PKG_BASE := PKGS := $(shell go list ./... | sed 's|^$(PKG_BASE)|.|' | grep -v '^./\(vendor\|website\)') PKG_COVERS := $(shell go list ./... | sed 's|^$(PKG_BASE)|.|' | grep -v '^\./\(vendor\|website\)' | grep -v '^\.$$' | sed 's/^\./_cover/' | sed 's/$$/.cover/') COVER_MODE := set VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty=-dirty) GOVERALLS := default: test get get: go get -ldflags "-X$(VERSION) \ -X$(shell go env GOROOT) \ -X$(shell go env GOPATH)" . buildall: ./_tools/ generate: go generate ./... test: go test $(PKGS) testmain: go test . _cover/%.cover: % mkdir -p $(dir $@) go test -coverprofile=$@ -covermode=$(COVER_MODE) ./$< _cover/all: $(PKG_COVERS) echo mode: $(COVER_MODE) > $@ for f in $(PKG_COVERS); do test -f $$f && sed 1d $$f >> $@ || true; done upload-codecov-travis: _cover/all curl -s -o codecov.bash \ && bash codecov.bash -f $< upload-coveralls-travis: _cover/all go get -d $(GOVERALLS) \ && go build -o goveralls $(GOVERALLS) \ && ./goveralls -coverprofile $< -service=travis-ci # Disable coverage reports for pull requests. The general testability of the # code is pretty bad and it is premature to require contributors to maintain # code coverage. upload-codecov-appveyor: _cover/all codecov -f $< upload-coveralls-appveyor: _cover/all goveralls -coverprofile $< -service=appveyor-ci binaries-travis: ./_tools/ coverage-travis: upload-codecov-travis upload-coveralls-travis coverage-appveyor: upload-codecov-appveyor upload-coveralls-appveyor .PHONY: default get buildall generate test testmain upload-codecov-travis upload-coveralls-travis upload-codecov-appveyor upload-coveralls-appveyor coverage-travis coverage-appveyor binaries-travis