2018-08-07 21:15:30 +01:00

510 lines
14 KiB

// +build !windows,!plan9
package tty
import (
// DefaultSeqTimeout is the amount of time within which runes that make up an
// escape sequence are supposed to follow each other. Modern terminal emulators
// send escape sequences very fast, so 10ms is more than sufficient. SSH
// connections on a slow link might be problematic though.
const DefaultSeqTimeout = 10 * time.Millisecond
// reader reads terminal escape sequences and decodes them into events.
type reader struct {
ar *runeReader
seqTimeout time.Duration
raw bool
eventChan chan Event
stopChan chan struct{}
stopAckChan chan struct{}
func newReader(f *os.File) *reader {
rd := &reader{
make(chan Event),
return rd
// SetRaw turns the raw option on or off. If the reader is in the middle of
// reading one event, it takes effect after this event is fully read.
func (rd *reader) SetRaw(raw bool) {
rd.raw = raw
// EventChan returns the channel onto which the Reader writes what it has read.
func (rd *reader) EventChan() <-chan Event {
return rd.eventChan
// Start starts the Reader.
func (rd *reader) Start() {
rd.stopChan = make(chan struct{})
rd.stopAckChan = make(chan struct{})
go rd.run()
func (rd *reader) run() {
// NOTE: Stop may be called at any time. All channel reads and sends should
// be wrapped in a select and have a "case <-rd.stopChan" clause.
for {
select {
case r := <-rd.ar.Chan():
if rd.raw {
} else {
event, seqError, ioError := rd.readOne(r)
if event != nil {
if seqError != nil {
if ioError != nil {
case err := <-rd.ar.ErrorChan():
case <-rd.stopChan:
select {
case <-rd.stopChan:
// send tries to send an event, unless stop was requested. If stop was requested
// before, it does nothing; hence it is safe to use after stop.
func (rd *reader) send(event Event) {
select {
case rd.eventChan <- event:
case <-rd.stopChan:
// Stop stops the Reader.
func (rd *reader) Stop() {
// Close releases files associated with the Reader. It does not close the file
// used to create it.
func (rd *reader) Close() {
// Used by readRune in readOne to signal end of current sequence.
const runeEndOfSeq rune = -1
// readOne attempts to read one key or CPR, led by a rune already read.
func (rd *reader) readOne(r rune) (event Event, seqError, ioError error) {
currentSeq := string(r)
badSeq := func(msg string) {
seqError = fmt.Errorf("%s: %q", msg, currentSeq)
// readRune attempts to read a rune within a timeout of EscSequenceTimeout.
// It may return runeEndOfSeq when the read timed out, an error was
// encountered (in which case it sets ioError) or when stopped. In all three
// cases, the reader should terminate the current sequence. If the current
// sequence is valid, it should set event. If not, it should set seqError by
// calling badSeq.
readRune :=
func() rune {
select {
case r := <-rd.ar.Chan():
currentSeq += string(r)
return r
case ioError = <-rd.ar.ErrorChan():
return runeEndOfSeq
case <-time.After(rd.seqTimeout):
return runeEndOfSeq
case <-rd.stopChan:
return runeEndOfSeq
switch r {
case 0x1b: // ^[ Escape
r2 := readRune()
// According to https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/73697, rxvt and derivatives
// prepend another ESC to a CSI-style or G3-style sequence to signal Alt.
// If that happens, remember this now; it will be later picked up when parsing
// those two kinds of sequences.
// issue #181
hasTwoLeadingESC := false
if r2 == 0x1b {
hasTwoLeadingESC = true
r2 = readRune()
if r2 == runeEndOfSeq {
// XXX Error is swallowed
// Nothing follows. Taken as a lone Escape.
event = KeyEvent{'[', ui.Ctrl}
switch r2 {
case '[':
// A '[' follows. CSI style function key sequence.
r = readRune()
if r == runeEndOfSeq {
event = KeyEvent{'[', ui.Alt}
nums := make([]int, 0, 2)
var starter rune
// Read an optional starter.
switch r {
case '<':
starter = r
r = readRune()
case 'M':
// Mouse event.
cb := readRune()
if cb == runeEndOfSeq {
badSeq("Incomplete mouse event")
cx := readRune()
if cx == runeEndOfSeq {
badSeq("Incomplete mouse event")
cy := readRune()
if cy == runeEndOfSeq {
badSeq("Incomplete mouse event")
down := true
button := int(cb & 3)
if button == 3 {
down = false
button = -1
mod := mouseModify(int(cb))
event = MouseEvent{
Pos{int(cy) - 32, int(cx) - 32}, down, button, mod}
for {
switch {
case r == ';':
nums = append(nums, 0)
case '0' <= r && r <= '9':
if len(nums) == 0 {
nums = append(nums, 0)
cur := len(nums) - 1
nums[cur] = nums[cur]*10 + int(r-'0')
case r == runeEndOfSeq:
// Incomplete CSI.
badSeq("Incomplete CSI")
default: // Treat as a terminator.
break CSISeq
r = readRune()
if starter == 0 && r == 'R' {
// Cursor position report.
if len(nums) != 2 {
badSeq("bad CPR")
event = CursorPosition{nums[0], nums[1]}
} else if starter == '<' && (r == 'm' || r == 'M') {
// SGR-style mouse event.
if len(nums) != 3 {
badSeq("bad SGR mouse event")
down := r == 'M'
button := nums[0] & 3
mod := mouseModify(nums[0])
event = MouseEvent{Pos{nums[2], nums[1]}, down, button, mod}
} else if r == '~' && len(nums) == 1 && (nums[0] == 200 || nums[0] == 201) {
b := nums[0] == 200
event = PasteSetting(b)
} else {
k := parseCSI(nums, r, currentSeq)
if k == (ui.Key{}) {
badSeq("bad CSI")
} else {
if hasTwoLeadingESC {
k.Mod |= ui.Alt
event = KeyEvent(k)
case 'O':
// An 'O' follows. G3 style function key sequence: read one rune.
r = readRune()
if r == runeEndOfSeq {
// Nothing follows after 'O'. Taken as Alt-o.
event = KeyEvent{'o', ui.Alt}
k, ok := g3Seq[r]
if ok {
if hasTwoLeadingESC {
k.Mod |= ui.Alt
event = KeyEvent(k)
} else {
badSeq("bad G3")
// Something other than '[' or 'O' follows. Taken as an
// Alt-modified key, possibly also modified by Ctrl.
k := ctrlModify(r2)
k.Mod |= ui.Alt
event = KeyEvent(k)
event = KeyEvent(ctrlModify(r))
// ctrlModify determines whether a rune corresponds to a Ctrl-modified key and
// returns the ui.Key the rune represents.
func ctrlModify(r rune) ui.Key {
switch r {
case 0x0:
return ui.Key{'`', ui.Ctrl} // ^@
case 0x1e:
return ui.Key{'6', ui.Ctrl} // ^^
case 0x1f:
return ui.Key{'/', ui.Ctrl} // ^_
case ui.Tab, ui.Enter, ui.Backspace: // ^I ^J ^?
return ui.Key{r, 0}
// Regular ui.Ctrl sequences.
if 0x1 <= r && r <= 0x1d {
return ui.Key{r + 0x40, ui.Ctrl}
return ui.Key{r, 0}
// Tables for key sequences. Comments document which terminal emulators are
// known to generate which sequences. The terminal emulators tested are
// categorized into xterm (including actual xterm, libvte-based terminals,
// Konsole and Terminal.app unless otherwise noted), urxvt, tmux.
// G3-style key sequences: \eO followed by exactly one character. For instance,
// \eOP is F1. These are pretty limited in that they cannot be extended to
// support modifier keys, other than a leading \e for Alt (e.g. \e\eOP is
// Alt-F1). Terminals that send G3-style key sequences typically switch to
// sending a CSI-style key sequence when a non-Alt modifier key is pressed.
var g3Seq = map[rune]ui.Key{
// xterm, tmux -- only in Vim, depends on termios setting?
// NOTE(xiaq): According to urxvt's manpage, \eO[ABCD] sequences are used for
// Ctrl-Shift-modified arrow keys; however, this doesn't seem to be true for
// urxvt 9.22 packaged by Debian; those keys simply send the same sequence
// as Ctrl-modified keys (\eO[abcd]).
'A': {ui.Up, 0}, 'B': {ui.Down, 0}, 'C': {ui.Right, 0}, 'D': {ui.Left, 0},
'H': {ui.Home, 0}, 'F': {ui.End, 0}, 'M': {ui.Insert, 0},
// urxvt
'a': {ui.Up, ui.Ctrl}, 'b': {ui.Down, ui.Ctrl},
'c': {ui.Right, ui.Ctrl}, 'd': {ui.Left, ui.Ctrl},
// xterm, urxvt, tmux
'P': {ui.F1, 0}, 'Q': {ui.F2, 0}, 'R': {ui.F3, 0}, 'S': {ui.F4, 0},
// Tables for CSI-style key sequences. A CSI sequence is \e[ followed by zero or
// more numerical arguments (separated by semicolons), ending in a non-numeric,
// non-semicolon rune. They are used for many purposes, and CSI-style key
// sequences are a subset of them.
// There are several variants of CSI-style key sequences; see comments above the
// respective tables. In all variants, modifier keys are encoded in numerical
// arguments; see xtermModify. Note that although the set of possible sequences
// make it possible to express a very complete set of key combinations, they are
// not always sent by terminals. For instance, many (if not most) terminals will
// send the same sequence for Up when Shift-Up is pressed, even if Shift-Up is
// expressible using the escape sequences described below.
// CSI-style key sequences identified by the last rune. For instance, \e[A is
// Up. When modified, two numerical arguments are added, the first always beging
// 1 and the second identifying the modifier. For instance, \e1;5A is Ctrl-Up.
var csiSeqByLast = map[rune]ui.Key{
// xterm, urxvt, tmux
'A': {ui.Up, 0}, 'B': {ui.Down, 0}, 'C': {ui.Right, 0}, 'D': {ui.Left, 0},
// urxvt
'a': {ui.Up, ui.Shift}, 'b': {ui.Down, ui.Shift},
'c': {ui.Right, ui.Shift}, 'd': {ui.Left, ui.Shift},
// xterm (Terminal.app only sends those in alternate screen)
'H': {ui.Home, 0}, 'F': {ui.End, 0},
// xterm, urxvt, tmux
'Z': {ui.Tab, ui.Shift},
// CSI-style key sequences ending with '~' and identified by one numerical
// argument. For instance, \e[3~ is Delete. When modified, an additional
// argument identifies the modifier; for instance, \e[3;5~ is Ctrl-Delete.
// An alternative encoding of the modifier key, only known to be used by urxvt
// (or for that matter, likely also rxvt) is to change the last rune: '$' for
// Shift, '^' for Ctrl, and '@' for Ctrl+Shift. The numeric argument is kept
// unchanged. For instance, \e[3^ is Ctrl-Delete.
var csiSeqTilde = map[int]rune{
// tmux (NOTE: urxvt uses the pair for Find/Select)
1: ui.Home, 4: ui.End,
// xterm (Terminal.app sends ^M for Fn+Enter), urxvt, tmux
2: ui.Insert,
// xterm, urxvt, tmux
3: ui.Delete,
// xterm (Terminal.app only sends those in alternate screen), urxvt, tmux
// NOTE: called Prior/Next in urxvt manpage
5: ui.PageUp, 6: ui.PageDown,
// urxvt
7: ui.Home, 8: ui.End,
// urxvt
11: ui.F1, 12: ui.F2, 13: ui.F3, 14: ui.F4,
// xterm, urxvt, tmux
// NOTE: 16 and 22 are unused
15: ui.F5, 17: ui.F6, 18: ui.F7, 19: ui.F8,
20: ui.F9, 21: ui.F10, 23: ui.F11, 24: ui.F12,
// CSI-style key sequences ending with '~', with the first argument always 27,
// the second argument identifying the modifier, and the third argument
// identifying the key. For instance, \e[27;5;9~ is Ctrl-Tab.
// NOTE(xiaq): The list is taken blindly from xterm-keys.c in the tmux source
// tree. I do not have a keyboard-terminal combination that generate such
// sequences, but assumably they are generated by some terminals for numpad
// inputs.
var csiSeqTilde27 = map[int]rune{
9: '\t', 13: '\r',
33: '!', 35: '#', 39: '\'', 40: '(', 41: ')', 43: '+', 44: ',', 45: '-',
46: '.',
48: '0', 49: '1', 50: '2', 51: '3', 52: '4', 53: '5', 54: '6', 55: '7',
56: '8', 57: '9',
58: ':', 59: ';', 60: '<', 61: '=', 62: '>', 63: ';',
// parseCSI parses a CSI-style key sequence. See comments above for all the 3
// variants this function handles.
func parseCSI(nums []int, last rune, seq string) ui.Key {
if k, ok := csiSeqByLast[last]; ok {
if len(nums) == 0 {
// Unmodified: \e[A (Up)
return k
} else if len(nums) == 2 && nums[0] == 1 {
// Modified: \e[1;5A (Ctrl-Up)
return xtermModify(k, nums[1], seq)
} else {
return ui.Key{}
switch last {
case '~':
if len(nums) == 1 || len(nums) == 2 {
if r, ok := csiSeqTilde[nums[0]]; ok {
k := ui.Key{r, 0}
if len(nums) == 1 {
// Unmodified: \e[5~ (e.g. PageUp)
return k
// Modified: \e[5;5~ (e.g. Ctrl-PageUp)
return xtermModify(k, nums[1], seq)
} else if len(nums) == 3 && nums[0] == 27 {
if r, ok := csiSeqTilde27[nums[2]]; ok {
k := ui.Key{r, 0}
return xtermModify(k, nums[1], seq)
case '$', '^', '@':
// Modified by urxvt; see comment above csiSeqTilde.
if len(nums) == 1 {
if r, ok := csiSeqTilde[nums[0]]; ok {
var mod ui.Mod
switch last {
case '$':
mod = ui.Shift
case '^':
mod = ui.Ctrl
case '@':
mod = ui.Shift | ui.Ctrl
return ui.Key{r, mod}
return ui.Key{}
func xtermModify(k ui.Key, mod int, seq string) ui.Key {
if mod < 0 || mod > 16 {
// Out of range
return ui.Key{}
if mod == 0 {
return k
modFlags := mod - 1
if modFlags&0x1 != 0 {
k.Mod |= ui.Shift
if modFlags&0x2 != 0 {
k.Mod |= ui.Alt
if modFlags&0x4 != 0 {
k.Mod |= ui.Ctrl
if modFlags&0x8 != 0 {
// This should be Meta, but we currently conflate Meta and Alt.
k.Mod |= ui.Alt
return k
func mouseModify(n int) ui.Mod {
var mod ui.Mod
if n&4 != 0 {
mod |= ui.Shift
if n&8 != 0 {
mod |= ui.Alt
if n&16 != 0 {
mod |= ui.Ctrl
return mod