Qi Xiao ae087dc1e4 pkg/eval: Don't use the new context.Cause API.
Elvish should still be buildable with Go 1.19.
2023-05-07 22:37:08 +01:00

207 lines
4.3 KiB

package eval
import (
func init() {
"sleep": sleep,
"time": timeCmd,
"benchmark": benchmark,
var (
// Reference to [time.After] that can be mutated for testing. Takes an
// additional Frame argument to allow inspection of the value of d in tests.
timeAfter = func(fm *Frame, d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time { return time.After(d) }
// Reference to [time.Now] that can be overridden in tests.
timeNow = time.Now
func sleep(fm *Frame, duration any) error {
var f float64
var d time.Duration
if err := vals.ScanToGo(duration, &f); err == nil {
d = time.Duration(f * float64(time.Second))
} else {
// See if it is a duration string rather than a simple number.
switch duration := duration.(type) {
case string:
d, err = time.ParseDuration(duration)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidSleepDuration
return ErrInvalidSleepDuration
if d < 0 {
return ErrNegativeSleepDuration
select {
case <-fm.Context().Done():
return ErrInterrupted
case <-timeAfter(fm, d):
return nil
type timeOpt struct{ OnEnd Callable }
func (o *timeOpt) SetDefaultOptions() {}
func timeCmd(fm *Frame, opts timeOpt, f Callable) error {
t0 := time.Now()
err := f.Call(fm, NoArgs, NoOpts)
t1 := time.Now()
dt := t1.Sub(t0)
if opts.OnEnd != nil {
newFm := fm.Fork("on-end callback of time")
errCb := opts.OnEnd.Call(newFm, []any{dt.Seconds()}, NoOpts)
if err == nil {
err = errCb
} else {
_, errWrite := fmt.Fprintln(fm.ByteOutput(), dt)
if err == nil {
err = errWrite
return err
type benchmarkOpts struct {
OnEnd Callable
OnRunEnd Callable
MinRuns int
MinTime string
minTime time.Duration
func (o *benchmarkOpts) SetDefaultOptions() {
o.MinRuns = 5
o.minTime = time.Second
func (opts *benchmarkOpts) parse() error {
if opts.MinRuns < 0 {
return errs.BadValue{What: "min-runs option",
Valid: "non-negative integer", Actual: strconv.Itoa(opts.MinRuns)}
if opts.MinTime != "" {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(opts.MinTime)
if err != nil {
return errs.BadValue{What: "min-time option",
Valid: "duration string", Actual: parse.Quote(opts.MinTime)}
if d < 0 {
return errs.BadValue{What: "min-time option",
Valid: "non-negative duration", Actual: parse.Quote(opts.MinTime)}
opts.minTime = d
return nil
func benchmark(fm *Frame, opts benchmarkOpts, f Callable) error {
if err := opts.parse(); err != nil {
return err
// Standard deviation is calculated using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Welford's_online_algorithm
var (
min = time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
max = time.Duration(math.MinInt64)
runs int64
total time.Duration
m2 float64
err error
for {
t0 := timeNow()
err = f.Call(fm, NoArgs, NoOpts)
if err != nil {
dt := timeNow().Sub(t0)
if min > dt {
min = dt
if max < dt {
max = dt
var oldDelta float64
if runs > 0 {
oldDelta = float64(dt) - float64(total)/float64(runs)
total += dt
if runs > 0 {
newDelta := float64(dt) - float64(total)/float64(runs)
m2 += oldDelta * newDelta
if opts.OnRunEnd != nil {
newFm := fm.Fork("on-run-end callback of benchmark")
err = opts.OnRunEnd.Call(newFm, []any{dt.Seconds()}, NoOpts)
if err != nil {
if runs >= int64(opts.MinRuns) && total >= opts.minTime {
if runs == 0 {
return err
avg := total / time.Duration(runs)
stddev := time.Duration(math.Sqrt(m2 / float64(runs)))
if opts.OnEnd == nil {
_, errOut := fmt.Fprintf(fm.ByteOutput(),
"%v ± %v (min %v, max %v, %d runs)\n", avg, stddev, min, max, runs)
if err == nil {
err = errOut
} else {
stats := vals.MakeMap(
"avg", avg.Seconds(), "stddev", stddev.Seconds(),
"min", min.Seconds(), "max", max.Seconds(), "runs", int64ToElv(runs))
newFm := fm.Fork("on-end callback of benchmark")
errOnEnd := opts.OnEnd.Call(newFm, []any{stats}, NoOpts)
if err == nil {
err = errOnEnd
return err
func int64ToElv(i int64) any {
if i <= int64(math.MaxInt) {
return int(i)
} else {
return big.NewInt(i)