2019-12-23 20:00:59 +00:00

271 lines
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// Framework for testing Elvish script. This file does not have a _test.go
// suffix so that it can be used from other packages that also want to test the
// modules they implement (e.g. edit: and re:).
// The entry point for the framework is the Test function, which accepts a
// *testing.T and a variadic number of test cases. Test cases are constructed
// using the That function followed by methods that add constraints on the test
// case. Overall, a test looks like:
// Test(t,
// That("put x").Puts("x"),
// That("echo x").Prints("x\n"))
// If some setup is needed, use the TestWithSetup function instead.
package eval
import (
// TestCase is a test case for Test.
type TestCase struct {
text string
type want struct {
out []interface{}
bytesOut []byte
err error
// A special value for want.err to indicate that any error, as long as not nil,
// is OK
var errAny = errors.New("any error")
// The following functions and methods are used to build Test structs. They are
// supposed to read like English, so a test that "put x" should put "x" reads:
// That("put x").Puts("x")
// That returns a new Test with the specified source code.
func That(text string) TestCase {
return TestCase{text: text}
// DoesNothing returns t unchanged. It is used to mark that a piece of code
// should simply does nothing. In particular, it shouldn't have any output and
// does not error.
func (t TestCase) DoesNothing() TestCase {
return t
// Puts returns an altered Test that requires the source code to produce the
// specified values in the value channel when evaluated.
func (t TestCase) Puts(vs ...interface{}) TestCase {
t.want.out = vs
return t
// PutsStrings returns an altered Test that requires the source code to produce
// the specified strings in the value channel when evaluated.
func (t TestCase) PutsStrings(ss []string) TestCase {
t.want.out = make([]interface{}, len(ss))
for i, s := range ss {
t.want.out[i] = s
return t
// Prints returns an altered test that requires the source code to produce
// the specified output in the byte pipe when evaluated.
func (t TestCase) Prints(s string) TestCase {
t.want.bytesOut = []byte(s)
return t
// ErrorsWith returns an altered Test that requires the source code to result in
// the specified error when evaluted.
func (t TestCase) ErrorsWith(err error) TestCase {
t.want.err = err
return t
// Errors returns an altered Test that requires the source code to result in any
// error when evaluated.
func (t TestCase) Errors() TestCase {
return t.ErrorsWith(errAny)
// Test runs test cases. For each test case, a new Evaler is created with
// NewEvaler.
func Test(t *testing.T, tests ...TestCase) {
TestWithSetup(t, func(*Evaler) {}, tests...)
// TestWithSetup runs test cases. For each test case, a new Evaler is created
// with NewEvaler and passed to the setup function.
func TestWithSetup(t *testing.T, setup func(*Evaler), tests ...TestCase) {
for _, tt := range tests {
ev := NewEvaler()
out, bytesOut, err := evalAndCollect(t, ev, []string{tt.text}, len(tt.want.out))
first := true
errorf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if first {
first = false
t.Errorf("eval(%q) fails:", tt.text)
t.Errorf(" "+format, args...)
if !matchOut(tt.want.out, out) {
errorf("got out=%v, want %v", out, tt.want.out)
if !bytes.Equal(tt.want.bytesOut, bytesOut) {
errorf("got bytesOut=%q, want %q", bytesOut, tt.want.bytesOut)
if !matchErr(tt.want.err, err) {
errorf("got err=%v, want %v", err, tt.want.err)
func evalAndCollect(t *testing.T, ev *Evaler, texts []string, chsize int) ([]interface{}, []byte, error) {
// Collect byte output
bytesOut := []byte{}
pr, pw, _ := os.Pipe()
bytesDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
for {
var buf [64]byte
nr, err := pr.Read(buf[:])
bytesOut = append(bytesOut, buf[:nr]...)
if err != nil {
// Channel output
outs := []interface{}{}
// Eval error. Only that of the last text is saved.
var ex error
for i, text := range texts {
name := fmt.Sprintf("test%d.elv", i)
src := NewScriptSource(name, name, text)
op := mustParseAndCompile(t, ev, src)
outCh := make(chan interface{}, chsize)
outDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
for v := range outCh {
outs = append(outs, v)
ports := []*Port{
{File: os.Stdin, Chan: ClosedChan},
{File: pw, Chan: outCh},
{File: os.Stderr, Chan: BlackholeChan},
ex = ev.Eval(op, ports)
return outs, bytesOut, ex
func mustParseAndCompile(t *testing.T, ev *Evaler, src *Source) Op {
n, err := parse.AsChunk(src.name, src.code)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Parse(%q) error: %s", src.code, err)
op, err := ev.Compile(n, src)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Compile(Parse(%q)) error: %s", src.code, err)
return op
func matchOut(want, got []interface{}) bool {
if len(got) == 0 && len(want) == 0 {
return true
if len(got) != len(want) {
return false
for i := range got {
if !vals.Equal(got[i], want[i]) {
return false
return true
func matchErr(want, got error) bool {
if got == nil {
return want == nil
return want == errAny || reflect.DeepEqual(Cause(got), want)
// MustMkdirAll calls os.MkdirAll and panics if an error is returned. It is
// mainly useful in tests.
func MustMkdirAll(name string, perm os.FileMode) {
err := os.MkdirAll(name, perm)
if err != nil {
// MustCreateEmpty creates an empty file, and panics if an error occurs. It is
// mainly useful in tests.
func MustCreateEmpty(name string) {
file, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
// MustWriteFile calls ioutil.WriteFile and panics if an error occurs. It is
// mainly useful in tests.
func MustWriteFile(filename string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(filename, data, perm)
if err != nil {
// InTempHome is like util.InTestDir, but it also sets HOME to the temporary
// directory and restores the original HOME in cleanup.
// TODO(xiaq): Move this into the util package.
func InTempHome() (string, func()) {
oldHome := os.Getenv("HOME")
tmpHome, cleanup := util.InTestDir()
os.Setenv("HOME", tmpHome)
return tmpHome, func() {
os.Setenv("HOME", oldHome)