Qi Xiao af906f1d76 pkg/eval: Change all the *Op types to return Exception instead of error.
Also change the variable name used to keep the Exception returned from "err" to

This uncovers several error scenarios that were not returning Exception, and
would result in the absense of stack traces when such errors occur.
2021-01-09 00:25:32 +00:00

199 lines
7.2 KiB

package eval_test
import (
. "github.com/elves/elvish/pkg/eval"
. "github.com/elves/elvish/pkg/eval/evaltest"
func TestCompileValue(t *testing.T) {
home, cleanup := testutil.InTempHome()
defer cleanup()
// Compounding
// -----------
That("put {fi,elvi}sh{1.0,1.1}").Puts(
"fish1.0", "fish1.1", "elvish1.0", "elvish1.1"),
// As a special case, an empty compound expression evaluates to an empty
// string.
That("put {}").Puts(""),
That("put [&k=][k]").Puts(""),
// TODO: Test the case where fsutil.GetHome returns an error.
// Error in any of the components throws an exception.
That("put a{[][1]}").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][1]"),
// Error in concatenating the values throws an exception.
That("put []a").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("cannot concatenate list and string")),
// Error when applying tilde throws an exception.
That("put ~[]").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("tilde doesn't work on value of type list")),
// List, Map and Indexing
// ----------------------
That("echo [a b c] [&key=value] | each $put~").
Puts("[a b c] [&key=value]"),
That("put [a b c][2]").Puts("c"),
That("put [][0]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
That("put [&key=value][key]").Puts("value"),
That("put [&key=value][bad]").Throws(
vals.NoSuchKey("bad"), "[&key=value][bad]"),
// Map keys and values may evaluate to multiple values as long as their
// numbers match.
That("put [&{a b}={foo bar}]").Puts(vals.MakeMap("a", "foo", "b", "bar")),
// List expression errors if an element expression errors.
That("put [ [][0] ]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
// Map expression errors if a key or value expression errors.
That("put [ &[][0]=a ]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
That("put [ &a=[][0] ]").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
// Map expression errors if number of keys and values in a single pair
// does not match.
That("put [&{a b}={foo bar lorem}]").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("2 keys but 3 values")),
// String Literals
// ---------------
That(`put 'such \"''literal'`).Puts(`such \"'literal`),
That(`put "much \n\033[31;1m$cool\033[m"`).
Puts("much \n\033[31;1m$cool\033[m"),
// Captures
// ---------
// Output capture
That("put (put lorem ipsum)").Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
That("put (print \"lorem\nipsum\")").Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// \r\n is also supported as a line separator
That(`print "lorem\r\nipsum\r\n" | all`).Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// Exception capture
That("bool ?(nop); bool ?(e:false)").Puts(true, false),
// Variable Use
// ------------
That("x = foo", "put $x").Puts("foo"),
// Must exist before use
That("put $x").DoesNotCompile(),
That("put $x[0]").DoesNotCompile(),
// Compounding
That("x = SHELL", "put 'WOW, SUCH '$x', MUCH COOL'\n").
// Splicing
That("x = [elvish rules]", "put $@x").Puts("elvish", "rules"),
// Variable namespace
// ------------------
// Pseudo-namespace local: accesses the local scope.
That("x = outer; { local:x = inner; put $local:x }").Puts("inner"),
// Pseudo-namespace up: accesses upvalues.
That("x = outer; { local:x = inner; put $up:x }").Puts("outer"),
// Pseudo-namespace builtin: accesses builtins.
That("put $builtin:true").Puts(true),
// Unqualified name prefers local: to up:.
That("x = outer; { local:x = inner; put $x }").Puts("inner"),
// Unqualified name resolves to upvalue if no local name exists.
That("x = outer; { put $x }").Puts("outer"),
// Unqualified name resolves to builtin if no local name or upvalue
// exists.
That("put $true").Puts(true),
// A name can be explicitly unqualified by having a leading colon.
That("x = val; put $:x").Puts("val"),
That("put $:true").Puts(true),
// Pseudo-namespace E: provides read-write access to environment
// variables. Colons inside the name are supported.
That("set-env a:b VAL; put $E:a:b").Puts("VAL"),
That("E:a:b = VAL2; get-env a:b").Puts("VAL2"),
// Pseudo-namespace e: provides readonly access to external commands.
// Only names ending in ~ are resolved, and resolution always succeeds
// regardless of whether the command actually exists. Colons inside the
// name are supported.
That("put $e:a:b~").Puts(NewExternalCmd("a:b")),
// A "normal" namespace access indexes the namespace as a variable.
That("ns: = (ns [&a= val]); put $ns:a").Puts("val"),
// Multi-level namespace access is supported.
That("ns: = (ns [&a:= (ns [&b= val])]); put $ns:a:b").Puts("val"),
// Multi-level namespace access can have a leading colon to signal that
// the first component is unqualified.
That("ns: = (ns [&a:= (ns [&b= val])]); put $:ns:a:b").Puts("val"),
// Multi-level namespace access can be combined with the local:
// pseudo-namespaces.
That("ns: = (ns [&a:= (ns [&b= val])]); put $local:ns:a:b").Puts("val"),
// Multi-level namespace access can be combined with the up:
// pseudo-namespaces.
That("ns: = (ns [&a:= (ns [&b= val])]); { put $up:ns:a:b }").Puts("val"),
// Tilde
// -----
That("put ~").Puts(home),
That("put ~/src").Puts(home+"/src"),
// Make sure that tilde processing retains trailing slashes.
That("put ~/src/").Puts(home+"/src/"),
// Tilde and wildcard.
That("put ~/*").Puts(home+"/file1", home+"/file2"),
// TODO(xiaq): Add regression test for #793.
// Closure
// -------
That("[]{ }").DoesNothing(),
That("[x]{put $x} foo").Puts("foo"),
// Variable capture
That("x=lorem; []{x=ipsum}; put $x").Puts("ipsum"),
That("x=lorem; []{ put $x; x=ipsum }; put $x").Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// Shadowing
That("x=ipsum; []{ local:x=lorem; put $x }; put $x").Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// Shadowing by argument
That("x=ipsum; [x]{ put $x; x=BAD } lorem; put $x").Puts("lorem", "ipsum"),
// Closure captures new local variables every time
That(`fn f []{ x=0; put []{x=(+ $x 1)} []{put $x} }
{inc1,put1}=(f); $put1; $inc1; $put1
{inc2,put2}=(f); $put2; $inc2; $put2`).Puts("0", 1.0, "0", 1.0),
// Rest argument.
That("[x @xs]{ put $x $xs } a b c").Puts("a", vals.MakeList("b", "c")),
That("[a @b c]{ put $a $b $c } a b c d").
Puts("a", vals.MakeList("b", "c"), "d"),
// Options.
That("[a &k=v]{ put $a $k } foo &k=bar").Puts("foo", "bar"),
// Option default value.
That("[a &k=v]{ put $a $k } foo").Puts("foo", "v"),
// Argument name must be unqualified.
That("[a:b]{ }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Argument name must not be empty.
That("['']{ }").DoesNotCompile(),
That("[@]{ }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Option name must be unqualified.
That("[&a:b=1]{ }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Option name must not be empty.
That("[&''=b]{ }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Exception when evaluating option default value.
That("[&a=[][0]]{ }").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
// Option default value must be one value.
That("[&a=(put foo bar)]{ }").Throws(
What: "option default value", ValidLow: 1, ValidHigh: 1, Actual: 2},
"(put foo bar)"),