TOOLS_DIR := ./tools DST_DIR = ./_dst PUBLISH_DIR := ./_publish MDS := $(filter-out %/,$(wildcard [^_]*/*.md)) HTMLS := $( TOOLS := highlight macros elvdoc genblog default: gen %.html: $(TOOL_BINARIES) $(TOOLS_DIR)/md-to-html $(TOOLS_DIR)/md-to-html $< $@ # Generates the website into the dst directory. gen: tools $(HTMLS) ./$(TOOLS_DIR)/genblog.bin . $(DST_DIR) ln -sf `pwd`/favicons/* $(DST_DIR)/ tools: for tool in $(TOOLS); do \ go build -o $(TOOLS_DIR)/$$tool.bin ./cmd/$$tool; \ done genblog: : # a nop, kept for backward compatibility with elves/up # Synchronizes the generated website into $(PUBLISH_DIR). The PUBLISH_DIR # environment variable can be overriden to a remote place to publish this online. publish: gen rsync -aLv --delete ./_dst/ $(PUBLISH_DIR)/ clean: rm -f $(HTMLS) _tools/*.bin rm -rf $(DST_DIR) .PHONY: default gen tools genblog publish clean .SECONDARY: $(TOOL_BINARIES)