Qi Xiao 201fcc009a Makefile: Change the "get" target to use "go build".
The target defauls to $GOPATH/bin/elvish to emulate the behavior of "go get",
but can be overriden by the ELVISH_MAKE_BIN environment variable.
2021-06-06 22:29:30 +01:00

48 lines
1.6 KiB

ELVISH_MAKE_BIN ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin/elvish
default: test get
export CGO_ENABLED=0; \
if go env GOOS GOARCH | egrep -qx '(windows .*|linux (amd64|arm64))'; then \
export GOFLAGS=-buildmode=pie; \
fi; \
mkdir -p $(shell dirname $(ELVISH_MAKE_BIN))
go build -o $(ELVISH_MAKE_BIN) -trimpath -ldflags \
"-X src.elv.sh/pkg/buildinfo.VersionSuffix=-dev.$$(git rev-parse HEAD)$$(git diff HEAD --quiet || printf +%s `uname -n`) \
-X src.elv.sh/pkg/buildinfo.Reproducible=true" ./cmd/elvish
go generate ./...
# Run unit tests -- with race detection if the platform supports it. Go's
# Windows port supports race detection, but requires GCC, so we don't enable it
# there.
go test $(shell ./tools/run-race.sh) ./...
# Generate a basic test coverage report. This will open the report in your
# browser. See also https://codecov.io/gh/elves/elvish/.
go test -coverprofile=cover -coverpkg=./pkg/... ./pkg/...
go tool cover -html=cover
go tool cover -func=cover | tail -1 | awk '{ print "Overall coverage:", $$NF }'
# Ensure the style of Go and Markdown source files is consistent.
find . -name '*.go' | xargs goimports -w
find . -name '*.md' | xargs prettier --tab-width 4 --prose-wrap always --write
# Check if the style of the Go and Markdown files is correct without modifying
# those files.
checkstyle: checkstyle-go checkstyle-md
.SILENT: checkstyle-go checkstyle-md
.PHONY: default get generate test style checkstyle checkstyle-go checkstyle-md cover