mirror of
synced 2024-12-05 03:17:50 +08:00
Previously, to avoid showing deprecation warnings for the next release when the user is running on HEAD, a boolean CLI flag -show-deprecations is introduced, and is set to false in the master branch. The idea is that release branches will have this default to true, so people running released versions will see deprecations. However, this means that people running on HEAD will never see any deprecations unless they use this CLI flag, which is not ideal. This commit replaces the flag bool -show-deprecations with a numerical -deprecation-level flag, which requests deprecations that are active as of release 0.X to be shown. The default value of this flag will be the minor version number of the *last* release, so that people running HEAD will see as many deprecation warnings as people running the last release would. This number will be bumped just before releases.
588 lines
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588 lines
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package eval
import (
// An operation that produces values.
type valuesOp interface {
exec(*Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception)
var outputCaptureBufferSize = 16
func (cp *compiler) compoundOp(n *parse.Compound) valuesOp {
if len(n.Indexings) == 0 {
return literalValues(n, "")
tilde := false
indexings := n.Indexings
if n.Indexings[0].Head.Type == parse.Tilde {
// A lone ~.
if len(n.Indexings) == 1 {
return loneTildeOp{n.Range()}
tilde = true
indexings = indexings[1:]
return compoundOp{n.Range(), tilde, cp.indexingOps(indexings)}
type loneTildeOp struct{ diag.Ranging }
func (op loneTildeOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
home, err := fsutil.GetHome("")
if err != nil {
return nil, fm.errorp(op, err)
return []interface{}{home}, nil
func (cp *compiler) compoundOps(ns []*parse.Compound) []valuesOp {
ops := make([]valuesOp, len(ns))
for i, n := range ns {
ops[i] = cp.compoundOp(n)
return ops
type compoundOp struct {
tilde bool
subops []valuesOp
func (op compoundOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
// Accumulator.
vs, exc := op.subops[0].exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
for _, subop := range op.subops[1:] {
us, exc := subop.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
var err error
vs, err = outerProduct(vs, us, vals.Concat)
if err != nil {
return nil, fm.errorp(op, err)
if op.tilde {
newvs := make([]interface{}, len(vs))
for i, v := range vs {
tilded, err := doTilde(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, fm.errorp(op, err)
newvs[i] = tilded
vs = newvs
hasGlob := false
for _, v := range vs {
if _, ok := v.(globPattern); ok {
hasGlob = true
if hasGlob {
newvs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(vs))
for _, v := range vs {
if gp, ok := v.(globPattern); ok {
results, err := doGlob(gp, fm.Interrupts())
if err != nil {
return nil, fm.errorp(op, err)
newvs = append(newvs, results...)
} else {
newvs = append(newvs, v)
vs = newvs
return vs, nil
func outerProduct(vs []interface{}, us []interface{}, f func(interface{}, interface{}) (interface{}, error)) ([]interface{}, error) {
ws := make([]interface{}, len(vs)*len(us))
nu := len(us)
for i, v := range vs {
for j, u := range us {
var err error
ws[i*nu+j], err = f(v, u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ws, nil
// Errors thrown when globbing.
var (
ErrBadglobPattern = errors.New("bad globPattern; elvish bug")
ErrCannotDetermineUsername = errors.New("cannot determine user name from glob pattern")
func doTilde(v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
s := v
i := strings.Index(s, "/")
var uname, rest string
if i == -1 {
uname = s
} else {
uname = s[:i]
rest = s[i+1:]
dir, err := fsutil.GetHome(uname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We do not use path.Join, as it removes trailing slashes.
// TODO(xiaq): Make this correct on Windows.
return dir + "/" + rest, nil
case globPattern:
if len(v.Segments) == 0 {
return nil, ErrBadglobPattern
switch seg := v.Segments[0].(type) {
case glob.Literal:
if len(v.Segments) == 1 {
return nil, ErrBadglobPattern
_, isSlash := v.Segments[1].(glob.Slash)
if isSlash {
// ~username or ~username/xxx. Replace the first segment with
// the home directory of the specified user.
dir, err := fsutil.GetHome(seg.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v.Segments[0] = glob.Literal{Data: dir}
return v, nil
case glob.Slash:
dir, err := fsutil.GetHome("")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v.DirOverride = dir
return v, nil
return nil, ErrCannotDetermineUsername
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tilde doesn't work on value of type %s", vals.Kind(v))
func (cp *compiler) arrayOp(n *parse.Array) valuesOp {
return seqValuesOp{n.Range(), cp.compoundOps(n.Compounds)}
func (cp *compiler) arrayOps(ns []*parse.Array) []valuesOp {
ops := make([]valuesOp, len(ns))
for i, n := range ns {
ops[i] = cp.arrayOp(n)
return ops
func (cp *compiler) indexingOp(n *parse.Indexing) valuesOp {
if len(n.Indicies) == 0 {
return cp.primaryOp(n.Head)
return &indexingOp{n.Range(), cp.primaryOp(n.Head), cp.arrayOps(n.Indicies)}
func (cp *compiler) indexingOps(ns []*parse.Indexing) []valuesOp {
ops := make([]valuesOp, len(ns))
for i, n := range ns {
ops[i] = cp.indexingOp(n)
return ops
type indexingOp struct {
headOp valuesOp
indexOps []valuesOp
func (op *indexingOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
vs, exc := op.headOp.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
for _, indexOp := range op.indexOps {
indices, exc := indexOp.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
newvs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(vs)*len(indices))
for _, v := range vs {
for _, index := range indices {
result, err := vals.Index(v, index)
if err != nil {
return nil, fm.errorp(op, err)
// Check the legacy low:high slice syntax deprecated since 0.15.
deprecation := vals.CheckDeprecatedIndex(v, index)
if deprecation != "" {
fm.Deprecate(deprecation, indexOp, 15)
newvs = append(newvs, result)
vs = newvs
return vs, nil
func (cp *compiler) primaryOp(n *parse.Primary) valuesOp {
switch n.Type {
case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
return literalValues(n, n.Value)
case parse.Variable:
sigil, qname := SplitSigil(n.Value)
ref := resolveVarRef(cp, qname, n)
if ref == nil {
cp.errorpf(n, "variable $%s not found", qname)
return &variableOp{n.Range(), sigil != "", qname, ref}
case parse.Wildcard:
seg, err := wildcardToSegment(parse.SourceText(n))
if err != nil {
cp.errorpf(n, "%s", err)
vs := []interface{}{
globPattern{Pattern: glob.Pattern{Segments: []glob.Segment{seg}, DirOverride: ""},
Flags: 0, Buts: nil, TypeCb: nil}}
return literalValues(n, vs...)
case parse.Tilde:
cp.errorpf(n, "compiler bug: Tilde not handled in .compound")
return literalValues(n, "~")
case parse.ExceptionCapture:
return exceptionCaptureOp{n.Range(), cp.chunkOp(n.Chunk)}
case parse.OutputCapture:
return outputCaptureOp{n.Range(), cp.chunkOp(n.Chunk)}
case parse.List:
return listOp{n.Range(), cp.compoundOps(n.Elements)}
case parse.Lambda:
return cp.lambda(n)
case parse.Map:
return mapOp{n.Range(), cp.mapPairs(n.MapPairs)}
case parse.Braced:
return seqValuesOp{n.Range(), cp.compoundOps(n.Braced)}
cp.errorpf(n, "bad PrimaryType; parser bug")
return literalValues(n, parse.SourceText(n))
func (cp *compiler) primaryOps(ns []*parse.Primary) []valuesOp {
ops := make([]valuesOp, len(ns))
for i, n := range ns {
ops[i] = cp.primaryOp(n)
return ops
type variableOp struct {
explode bool
qname string
ref *varRef
func (op variableOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
variable := deref(fm, op.ref)
if variable == nil {
return nil, fm.errorpf(op, "variable $%s not found", op.qname)
value := variable.Get()
if op.explode {
vs, err := vals.Collect(value)
return vs, fm.errorp(op, err)
return []interface{}{value}, nil
type listOp struct {
subops []valuesOp
func (op listOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
list := vals.EmptyList
for _, subop := range op.subops {
moreValues, exc := subop.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
for _, moreValue := range moreValues {
list = list.Cons(moreValue)
return []interface{}{list}, nil
type exceptionCaptureOp struct {
subop effectOp
func (op exceptionCaptureOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
exc := op.subop.exec(fm)
if exc == nil {
return []interface{}{OK}, nil
return []interface{}{exc}, nil
type outputCaptureOp struct {
subop effectOp
func (op outputCaptureOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
outPort, collect, err := CapturePort()
if err != nil {
return nil, fm.errorp(op, err)
exc := op.subop.exec(fm.forkWithOutput("[output capture]", outPort))
return collect(), exc
func (cp *compiler) lambda(n *parse.Primary) valuesOp {
// Parse signature.
var (
argNames []string
restArg int = -1
optNames []string
optDefaultOps []valuesOp
if len(n.Elements) > 0 {
// Argument list.
argNames = make([]string, len(n.Elements))
for i, arg := range n.Elements {
ref := mustString(cp, arg, "argument name must be literal string")
sigil, qname := SplitSigil(ref)
name, rest := SplitQName(qname)
if rest != "" {
cp.errorpf(arg, "argument name must be unqualified")
if name == "" {
cp.errorpf(arg, "argument name must not be empty")
if sigil == "@" {
if restArg != -1 {
cp.errorpf(arg, "only one argument may have @")
restArg = i
argNames[i] = name
if len(n.MapPairs) > 0 {
optNames = make([]string, len(n.MapPairs))
optDefaultOps = make([]valuesOp, len(n.MapPairs))
for i, opt := range n.MapPairs {
qname := mustString(cp, opt.Key, "option name must be literal string")
name, rest := SplitQName(qname)
if rest != "" {
cp.errorpf(opt.Key, "option name must be unqualified")
if name == "" {
cp.errorpf(opt.Key, "option name must not be empty")
optNames[i] = name
if opt.Value == nil {
cp.errorpf(opt.Key, "option must have default value")
} else {
optDefaultOps[i] = cp.compoundOp(opt.Value)
local, capture := cp.pushScope()
for _, argName := range argNames {
for _, optName := range optNames {
scopeSizeInit := len(local.names)
chunkOp := cp.chunkOp(n.Chunk)
newLocal := local.names[scopeSizeInit:]
return &lambdaOp{n.Range(), argNames, restArg, optNames, optDefaultOps, newLocal, capture, chunkOp, cp.srcMeta}
type lambdaOp struct {
argNames []string
restArg int
optNames []string
optDefaultOps []valuesOp
newLocal []string
capture *staticUpNs
subop effectOp
srcMeta parse.Source
func (op *lambdaOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
capture := &Ns{
make([]vars.Var, len(op.capture.names)),
make([]bool, len(op.capture.names))}
for i := range op.capture.names {
if op.capture.local[i] {
capture.slots[i] = fm.local.slots[op.capture.index[i]]
} else {
capture.slots[i] = fm.up.slots[op.capture.index[i]]
optDefaults := make([]interface{}, len(op.optDefaultOps))
for i, op := range op.optDefaultOps {
defaultValue, err := evalForValue(fm, op, "option default value")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
optDefaults[i] = defaultValue
return []interface{}{&closure{op.argNames, op.restArg, op.optNames, optDefaults, op.subop, op.newLocal, capture, op.srcMeta, op.Range()}}, nil
type mapOp struct {
pairsOp *mapPairsOp
func (op mapOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
m := vals.EmptyMap
exc := op.pairsOp.exec(fm, func(k, v interface{}) Exception {
m = m.Assoc(k, v)
return nil
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
return []interface{}{m}, nil
func (cp *compiler) mapPairs(pairs []*parse.MapPair) *mapPairsOp {
npairs := len(pairs)
keysOps := make([]valuesOp, npairs)
valuesOps := make([]valuesOp, npairs)
begins, ends := make([]int, npairs), make([]int, npairs)
for i, pair := range pairs {
keysOps[i] = cp.compoundOp(pair.Key)
if pair.Value == nil {
p := pair.Range().To
valuesOps[i] = literalValues(diag.PointRanging(p), true)
} else {
valuesOps[i] = cp.compoundOp(pairs[i].Value)
begins[i], ends[i] = pair.Range().From, pair.Range().To
return &mapPairsOp{keysOps, valuesOps, begins, ends}
type mapPairsOp struct {
keysOps []valuesOp
valuesOps []valuesOp
begins []int
ends []int
func (op *mapPairsOp) exec(fm *Frame, f func(k, v interface{}) Exception) Exception {
for i := range op.keysOps {
keys, exc := op.keysOps[i].exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return exc
values, exc := op.valuesOps[i].exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return exc
if len(keys) != len(values) {
return fm.errorpf(diag.Ranging{From: op.begins[i], To: op.ends[i]},
"%d keys but %d values", len(keys), len(values))
for j, key := range keys {
err := f(key, values[j])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type literalValuesOp struct {
values []interface{}
func (op literalValuesOp) exec(*Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
return op.values, nil
func literalValues(r diag.Ranger, vs ...interface{}) valuesOp {
return literalValuesOp{r.Range(), vs}
type seqValuesOp struct {
subops []valuesOp
func (op seqValuesOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) {
var values []interface{}
for _, subop := range op.subops {
moreValues, exc := subop.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
values = append(values, moreValues...)
return values, nil
type nopValuesOp struct{ diag.Ranging }
func (nopValuesOp) exec(fm *Frame) ([]interface{}, Exception) { return nil, nil }
func evalForValue(fm *Frame, op valuesOp, what string) (interface{}, Exception) {
values, exc := op.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return nil, exc
if len(values) != 1 {
return nil, fm.errorp(op, errs.ArityMismatch{
What: what, ValidLow: 1, ValidHigh: 1, Actual: len(values)})
return values[0], nil