ELVISH_MAKE_BIN ?= $(or $(GOBIN),$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin)/elvish$(shell go env GOEXE) ELVISH_MAKE_BIN := $(subst \,/,$(ELVISH_MAKE_BIN)) ELVISH_MAKE_PKG ?= ./cmd/elvish default: test most-checks get # This target emulates the behavior of "go install ./cmd/elvish", except that # the build output and the main package to build can be overridden with # environment variables. get: mkdir -p $(shell dirname $(ELVISH_MAKE_BIN)) go build -o $(ELVISH_MAKE_BIN) $(ELVISH_MAKE_PKG) # Run formatters on Go and Markdown files. fmt: find . -name '*.go' | xargs goimports -w find . -name '*.go' | xargs gofmt -s -w find . -name '*.md' | xargs go run src.elv.sh/cmd/elvmdfmt -w -width 80 # Run unit tests, with race detection if the platform supports it. test: go test $(shell ./tools/run-race.elv) ./... cd website; go test $(shell ./tools/run-race.elv) ./... # Generate a basic test coverage report, and open it in the browser. The report # is an approximation of https://app.codecov.io/gh/elves/elvish/. cover: go test -coverprofile=cover -coverpkg=./pkg/... ./pkg/... ./tools/prune-cover.sh .codecov.yml cover go tool cover -html=cover go tool cover -func=cover | tail -1 | awk '{ print "Overall coverage:", $$NF }' # All the checks except check-gen.sh, which is not always convenient to run as # it requires a clean working tree. most-checks: ./tools/check-fmt-go.sh ./tools/check-fmt-md.sh ./tools/check-disallowed.sh codespell go vet ./... staticcheck ./... all-checks: most-checks ./tools/check-gen.sh .PHONY: default get fmt test cover most-checks all-checks