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synced 2024-12-13 18:07:51 +08:00
- Simplify the matcher for compilation errors. - Various stylistic fixes.
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262 lines
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package eval_test
import (
. "src.elv.sh/pkg/eval"
. "src.elv.sh/pkg/eval/evaltest"
func TestCompound(t *testing.T) {
That("put {fi,elvi}sh{1.0,1.1}").Puts(
"fish1.0", "fish1.1", "elvish1.0", "elvish1.1"),
// As a special case, an empty compound expression evaluates to an empty
// string.
That("put {}").Puts(""),
That("put [&k=][k]").Puts(""),
// TODO: Test the case where fsutil.GetHome returns an error.
// Error in any of the components throws an exception.
That("put a{[][1]}").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][1]"),
// Error in concatenating the values throws an exception.
That("put []a").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("cannot concatenate list and string")),
// Error when applying tilde throws an exception.
That("put ~[]").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("tilde doesn't work on value of type list")),
func TestIndexing(t *testing.T) {
That("put [a b c][2]").Puts("c"),
That("put [][0]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
That("put [&key=value][key]").Puts("value"),
That("put [&key=value][bad]").Throws(
vals.NoSuchKey("bad"), "[&key=value][bad]"),
That("put (fail x)[a]").Throws(FailError{"x"}, "fail x"),
That("put [foo][(fail x)]").Throws(FailError{"x"}, "fail x"),
func TestListLiteral(t *testing.T) {
That("put [a b c]").Puts(vals.MakeList("a", "b", "c")),
That("put []").Puts(vals.EmptyList),
// List expression errors if an element expression errors.
That("put [ [][0] ]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
func TestMapLiteral(t *testing.T) {
That("put [&key=value]").Puts(vals.MakeMap("key", "value")),
That("put [&]").Puts(vals.EmptyMap),
// Map keys and values may evaluate to multiple values as long as their
// numbers match.
That("put [&{a b}={foo bar}]").Puts(vals.MakeMap("a", "foo", "b", "bar")),
// Map expression errors if a key or value expression errors.
That("put [ &[][0]=a ]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
That("put [ &a=[][0] ]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
// Map expression errors if number of keys and values in a single pair
// does not match.
That("put [&{a b}={foo bar lorem}]").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("2 keys but 3 values")),
func TestStringLiteral(t *testing.T) {
That(`put 'such \"''literal'`).Puts(`such \"'literal`),
That(`put "much \n\033[31;1m$cool\033[m"`).Puts("much \n\033[31;1m$cool\033[m"),
func TestTilde(t *testing.T) {
home := testutil.InTempHome(t)
testutil.ApplyDir(testutil.Dir{"file1": "", "file2": ""})
otherHome := testutil.TempDir(t)
testutil.ApplyDirIn(testutil.Dir{"other1": "", "other2": ""}, otherHome)
testutil.Set(t, GetHome, func(name string) (string, error) {
switch name {
case "":
return fsutil.GetHome("")
case "other":
return otherHome, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("don't know home of %v", name)
That("put ~").Puts(home),
That("put ~/src").Puts(home+"/src"),
// Make sure that tilde processing retains trailing slashes.
That("put ~/src/").Puts(home+"/src/"),
// Tilde and wildcard.
That("put ~/*").Puts(home+"/file1", home+"/file2"),
// Regression test for b.elv.sh/1246.
That("put ~other").Puts(otherHome),
// Regression test for #793.
That("put ~other/*").Puts(otherHome+"/other1", otherHome+"/other2"),
That("put ~bad/*").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("don't know home of bad"), "~bad/*"),
// TODO: This should be a compilation error.
That("put ~*").Throws(ErrCannotDetermineUsername, "~*"),
func TestTilde_ErrorForCurrentUser(t *testing.T) {
err := errors.New("fake error")
testutil.Set(t, GetHome, func(name string) (string, error) { return "", err })
That("put ~").Throws(err, "~"),
That("put ~/foo").Throws(err, "~/foo"),
That("put ~/*").Throws(err, "~/*"),
func TestWildcard(t *testing.T) {
That("put ***").DoesNotCompile(`bad wildcard: "***"`),
// More tests in glob_test.go
func TestOutputCapture(t *testing.T) {
// Output capture
That("put (put lorem ipsum)").Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
That("put (print \"lorem\nipsum\")").Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// \r\n is also supported as a line separator
That(`print "lorem\r\nipsum\r\n" | all`).Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
func TestExceptionCapture(t *testing.T) {
// Exception capture
That("bool ?(nop); bool ?(e:false)").Puts(true, false),
func TestVariableUse(t *testing.T) {
That("var x = foo", "put $x").Puts("foo"),
// Must exist before use
That("put $x").DoesNotCompile("variable $x not found"),
That("put $x[0]").DoesNotCompile("variable $x not found"),
// Compounding
That("var x = SHELL", "put 'WOW, SUCH '$x', MUCH COOL'\n").
// Splicing
That("var x = [elvish rules]", "put $@x").Puts("elvish", "rules"),
// Variable namespace
// ------------------
// Unqualified name resolves to local name before upvalue.
That("var x = outer; { var x = inner; put $x }").Puts("inner"),
// Unqualified name resolves to upvalue if no local name exists.
That("var x = outer; { put $x }").Puts("outer"),
// Unqualified name resolves to builtin if no local name or upvalue
// exists.
That("put $true").Puts(true),
// Names like $:foo are reserved for now.
That("var x = val; put $:x").DoesNotCompile("variable $:x not found"),
// Pseudo-namespace E: provides read-write access to environment
// variables. Colons inside the name are supported.
That("set-env a:b VAL; put $E:a:b").Puts("VAL"),
That("set E:a:b = VAL2; get-env a:b").Puts("VAL2"),
// Pseudo-namespace e: provides readonly access to external commands.
// Only names ending in ~ are resolved, and resolution always succeeds
// regardless of whether the command actually exists. Colons inside the
// name are supported.
That("put $e:a:b~").Puts(NewExternalCmd("a:b")),
// A "normal" namespace access indexes the namespace as a variable.
That("var ns: = (ns [&a= val]); put $ns:a").Puts("val"),
// Multi-level namespace access is supported.
That("var ns: = (ns [&a:= (ns [&b= val])]); put $ns:a:b").Puts("val"),
func TestVariableUse_NonExistentVariableInModule(t *testing.T) {
TestWithSetup(t, func(ev *Evaler) { ev.AddModule("mod", &Ns{}) },
// Variables in other modules are checked at runtime.
That("use mod; put $mod:bad").Throws(
ErrorWithMessage("variable $mod:bad not found"), "$mod:bad"),
func TestClosure(t *testing.T) {
That("{|| }").DoesNothing(),
That("{|x| put $x} foo").Puts("foo"),
// Assigning to captured variable
That("var x = lorem; {|| set x = ipsum}; put $x").Puts("ipsum"),
That("var x = lorem; {|| put $x; set x = ipsum }; put $x").
Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// Assigning to element of captured variable
That("var x = a; { set x = b }; put $x").Puts("b"),
That("var x = [a]; { set x[0] = b }; put $x[0]").Puts("b"),
// Shadowing
That("var x = ipsum; { var x = lorem; put $x }; put $x").
Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// Shadowing by argument
That("var x = ipsum; {|x| put $x; set x = BAD } lorem; put $x").
Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// Closure captures new local variables every time
That("fn f { var x = (num 0); put { set x = (+ $x 1) } { put $x } }",
"var inc1 put1 = (f); $put1; $inc1; $put1",
"var inc2 put2 = (f); $put2; $inc2; $put2").Puts(0, 1, 0, 1),
// Rest argument.
That("{|x @xs| put $x $xs } a b c").Puts("a", vals.MakeList("b", "c")),
That("{|a @b c| put $a $b $c } a b c d").
Puts("a", vals.MakeList("b", "c"), "d"),
// Options.
That("{|a &k=v| put $a $k } foo &k=bar").Puts("foo", "bar"),
// Option default value.
That("{|a &k=v| put $a $k } foo").Puts("foo", "v"),
// Option must have default value
That("{|&k| }").DoesNotCompile("option must have default value"),
// Exception when evaluating option default value.
That("{|&a=[][0]| }").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
// Option default value must be one value.
That("{|&a=(put foo bar)| }").Throws(
errs.ArityMismatch{What: "option default value", ValidLow: 1, ValidHigh: 1, Actual: 2},
"(put foo bar)"),
// Argument name must be unqualified.
That("{|a:b| }").DoesNotCompile("argument name must be unqualified"),
// Argument name must not be empty.
That("{|''| }").DoesNotCompile("argument name must not be empty"),
That("{|@| }").DoesNotCompile("argument name must not be empty"),
// Option name must be unqualified.
That("{|&a:b=1| }").DoesNotCompile("option name must be unqualified"),
// Option name must not be empty.
That("{|&''=b| }").DoesNotCompile("option name must not be empty"),
// Should not have multiple rest arguments.
That("{|@a @b| }").DoesNotCompile("only one argument may have @ prefix"),