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synced 2024-12-16 04:48:27 +08:00
509 lines
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509 lines
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// Package edit implements a command line editor.
package edit
import (
var Logger = util.GetLogger("[edit] ")
const (
lackEOLRune = '\u23ce'
lackEOL = "\033[7m" + string(lackEOLRune) + "\033[m"
// Editor keeps the status of the line editor.
type Editor struct {
file *os.File
writer *writer
reader *Reader
sigs chan os.Signal
store *store.Store
evaler *eval.Evaler
cmdSeq int
prompt eval.Variable
rprompt eval.Variable
completers map[string]ArgCompleter
abbreviations map[string]string
rpromptPersistent eval.Variable
beforeReadLine eval.Variable
afterReadLine eval.Variable
historyMutex sync.RWMutex
active bool
activeMutex sync.Mutex
type editorState struct {
// States used during ReadLine. Reset at the beginning of ReadLine.
savedTermios *sys.Termios
notificationMutex sync.Mutex
notifications []string
tips []string
tokens []Token
promptContent []*styled
rpromptContent []*styled
line string
dot int
mode Mode
insert insert
command command
completion completion
navigation navigation
hist hist
histlist *histlist
bang *bang
location *location
// A cache of external commands, used in stylist.
isExternal map[string]bool
parseErrorAtEnd bool
// Used for builtins.
lastKey Key
nextAction action
// NewEditor creates an Editor.
func NewEditor(file *os.File, sigs chan os.Signal, ev *eval.Evaler, st *store.Store) *Editor {
seq := -1
if st != nil {
var err error
seq, err = st.NextCmdSeq()
if err != nil {
// TODO(xiaq): Also report the error
seq = -1
prompt, rprompt := defaultPrompts()
ed := &Editor{
file: file,
writer: newWriter(file),
reader: NewReader(file),
sigs: sigs,
store: st,
evaler: ev,
cmdSeq: seq,
prompt: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(prompt, eval.ShouldBeFn),
rprompt: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(rprompt, eval.ShouldBeFn),
abbreviations: make(map[string]string),
rpromptPersistent: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(eval.Bool(false), eval.ShouldBeBool),
beforeReadLine: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(eval.NewList(), eval.ShouldBeList),
afterReadLine: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(eval.NewList(), eval.ShouldBeList),
ev.Editor = ed
ev.Modules["le"] = makeModule(ed)
return ed
func (ed *Editor) Active() bool {
return ed.active
func (ed *Editor) ActiveMutex() *sync.Mutex {
return &ed.activeMutex
func (ed *Editor) flash() {
// TODO implement fish-like flash effect
func (ed *Editor) addTip(format string, args ...interface{}) {
ed.tips = append(ed.tips, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (ed *Editor) Notify(format string, args ...interface{}) {
defer ed.notificationMutex.Unlock()
ed.notifications = append(ed.notifications, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (ed *Editor) refresh(fullRefresh bool, addErrorsToTips bool) error {
// Re-lex the line, unless we are in modeCompletion
src := ed.line
if ed.mode.Mode() != modeCompletion {
n, err := parse.Parse("[interactive]", src)
ed.parseErrorAtEnd = err != nil && atEnd(err, len(src))
// If all parse errors are at the end, it is likely caused by incomplete
// input. In that case, do not complain about parse errors.
// TODO(xiaq): Find a more reliable way to determine incomplete input.
// Ideally the parser should report it.
if err != nil && addErrorsToTips && !ed.parseErrorAtEnd {
ed.addTip("%s", err)
ed.tokens = tokenizeNode(src, n)
_, err = ed.evaler.Compile(n, "[interactive]", src)
if err != nil {
if addErrorsToTips && !atEnd(err, len(src)) {
ed.addTip("%s", err)
// Highlight errors in the input buffer.
// TODO(xiaq): There might be multiple tokens involved in the
// compiler error; they should all be highlighted as erroneous.
p := err.(*eval.CompilationError).Context.Begin
for i, token := range ed.tokens {
if token.Node.Begin() <= p && p < token.Node.End() {
ed.tokens[i].MoreStyle = joinStyles(ed.tokens[i].MoreStyle, styleForCompilerError)
stylist := &Stylist{ed.tokens, ed, nil}
return ed.writer.refresh(&ed.editorState, fullRefresh)
func atEnd(e error, n int) bool {
switch e := e.(type) {
case *eval.CompilationError:
return e.Context.Begin == n
case *parse.ParseError:
for _, entry := range e.Entries {
if entry.Context.Begin != n {
return false
return true
Logger.Printf("atEnd called with error type %T", e)
return false
// insertAtDot inserts text at the dot and moves the dot after it.
func (ed *Editor) insertAtDot(text string) {
ed.line = ed.line[:ed.dot] + text + ed.line[ed.dot:]
ed.dot += len(text)
func setupTerminal(file *os.File) (*sys.Termios, error) {
fd := int(file.Fd())
term, err := sys.NewTermiosFromFd(fd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't get terminal attribute: %s", err)
savedTermios := term.Copy()
err = term.ApplyToFd(fd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't set up terminal attribute: %s", err)
err = sys.FlushInput(fd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't flush input: %s", err)
return savedTermios, nil
// startReadLine prepares the terminal for the editor.
func (ed *Editor) startReadLine() error {
defer ed.activeMutex.Unlock()
ed.active = true
savedTermios, err := setupTerminal(ed.file)
if err != nil {
return err
ed.savedTermios = savedTermios
_, width := sys.GetWinsize(int(ed.file.Fd()))
Write a lackEOLRune if the cursor is not in the leftmost column. This is
done as follows:
1. Turn on autowrap;
2. Write lackEOL along with enough padding, so that the total width is
equal to the width of the screen.
If the cursor was in the first column, we are still in the same line,
just off the line boundary. Otherwise, we are now in the next line.
3. Rewind to the first column, write one space and rewind again. If the
cursor was in the first column to start with, we have just erased the
LackEOL character. Otherwise, we are now in the next line and this is
a no-op. The LackEOL character remains.
fmt.Fprintf(ed.file, "\033[?7h%s%*s\r \r", lackEOL, width-util.Wcwidth(lackEOLRune), "")
Turn off autowrap.
The terminals sometimes has different opinions about how wide some
characters are (notably emojis and some dingbats) with elvish. When that
happens, elvish becomes wrong about where the cursor is when it writes
its output, and the effect can be disastrous.
If we turn off autowrap, the terminal won't insert any newlines behind
the scene, so elvish is always right about which line the cursor is.
With a bit more caution, this can restrict the consequence of the
mismatch within one line.
// Turn on SGR-style mouse tracking.
// Enable bracketed paste.
return nil
// finishReadLine puts the terminal in a state suitable for other programs to
// use.
func (ed *Editor) finishReadLine(addError func(error)) {
defer ed.activeMutex.Unlock()
ed.active = false
// Refresh the terminal for the last time in a clean-ish state.
ed.mode = &ed.insert
ed.tips = nil
ed.dot = len(ed.line)
if !ed.rpromptPersistent.Get().(eval.Bool).Bool() {
ed.rpromptContent = nil
addError(ed.refresh(false, false))
// Turn on autowrap.
// Turn off mouse tracking.
// Disable bracketed paste.
// Restore termios.
err := ed.savedTermios.ApplyToFd(int(ed.file.Fd()))
if err != nil {
addError(fmt.Errorf("can't restore terminal attribute: %s", err))
// Save the line before resetting all of editorState.
line := ed.line
ed.editorState = editorState{}
callHooks(ed.evaler, ed.afterReadLine.Get().(eval.List), eval.String(line))
// ReadLine reads a line interactively.
func (ed *Editor) ReadLine() (line string, err error) {
e := ed.startReadLine()
if e != nil {
return "", e
defer ed.finishReadLine(func(e error) {
if e != nil {
err = util.CatError(err, e)
ed.mode = &ed.insert
// Find external commands asynchronously, so that slow I/O won't block the
// editor.
isExternalCh := make(chan map[string]bool, 1)
go getIsExternal(ed.evaler, isExternalCh)
go ed.reader.Run()
fullRefresh := false
callHooks(ed.evaler, ed.beforeReadLine.Get().(eval.List))
for {
ed.promptContent = callPrompt(ed, ed.prompt.Get().(eval.Fn))
ed.rpromptContent = callPrompt(ed, ed.rprompt.Get().(eval.Fn))
err := ed.refresh(fullRefresh, true)
fullRefresh = false
if err != nil {
return "", err
ed.tips = nil
select {
case m := <-isExternalCh:
ed.isExternal = m
case sig := <-ed.sigs:
// TODO(xiaq): Maybe support customizable handling of signals
switch sig {
case syscall.SIGINT:
// Start over
ed.editorState = editorState{
savedTermios: ed.savedTermios,
isExternal: ed.isExternal,
ed.mode = &ed.insert
continue MainLoop
case syscall.SIGWINCH:
fullRefresh = true
continue MainLoop
case syscall.SIGCHLD:
// ignore
ed.addTip("ignored signal %s", sig)
case err := <-ed.reader.ErrorChan():
ed.Notify("reader error: %s", err.Error())
case mouse := <-ed.reader.MouseChan():
ed.addTip("mouse: %+v", mouse)
case <-ed.reader.CPRChan():
// Ignore CPR
case b := <-ed.reader.PasteChan():
if !b {
var buf bytes.Buffer
timer := time.NewTimer(EscSequenceTimeout)
for {
// XXX Should also select on other chans. However those chans
// will be unified (agina) into one later so we don't do
// busywork here.
select {
case k := <-ed.reader.KeyChan():
if k.Mod != 0 {
ed.Notify("function key within paste")
break paste
case b := <-ed.reader.PasteChan():
if !b {
break paste
case <-timer.C:
ed.Notify("bracketed paste timeout")
break paste
topaste := buf.String()
if ed.insert.quotePaste {
topaste = parse.Quote(topaste)
case k := <-ed.reader.KeyChan():
keyBinding, ok := keyBindings[ed.mode.Mode()]
if !ok {
ed.addTip("No binding for current mode")
fn, bound := keyBinding[k]
if !bound {
fn = keyBinding[Default]
ed.insert.insertedLiteral = false
ed.lastKey = k
if ed.insert.insertedLiteral {
} else {
ed.insert.literalInserts = 0
act := ed.nextAction
ed.nextAction = action{}
switch act.typ {
case noAction:
case reprocessKey:
err = ed.refresh(false, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
goto lookupKey
case exitReadLine:
if act.returnErr == nil && act.returnLine != "" {
return act.returnLine, act.returnErr
func callHooks(ev *eval.Evaler, li eval.List, args ...eval.Value) {
if li.Len() == 0 {
opfunc := func(ec *eval.EvalCtx) {
li.Iterate(func(v eval.Value) bool {
fn, ok := v.(eval.FnValue)
if !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "not a function: %s\n", v.Repr(eval.NoPretty))
return true
err := ec.PCall(fn, args, eval.NoOpts)
if err != nil {
// TODO Print stack trace.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "function error: %s\n", err.Error())
return true
ev.Eval(eval.Op{opfunc, -1, -1}, "[hooks]", "no source")
// getIsExternal finds a set of all external commands and puts it on the result
// channel.
func getIsExternal(ev *eval.Evaler, result chan<- map[string]bool) {
isExternal := make(map[string]bool)
ev.EachExternal(func(name string) {
isExternal[name] = true
result <- isExternal