package eval_test import ( "math" "math/big" "testing" . "" "" . "" "" ) func TestAll(t *testing.T) { Test(t, That(`put foo bar | all`).Puts("foo", "bar"), That(`echo foobar | all`).Puts("foobar"), That(`all [foo bar]`).Puts("foo", "bar"), thatOutputErrorIsBubbled("all [foo bar]"), ) } func TestOne(t *testing.T) { Test(t, That(`put foo | one`).Puts("foo"), That(`put | one`).Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.ArityMismatch{})), That(`put foo bar | one`).Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.ArityMismatch{})), That(`one [foo]`).Puts("foo"), That(`one []`).Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.ArityMismatch{})), That(`one [foo bar]`).Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.ArityMismatch{})), thatOutputErrorIsBubbled("one [foo]"), ) } func TestTake(t *testing.T) { Test(t, That(`range 100 | take 2`).Puts(0, 1), thatOutputErrorIsBubbled("take 1 [foo bar]"), ) } func TestDrop(t *testing.T) { Test(t, That(`range 100 | drop 98`).Puts(98, 99), thatOutputErrorIsBubbled("drop 1 [foo bar lorem]"), ) } func TestCompact(t *testing.T) { Test(t, That(`put a a b b c | compact`).Puts("a", "b", "c"), That(`put a b a | compact`).Puts("a", "b", "a"), thatOutputErrorIsBubbled("compact [a a]"), ) } func TestCount(t *testing.T) { Test(t, That(`range 100 | count`).Puts(100), That(`count [(range 100)]`).Puts(100), That(`count 123`).Puts(3), That(`count 1 2 3`).Throws( errs.ArityMismatch{What: "arguments", ValidLow: 0, ValidHigh: 1, Actual: 3}, "count 1 2 3"), That(`count $true`).Throws(ErrorWithMessage("cannot get length of a bool")), ) } func TestOrder(t *testing.T) { Test(t, // Ordering strings That("put foo bar ipsum | order").Puts("bar", "foo", "ipsum"), That("put foo bar bar | order").Puts("bar", "bar", "foo"), That("put 10 1 5 2 | order").Puts("1", "10", "2", "5"), // Ordering booleans That("put $true $false $true | order").Puts(false, true, true), That("put $false $true $false | order").Puts(false, false, true), // Ordering typed numbers // Only small integers That("put 10 1 1 | each $num~ | order").Puts(1, 1, 10), That("put 10 1 5 2 -1 | each $num~ | order").Puts(-1, 1, 2, 5, 10), // Small and large integers That("put 1 "+z+" 2 "+z+" | each $num~ | order").Puts(1, 2, bigInt(z), bigInt(z)), // Integers and rationals That("put 1 2 3/2 3/2 | each $num~ | order"). Puts(1, big.NewRat(3, 2), big.NewRat(3, 2), 2), // Integers and floats That("put 1 1.5 2 1.5 | each $num~ | order"). Puts(1, 1.5, 1.5, 2), // Mixed integers and floats. That("put (num 1) (num 1.5) (num 2) (num 1.5) | order"). Puts(1, 1.5, 1.5, 2), // For the sake of ordering, NaN's are considered smaller than other numbers That("put NaN -1 NaN | each $num~ | order").Puts(math.NaN(), math.NaN(), -1), // Ordering lists That("put [b] [a] | order").Puts(vals.MakeList("a"), vals.MakeList("b")), That("put [a] [b] [a] | order"). Puts(vals.MakeList("a"), vals.MakeList("a"), vals.MakeList("b")), That("put [(num 10)] [(num 2)] | order"). Puts(vals.MakeList(2), vals.MakeList(10)), That("put [a b] [b b] [a c] | order"). Puts( vals.MakeList("a", "b"), vals.MakeList("a", "c"), vals.MakeList("b", "b")), That("put [a] [] [a (num 2)] [a (num 1)] | order"). Puts(vals.EmptyList, vals.MakeList("a"), vals.MakeList("a", 1), vals.MakeList("a", 2)), // Attempting to order uncomparable values That("put (num 1) 1 | order"). Throws(ErrUncomparable, "order"), That("put 1 (num 1) | order"). Throws(ErrUncomparable, "order"), That("put 1 (num 1) b | order"). Throws(ErrUncomparable, "order"), That("put [a] a | order"). Throws(ErrUncomparable, "order"), That("put [a] [(num 1)] | order"). Throws(ErrUncomparable, "order"), // &reverse That("put foo bar ipsum | order &reverse").Puts("ipsum", "foo", "bar"), // &key That("put 10 1 5 2 | order &key={|v| num $v }"). Puts("1", "2", "5", "10"), // &key and &reverse That("put 10 1 5 2 | order &reverse &key={|v| num $v }"). Puts("10", "5", "2", "1"), // &total orders the values into groups of different types, and sorts // the groups themselves. Test that without assuming the relative order // between numbers and strings. That( "put (num 3/2) (num 1) c (num 2) a | order &total | var li = [(all)]", "put $li", "has-value [[a c (num 1) (num 3/2) (num 2)] [(num 1) (num 3/2) (num 2) a c]] $li"). Puts(Anything, true), // &total keeps the order of unordered values as is. That("put [&foo=bar] [&a=b] [&x=y] | order &total"). Puts(vals.MakeMap("foo", "bar"), vals.MakeMap("a", "b"), vals.MakeMap("x", "y")), // &less-than That("put 1 10 2 5 | order &less-than={|a b| < $a $b }"). Puts("1", "2", "5", "10"), // &less-than and &key That("put [a 1] [b 10] [c 2] | order &key={|v| put $v[1]} &less-than=$'<~'"). Puts( vals.MakeList("a", "1"), vals.MakeList("c", "2"), vals.MakeList("b", "10")), // &less-than and &reverse That("put 1 10 2 5 | order &reverse &less-than={|a b| < $a $b }"). Puts("10", "5", "2", "1"), // &less-than writing more than one value That("put 1 10 2 5 | order &less-than={|a b| put $true $false }"). Throws( errs.ArityMismatch{ What: "number of outputs of the &less-than callback", ValidLow: 1, ValidHigh: 1, Actual: 2}, "order &less-than={|a b| put $true $false }"), // &less-than writing non-boolean value That("put 1 10 2 5 | order &less-than={|a b| put x }"). Throws( errs.BadValue{ What: "output of the &less-than callback", Valid: "boolean", Actual: "string"}, "order &less-than={|a b| put x }"), // &less-than throwing an exception That("put 1 10 2 5 | order &less-than={|a b| fail bad }"). Throws( FailError{"bad"}, "fail bad ", "order &less-than={|a b| fail bad }"), // All callback options support $nil for default behavior That("put c b a | order &less-than=$nil &key=$nil").Puts("a", "b", "c"), // Sort should be stable - test by pretending that all values but one // are equal, and check that the order among them has not changed. That("put l x o x r x e x m | order &less-than={|a b| eq $a x }"). Puts("x", "x", "x", "x", "l", "o", "r", "e", "m"), // &total and &less-than are mutually exclusive That("put x | order &total &less-than={|a b| put $true }"). Throws(ErrBothTotalAndLessThan), thatOutputErrorIsBubbled("order [foo]"), ) }