Qi Xiao 3e9d5e9e60 pkg/eval/str: Add join, replace and split.
The implementations are mostly copied from the builtin joins, replaces and
splits, with small changes to the error behavior in the join function.

The versions in the builtin module are now deprecated.
2020-04-26 17:01:10 +01:00

163 lines
4.2 KiB

package eval
import (
// compiler maintains the set of states needed when compiling a single source
// file.
type compiler struct {
// Builtin namespace.
builtin staticNs
// Lexical namespaces.
scopes []staticNs
// Variables captured from outer scopes.
capture staticNs
// New variables created within a pipeline.
newLocals []string
// Destination of warning messages. This is currently only used for
// deprecation messages.
warn io.Writer
// Deprecation registry.
deprecations deprecationRegistry
// Information about the source.
srcMeta parse.Source
func compile(b, g staticNs, tree parse.Tree, w io.Writer) (op Op, err error) {
cp := &compiler{
b, []staticNs{g}, make(staticNs), nil,
w, newDeprecationRegistry(), tree.Source}
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
} else if e, ok := GetCompilationError(r); ok {
// Save the compilation error and stop the panic.
err = e
} else {
// Resume the panic; it is not supposed to be handled here.
return Op{cp.chunkOp(tree.Root), tree.Source}, nil
func (cp *compiler) errorpf(r diag.Ranger, format string, args ...interface{}) {
// The panic is caught by the recover in compile above.
panic(NewCompilationError(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...),
*diag.NewContext(cp.srcMeta.Name, cp.srcMeta.Code, r)))
func (cp *compiler) thisScope() staticNs {
return cp.scopes[len(cp.scopes)-1]
func (cp *compiler) pushScope() staticNs {
sc := make(staticNs)
cp.scopes = append(cp.scopes, sc)
return sc
func (cp *compiler) popScope() {
cp.scopes[len(cp.scopes)-1] = make(staticNs)
cp.scopes = cp.scopes[:len(cp.scopes)-1]
func (cp *compiler) registerVariableSet(qname string) bool {
return cp.registerVariableAccess(qname, true, nil)
func (cp *compiler) registerVariableGet(qname string, r diag.Ranger) bool {
return cp.registerVariableAccess(qname, false, r)
func (cp *compiler) registerVariableAccess(qname string, set bool, r diag.Ranger) bool {
readLocal := func(name string) bool { return cp.thisScope().has(name) }
readUpvalue := func(name string) bool {
for i := len(cp.scopes) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
if cp.scopes[i].has(name) {
// Existing name: record capture and return.
return true
return false
readBuiltin := func(name string) bool {
cp.checkDeprecatedBuiltin(name, r)
return cp.builtin.has(name)
readNonPseudo := func(name string) bool {
return readLocal(name) || readUpvalue(name) || readBuiltin(name)
createLocal := func(name string) bool {
if set && name != "" && !strings.ContainsRune(name[:len(name)-1], ':') {
cp.newLocals = append(cp.newLocals, name)
return true
return false
ns, name := SplitQNameNsFirst(qname) // ns = "", name = "ns:"
name1 := name // name1 = "ns:"
if name != "" && strings.ContainsRune(name[:len(name)-1], ':') {
name1, _ = SplitQNameNsFirst(name)
// This switch mirrors the structure of that from (*Frame).ResoleVar.
switch ns {
case "E:":
return true
case "e:":
return !set && strings.HasSuffix(name, FnSuffix)
case "local:":
return readLocal(name1) || createLocal(name)
case "up:":
return readUpvalue(name1)
case "builtin:":
return readBuiltin(name1)
case "", ":":
return readNonPseudo(name1) || createLocal(name)
return readNonPseudo(ns)
func (cp *compiler) checkDeprecatedBuiltin(name string, r diag.Ranger) {
if cp.warn == nil || r == nil {
msg := ""
switch name {
case "explode~":
msg = `the "explode" command is deprecated; use "all" instead`
case "join~":
msg = `the "joins" command is deprecated; use "str:join" instead`
case "splits~":
msg = `the "splits" command is deprecated; use "str:split" instead`
case "replaces~":
msg = `the "replaces" command is deprecated; use "str:replace" instead`
dep := deprecation{cp.srcMeta.Name, r.Range(), msg}
if cp.deprecations.register(dep) {
err := diag.Error{
Type: "deprecation", Message: msg,
Context: diag.Context{
Name: cp.srcMeta.Name, Source: cp.srcMeta.Code, Ranging: r.Range()}}
fmt.Fprintln(cp.warn, err.Show(""))