2014-03-13 22:27:38 +08:00

540 lines
13 KiB

package edit
import (
const (
completionListingColMargin int = 2
navigationListingColMargin = 1
navigationListingColPadding = 1
navigationListingMinWidthForPadding = 5
// cell is an indivisible unit on the screen. It is not necessarily 1 column
// wide.
type cell struct {
width byte
attr string
// pos is the position within a buffer.
type pos struct {
line, col int
var InvalidPos = pos{-1, -1}
func lineWidth(cs []cell) int {
w := 0
for _, c := range cs {
w += int(c.width)
return w
// buffer reflects a continuous range of lines on the terminal. The Unix
// terminal API provides only awkward ways of querying the terminal buffer, so
// we keep an internal reflection and do one-way synchronizations (buffer ->
// terminal, and not the other way around). This requires us to exactly match
// the terminal's idea of the width of characters (wcwidth) and where to
// insert soft carriage returns, so there could be bugs.
type buffer struct {
width, col, indent int
newlineWhenFull bool
cells [][]cell // cells reflect len(cells) lines on the terminal.
dot pos // dot is what the user perceives as the cursor.
func newBuffer(width int) *buffer {
return &buffer{width: width, cells: [][]cell{make([]cell, 0, width)}}
func (b *buffer) appendCell(c cell) {
n := len(b.cells)
b.cells[n-1] = append(b.cells[n-1], c)
b.col += int(c.width)
func (b *buffer) appendLine() {
b.cells = append(b.cells, make([]cell, 0, b.width))
b.col = 0
func (b *buffer) newline() {
if b.indent > 0 {
for i := 0; i < b.indent; i++ {
b.appendCell(cell{rune: ' ', width: 1})
func (b *buffer) extend(b2 *buffer) {
if b2 != nil && b2.cells != nil {
b.cells = append(b.cells, b2.cells...)
b.col = b2.col
func makeSpacing(n int) []cell {
s := make([]cell, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
s[i].rune = ' '
s[i].width = 1
return s
// extendHorizontal extends b horizontally, appending each line in b2 to b,
// preceeded by m margin. If b2 has more lines than b, the last len(b2) -
// len(b) lines are first filled with paddings of width w.
func (b *buffer) extendHorizontal(b2 *buffer, w, m int) {
i := 0
margin := makeSpacing(m)
for ; i < len(b.cells) && i < len(b2.cells); i++ {
if w0 := lineWidth(b.cells[i]); w0 < w {
b.cells[i] = append(b.cells[i], makeSpacing(w-w0)...)
b.cells[i] = append(append(b.cells[i], margin...), b2.cells[i]...)
padding := makeSpacing(w + m)
for ; i < len(b2.cells); i++ {
row := make([]cell, 0, w+m+len(b2.cells[i]))
row = append(append(row, padding...), b2.cells[i]...)
b.cells = append(b.cells, row)
// write appends a single rune to a buffer.
func (b *buffer) write(r rune, attr string) {
if r == '\n' {
} else if !unicode.IsPrint(r) {
// BUG(xiaq): buffer.write drops unprintable runes silently
wd := WcWidth(r)
c := cell{r, byte(wd), attr}
if b.col+wd > b.width {
} else {
if b.col == b.width && b.newlineWhenFull {
func (b *buffer) writes(s string, attr string) {
for _, r := range s {
b.write(r, attr)
func (b *buffer) writePadding(w int, attr string) {
b.writes(strings.Repeat(" ", w), attr)
func (b *buffer) line() int {
return len(b.cells) - 1
func (b *buffer) cursor() pos {
return pos{len(b.cells) - 1, b.col}
func (b *buffer) trimToLines(low, high int) {
for i := 0; i < low; i++ {
b.cells[i] = nil
for i := high; i < len(b.cells); i++ {
b.cells[i] = nil
b.cells = b.cells[low:high]
b.dot.line -= low
// writer is the part of an Editor responsible for keeping the status of and
// updating the screen.
type writer struct {
file *os.File
oldBuf *buffer
func newWriter(f *os.File) *writer {
writer := &writer{file: f, oldBuf: newBuffer(0)}
return writer
// deltaPos calculates the escape sequence needed to move the cursor from one
// position to another.
func deltaPos(from, to pos) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if from.line < to.line {
// move down
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\033[%dB", to.line-from.line)
} else if from.line > to.line {
// move up
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\033[%dA", from.line-to.line)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\033[%dG", to.col+1)
return buf.Bytes()
func compareRows(r1, r2 []cell) (bool, int) {
for i, c := range r1 {
if i >= len(r2) || c != r2[i] {
return false, i
if len(r1) < len(r2) {
return false, len(r1)
} else {
return true, 0
// commitBuffer updates the terminal display to reflect current buffer.
// TODO Instead of erasing w.oldBuf entirely and then draw buf, compute a
// delta between w.oldBuf and buf
func (w *writer) commitBuffer(buf *buffer) error {
var fullRefresh bool
if buf.width != w.oldBuf.width && w.oldBuf.cells != nil {
// Width change, force full refresh
w.oldBuf.cells = nil
fullRefresh = true
bytesBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
// Rewind cursor
if pLine := w.oldBuf.dot.line; pLine > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(bytesBuf, "\033[%dA", pLine)
attr := ""
for i, line := range buf.cells {
if i > 0 {
var j int // First column where buf and oldBuf differ
// No need to update current line
if i < len(w.oldBuf.cells) {
var eq bool
if eq, j = compareRows(line, w.oldBuf.cells[i]); eq {
// Move to the first differing column and erase the rest of line
fmt.Fprintf(bytesBuf, "\033[%dG\033[K", j+1)
for _, c := range line[j:] {
if c.width > 0 && c.attr != attr {
fmt.Fprintf(bytesBuf, "\033[m\033[%sm", c.attr)
attr = c.attr
// If the old buffer is higher, erase old content
if len(w.oldBuf.cells) > len(buf.cells) || fullRefresh {
if attr != "" {
cursor := buf.cursor()
bytesBuf.Write(deltaPos(cursor, buf.dot))
_, err := w.file.Write(bytesBuf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
w.oldBuf = buf
return nil
func lines(bufs ...*buffer) (l int) {
for _, buf := range bufs {
if buf != nil {
l += len(buf.cells)
// findWindow finds a window of lines around the selected line in a total
// number of height lines, that is at most max lines.
func findWindow(height, selected, max int) (low, high int) {
if height > max {
low = selected - max/2
high = low + max
switch {
case low < 0:
// Near top of the list, move the window down
low = 0
high = low + max
case high > height:
// Near bottom of the list, move the window down
high = height
low = high - max
} else {
return 0, height
func trimToWindow(s []string, selected, max int) ([]string, int) {
low, high := findWindow(len(s), selected, max)
return s[low:high], low
func renderNavColumn(nc *navColumn, w, h int) *buffer {
b := newBuffer(w)
low, high := findWindow(len(nc.names), nc.selected, h)
for i := low; i < high; i++ {
if i > low {
text := nc.names[i]
attr := nc.attrs[i]
if i == nc.selected {
attr += attrForSelectedFile
if w >= navigationListingMinWidthForPadding {
padding := navigationListingColPadding
b.writePadding(padding, attr)
b.writes(ForceWcWidth(text, w-2), attr)
b.writePadding(padding, attr)
} else {
b.writes(ForceWcWidth(text, w), attr)
return b
// refresh redraws the line editor. The dot is passed as an index into text;
// the corresponding position will be calculated.
func (w *writer) refresh(bs *editorState, histories []string) error {
winsize := tty.GetWinsize(int(w.file.Fd()))
width, height := int(winsize.Col), int(winsize.Row)
var bufLine, bufMode, bufTips, bufListing, buf *buffer
// bufLine
b := newBuffer(width)
bufLine = b
b.newlineWhenFull = true
b.writes(bs.prompt, attrForPrompt)
if b.line() == 0 && b.col*2 < b.width {
b.indent = b.col
// i keeps track of number of bytes written.
i := 0
if bs.dot == 0 {
b.dot = b.cursor()
comp := bs.completion
var suppress = false
for _, token := range bs.tokens {
for _, r := range token.Val {
if suppress && i < comp.end {
// Silence the part that is being completed
} else {
b.write(r, attrForType[token.Typ])
i += utf8.RuneLen(r)
if comp != nil && comp.current != -1 && i == comp.start {
// Put the current candidate and instruct text up to comp.end
// to be suppressed. The cursor should be placed correctly
// (i.e. right after the candidate)
for _, part := range comp.candidates[comp.current].parts {
attr := attrForType[comp.typ]
if part.completed {
attr += attrForCompleted
b.writes(part.text, attr)
suppress = true
if bs.mode == modeHistory && i == len(bs.history.prefix) {
break tokens
if bs.dot == i {
b.dot = b.cursor()
if bs.mode == modeHistory {
// Put the rest of current history, position the cursor at the
// end of the line, and finish writing
h := bs.history
b.writes(histories[h.current][len(h.prefix):], attrForCompletedHistory)
b.dot = b.cursor()
// Write rprompt
padding := b.width - b.col - WcWidths(bs.rprompt)
if padding >= 1 {
b.newlineWhenFull = false
b.writePadding(padding, "")
b.writes(bs.rprompt, attrForRprompt)
// bufMode
if bs.mode != modeInsert {
b := newBuffer(width)
bufMode = b
text := ""
switch bs.mode {
case modeCommand:
text = "Command"
case modeCompletion:
text = fmt.Sprintf("Completing %s", bs.line[comp.start:comp.end])
case modeNavigation:
text = "Navigating"
case modeHistory:
text = fmt.Sprintf("History #%d", bs.history.current)
b.writes(TrimWcWidth(text, width), attrForMode)
// bufTips
// TODO tips is assumed to contain no newlines.
if len(bs.tips) > 0 {
b := newBuffer(width)
bufTips = b
b.writes(TrimWcWidth(strings.Join(bs.tips, ", "), width), attrForTip)
hListing := 0
// Trim lines and determine the maximum height for bufListing
switch {
case height >= lines(bufLine, bufMode, bufTips):
hListing = height - lines(bufLine, bufMode, bufTips)
case height >= lines(bufLine, bufTips):
bufMode, bufListing = nil, nil
case height >= lines(bufLine):
bufTips, bufMode, bufListing = nil, nil, nil
case height >= 1:
bufTips, bufMode, bufListing = nil, nil, nil
dotLine := bufLine.dot.line
bufLine.trimToLines(dotLine+1-height, dotLine+1)
bufLine, bufTips, bufMode, bufListing = nil, nil, nil, nil
// Render bufListing under the maximum height constraint
nav := bs.navigation
if hListing > 0 && comp != nil || nav != nil {
b := newBuffer(width)
bufListing = b
// Completion listing
if comp != nil {
// Layout candidates in multiple columns
cands := comp.candidates
// First decide the shape (# of rows and columns)
colWidth := 0
margin := completionListingColMargin
for _, cand := range cands {
width := WcWidths(cand.text)
if colWidth < width {
colWidth = width
cols := (b.width + margin) / (colWidth + margin)
if cols == 0 {
cols = 1
lines := util.CeilDiv(len(cands), cols)
bs.completionLines = lines
// Determine the window to show.
low, high := findWindow(lines, comp.current%lines, hListing)
for i := low; i < high; i++ {
if i > low {
for j := 0; j < cols; j++ {
k := j*lines + i
if k >= len(cands) {
attr := cands[k].attr
if k == comp.current {
attr += attrForCurrentCompletion
text := cands[k].text
b.writes(ForceWcWidth(text, colWidth), attr)
b.writePadding(margin, "")
// Navigation listing
if nav != nil {
margin := navigationListingColMargin
var ratioParent, ratioCurrent, ratioPreview int
if nav.dirPreview != nil {
ratioParent = 15
ratioCurrent = 40
ratioPreview = 45
} else {
ratioParent = 15
ratioCurrent = 75
// Leave some space at the right side
w := width - margin*2
wParent := w * ratioParent / 100
wCurrent := w * ratioCurrent / 100
wPreview := w * ratioPreview / 100
b := renderNavColumn(nav.parent, wParent, hListing)
bufListing = b
bCurrent := renderNavColumn(nav.current, wCurrent, hListing)
b.extendHorizontal(bCurrent, wParent, margin)
if wPreview > 0 {
bPreview := renderNavColumn(nav.dirPreview, wPreview, hListing)
b.extendHorizontal(bPreview, wParent+wCurrent+margin, margin)
// Combine buffers (reusing bufLine)
buf = bufLine
return w.commitBuffer(buf)