies, err := indexOp.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newvs := make([]types.Value, 0, len(vs)*len(indicies))
for _, v := range vs {
indexer, ok := v.(types.Indexer)
if !ok {
throwf("a %s not indexable", v.Kind())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("a %s not indexable", v.Kind())
for _, index := range indicies {
result, err := indexer.Index(index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newvs = append(newvs, result)
vs = newvs
return vs
return vs, nil
func literalValues(v ...types.Value) ValuesOpFunc {
return func(e *Frame) []types.Value {
return v
return func(e *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
return v, nil
@ -243,21 +249,21 @@ func literalStr(text string) ValuesOpFunc {
func variable(qname string) ValuesOpFunc {
explode, ns, name := ParseVariable(qname)
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
variable := ec.ResolveVar(ns, name)
if variable == nil {
throwf("variable $%s not found", qname)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("variable $%s not found", qname)
value := variable.Get()
if explode {
iterator, ok := value.(types.Iterator)
if !ok {
// Use qname[1:] to skip the leading "@"
throwf("variable $%s (kind %s) cannot be exploded", qname[1:], value.Kind())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("variable $%s (kind %s) cannot be exploded", qname[1:], value.Kind())
return types.CollectFromIterator(iterator)
return types.CollectFromIterator(iterator), nil
return []types.Value{value}
return []types.Value{value}, nil
@ -278,9 +284,7 @@ func (cp *compiler) primary(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
vs := []types.Value{
GlobPattern{glob.Pattern{[]glob.Segment{seg}, ""}, 0, nil}}
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return vs
return literalValues(vs...)
case parse.Tilde:
cp.errorf("compiler bug: Tilde not handled in .compound")
return literalStr("~")
@ -305,27 +309,31 @@ func (cp *compiler) primary(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
func (cp *compiler) list(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
// TODO(xiaq): Use Vector.Cons to build the list, instead of building a
// slice and converting to Vector.
op := catValuesOps(cp.compoundOps(n.Elements))
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return []types.Value{types.MakeList(op(ec)...)}
op := newSeqValuesOp(cp.compoundOps(n.Elements))
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
values, err := op(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []types.Value{types.MakeList(values...)}, nil
func (cp *compiler) exceptionCapture(n *parse.Chunk) ValuesOpFunc {
op := cp.chunkOp(n)
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
err := ec.PEval(op)
if err == nil {
return []types.Value{OK}
return []types.Value{OK}, nil
return []types.Value{err.(*Exception)}
return []types.Value{err.(*Exception)}, nil
func (cp *compiler) outputCapture(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
op := cp.chunkOp(n.Chunk)
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return captureOutput(ec, op)
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
return captureOutput(ec, op), nil
@ -481,7 +489,7 @@ func (cp *compiler) lambda(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
srcMeta := cp.srcMeta
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
evCapture := make(Ns)
for name := range capture {
evCapture[name] = ec.ResolveVar("", name)
@ -492,7 +500,7 @@ func (cp *compiler) lambda(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
optDefaults[i] = defaultValue
// XXX(xiaq): Capture uses.
return []types.Value{&Closure{argNames, restArgName, optNames, optDefaults, op, evCapture, srcMeta}}
return []types.Value{&Closure{argNames, restArgName, optNames, optDefaults, op, evCapture, srcMeta}}, nil
@ -515,11 +523,17 @@ func (cp *compiler) mapPairs(pairs []*parse.MapPair) ValuesOpFunc {
begins[i], ends[i] = pair.Begin(), pair.End()
return func(ec *Frame) []types.Value {
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
m := hashmap.Empty
for i := 0; i < npairs; i++ {
keys := keysOps[i].Exec(ec)
values := valuesOps[i].Exec(ec)
keys, err := keysOps[i].Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
values, err := valuesOps[i].Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(keys) != len(values) {
ec.errorpf(begins[i], ends[i],
"%d keys but %d values", len(keys), len(values))
@ -528,7 +542,7 @@ func (cp *compiler) mapPairs(pairs []*parse.MapPair) ValuesOpFunc {
m = m.Assoc(key, values[j])
return []types.Value{types.NewMap(m)}
return []types.Value{types.NewMap(m)}, nil
@ -536,5 +550,19 @@ func (cp *compiler) braced(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
ops := cp.compoundOps(n.Braced)
// TODO: n.IsRange
// isRange := n.IsRange
return catValuesOps(ops)
return newSeqValuesOp(ops)
func newSeqValuesOp(ops []ValuesOp) ValuesOpFunc {
return func(ec *Frame) ([]types.Value, error) {
var values []types.Value
for _, op := range ops {
moreValues, err := op.Exec(ec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
values = append(values, moreValues...)
return values, nil

View File

@ -118,7 +118,14 @@ func (ec *Frame) fork(name string) *Frame {
// wrapped in an Error.
func (ec *Frame) PEval(op Op) (err error) {
defer catch(&err, ec)
return op.Exec(ec)
e := op.Exec(ec)
if e != nil {
if exc, ok := e.(*Exception); ok {
return exc
return ec.makeException(e)
return nil
func (ec *Frame) PCall(f Callable, args []types.Value, opts map[string]types.Value) (err error) {

View File

@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ func (ctx *Frame) Unwrap(desc string, begin, end int, vs []types.Value) ValuesUn
// ExecAndUnwrap executes a ValuesOp and creates an Unwrapper for the obtained
// values.
func (ctx *Frame) ExecAndUnwrap(desc string, op ValuesOp) ValuesUnwrapper {
return ctx.Unwrap(desc, op.Begin, op.End, op.Exec(ctx))
values, err := op.Exec(ctx)
return ctx.Unwrap(desc, op.Begin, op.End, values)
// One unwraps the value to be exactly one value.