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383 lines
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package hashmap
import (
const (
NSequential = 0x1000
NCollision = 0x100
NRandom = 0x4000
NReplace = 0x200
SmallRandomPass = 0x100
NSmallRandom = 0x400
SmallRandomHighBound = 0x50
SmallRandomLowBound = 0x200
NArrayNode = 0x100
NIneffectiveDissoc = 0x200
N1 = nodeCap + 1
N2 = nodeCap*nodeCap + 1
N3 = nodeCap*nodeCap*nodeCap + 1
type testKey uint64
type anotherTestKey uint32
func equalFunc(k1, k2 any) bool {
switch k1 := k1.(type) {
case testKey:
t2, ok := k2.(testKey)
return ok && k1 == t2
case anotherTestKey:
return false
return k1 == k2
func hashFunc(k any) uint32 {
switch k := k.(type) {
case uint32:
return k
case string:
return hash.String(k)
case testKey:
// Return the lower 32 bits for testKey. This is intended so that hash
// collisions can be easily constructed.
return uint32(k & 0xffffffff)
case anotherTestKey:
return uint32(k)
return 0
var empty = New(equalFunc, hashFunc)
type refEntry struct {
k testKey
v string
func hex(i uint64) string {
return "0x" + strconv.FormatUint(i, 16)
func init() {
var randomStrings []string
// getRandomStrings returns a slice of N3 random strings. It builds the slice
// once and caches it. If the slice is built for the first time, it stops the
// timer of the benchmark.
func getRandomStrings(b *testing.B) []string {
if randomStrings == nil {
defer b.StartTimer()
randomStrings = make([]string, N3)
for i := 0; i < N3; i++ {
randomStrings[i] = makeRandomString()
return randomStrings
// makeRandomString builds a random string consisting of n bytes (randomized
// between 0 and 99) and each byte is randomized between 0 and 255. The string
// need not be valid UTF-8.
func makeRandomString() string {
bytes := make([]byte, rand.Intn(100))
for i := range bytes {
bytes[i] = byte(rand.Intn(256))
return string(bytes)
func TestHashMap(t *testing.T) {
var refEntries []refEntry
add := func(k testKey, v string) {
refEntries = append(refEntries, refEntry{k, v})
for i := 0; i < NSequential; i++ {
add(testKey(i), hex(uint64(i)))
for i := 0; i < NCollision; i++ {
add(testKey(uint64(i+1)<<32), "collision "+hex(uint64(i)))
for i := 0; i < NRandom; i++ {
// Avoid rand.Uint64 for compatibility with pre 1.8 Go
k := uint64(rand.Int63())>>31 | uint64(rand.Int63())<<32
add(testKey(k), "random "+hex(k))
for i := 0; i < NReplace; i++ {
k := uint64(rand.Int31n(NSequential))
add(testKey(k), "replace "+hex(k))
testHashMapWithRefEntries(t, refEntries)
func TestHashMapSmallRandom(t *testing.T) {
for p := 0; p < SmallRandomPass; p++ {
var refEntries []refEntry
add := func(k testKey, v string) {
refEntries = append(refEntries, refEntry{k, v})
for i := 0; i < NSmallRandom; i++ {
k := uint64(uint64(rand.Int31n(SmallRandomHighBound))<<32 |
add(testKey(k), "random "+hex(k))
testHashMapWithRefEntries(t, refEntries)
var marshalJSONTests = []struct {
in Map
wantOut string
wantErr bool
{makeHashMap(uint32(1), "a", "2", "b"), `{"1":"a","2":"b"}`, false},
// Invalid key type
{makeHashMap([]any{}, "x"), "", true},
func TestMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range marshalJSONTests {
out, err := test.in.MarshalJSON()
if string(out) != test.wantOut {
t.Errorf("m%d.MarshalJSON -> out %s, want %s", i, out, test.wantOut)
if (err != nil) != test.wantErr {
var wantErr string
if test.wantErr {
wantErr = "non-nil"
} else {
wantErr = "nil"
t.Errorf("m%d.MarshalJSON -> err %v, want %s", i, err, wantErr)
func makeHashMap(data ...any) Map {
m := empty
for i := 0; i+1 < len(data); i += 2 {
k, v := data[i], data[i+1]
m = m.Assoc(k, v)
return m
// testHashMapWithRefEntries tests the operations of a Map. It uses the supplied
// list of entries to build the map, and then test all its operations.
func testHashMapWithRefEntries(t *testing.T, refEntries []refEntry) {
m := empty
// Len of Empty should be 0.
if m.Len() != 0 {
t.Errorf("m.Len = %d, want %d", m.Len(), 0)
// Assoc and Len, test by building a map simultaneously.
ref := make(map[testKey]string, len(refEntries))
for _, e := range refEntries {
ref[e.k] = e.v
m = m.Assoc(e.k, e.v)
if m.Len() != len(ref) {
t.Errorf("m.Len = %d, want %d", m.Len(), len(ref))
// Index.
testMapContent(t, m, ref)
got, in := m.Index(anotherTestKey(0))
if in {
t.Errorf("m.Index <bad key> returns entry %v", got)
// Iterator.
testIterator(t, m, ref)
// Dissoc.
// Ineffective ones.
for i := 0; i < NIneffectiveDissoc; i++ {
k := anotherTestKey(uint32(rand.Int31())>>15 | uint32(rand.Int31())<<16)
m = m.Dissoc(k)
if m.Len() != len(ref) {
t.Errorf("m.Dissoc removes item when it shouldn't")
// Effective ones.
for x := 0; x < len(refEntries); x++ {
i := rand.Intn(len(refEntries))
k := refEntries[i].k
delete(ref, k)
m = m.Dissoc(k)
if m.Len() != len(ref) {
t.Errorf("m.Len() = %d after removing, should be %v", m.Len(), len(ref))
_, in := m.Index(k)
if in {
t.Errorf("m.Index(%v) still returns item after removal", k)
// Checking all elements is expensive. Only do this 1% of the time.
if rand.Float64() < 0.01 {
testMapContent(t, m, ref)
testIterator(t, m, ref)
func testMapContent(t *testing.T, m Map, ref map[testKey]string) {
for k, v := range ref {
got, in := m.Index(k)
if !in {
t.Errorf("m.Index 0x%x returns no entry", k)
if got != v {
t.Errorf("m.Index(0x%x) = %v, want %v", k, got, v)
func testIterator(t *testing.T, m Map, ref map[testKey]string) {
ref2 := map[any]any{}
for k, v := range ref {
ref2[k] = v
for it := m.Iterator(); it.HasElem(); it.Next() {
k, v := it.Elem()
if ref2[k] != v {
t.Errorf("iterator yields unexpected pair %v, %v", k, v)
delete(ref2, k)
if len(ref2) != 0 {
t.Errorf("iterating was not exhaustive")
func TestNilKey(t *testing.T) {
m := empty
testLen := func(l int) {
if m.Len() != l {
t.Errorf(".Len -> %d, want %d", m.Len(), l)
testIndex := func(wantVal any, wantOk bool) {
val, ok := m.Index(nil)
if val != wantVal {
t.Errorf(".Index -> %v, want %v", val, wantVal)
if ok != wantOk {
t.Errorf(".Index -> ok %v, want %v", ok, wantOk)
testIndex(nil, false)
m = m.Assoc(nil, "nil value")
testIndex("nil value", true)
m = m.Assoc(nil, "nil value 2")
testIndex("nil value 2", true)
m = m.Dissoc(nil)
testIndex(nil, false)
func TestIterateMapWithNilKey(t *testing.T) {
m := empty.Assoc("k", "v").Assoc(nil, "nil value")
var collected []any
for it := m.Iterator(); it.HasElem(); it.Next() {
k, v := it.Elem()
collected = append(collected, k, v)
wantCollected := []any{nil, "nil value", "k", "v"}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(collected, wantCollected) {
t.Errorf("collected %v, want %v", collected, wantCollected)
func BenchmarkSequentialConjNative1(b *testing.B) { nativeSequentialAdd(b.N, N1) }
func BenchmarkSequentialConjNative2(b *testing.B) { nativeSequentialAdd(b.N, N2) }
func BenchmarkSequentialConjNative3(b *testing.B) { nativeSequentialAdd(b.N, N3) }
// nativeSequntialAdd starts with an empty native map and adds elements 0...n-1
// to the map, using the same value as the key, repeating for N times.
func nativeSequentialAdd(N int, n uint32) {
for r := 0; r < N; r++ {
m := make(map[uint32]uint32)
for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ {
m[i] = i
func BenchmarkSequentialConjPersistent1(b *testing.B) { sequentialConj(b.N, N1) }
func BenchmarkSequentialConjPersistent2(b *testing.B) { sequentialConj(b.N, N2) }
func BenchmarkSequentialConjPersistent3(b *testing.B) { sequentialConj(b.N, N3) }
// sequentialConj starts with an empty hash map and adds elements 0...n-1 to the
// map, using the same value as the key, repeating for N times.
func sequentialConj(N int, n uint32) {
for r := 0; r < N; r++ {
m := empty
for i := uint32(0); i < n; i++ {
m = m.Assoc(i, i)
func BenchmarkRandomStringsConjNative1(b *testing.B) { nativeRandomStringsAdd(b, N1) }
func BenchmarkRandomStringsConjNative2(b *testing.B) { nativeRandomStringsAdd(b, N2) }
func BenchmarkRandomStringsConjNative3(b *testing.B) { nativeRandomStringsAdd(b, N3) }
// nativeSequntialAdd starts with an empty native map and adds n random strings
// to the map, using the same value as the key, repeating for b.N times.
func nativeRandomStringsAdd(b *testing.B, n int) {
ss := getRandomStrings(b)
for r := 0; r < b.N; r++ {
m := make(map[string]string)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
s := ss[i]
m[s] = s
func BenchmarkRandomStringsConjPersistent1(b *testing.B) { randomStringsConj(b, N1) }
func BenchmarkRandomStringsConjPersistent2(b *testing.B) { randomStringsConj(b, N2) }
func BenchmarkRandomStringsConjPersistent3(b *testing.B) { randomStringsConj(b, N3) }
func randomStringsConj(b *testing.B, n int) {
ss := getRandomStrings(b)
for r := 0; r < b.N; r++ {
m := empty
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
s := ss[i]
m = m.Assoc(s, s)