2017-12-16 04:36:04 +00:00

64 lines
2.0 KiB

PKG_BASE := github.com/elves/elvish
PKGS := $(shell go list ./... | sed 's|^$(PKG_BASE)|.|' | grep -v '^./vendor')
PKG_COVERS := $(shell go list ./... | sed 's|^$(PKG_BASE)|.|' | grep -v '^\./vendor' | grep -v '^\.$$' | sed 's/^\./cover/' | sed 's/$$/.cover/')
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always)
FIRST_GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH | cut -d: -f1)
default: test get
go get -ldflags "-X github.com/elves/elvish/build.Version=$(VERSION) -X github.com/elves/elvish/build.Builder=$(shell id -un)@$(shell hostname)" .
go generate ./...
go test $(PKGS)
go test .
cover/%.cover: %
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
go test -coverprofile=$@ -covermode=$(COVER_MODE) ./$<
cover/all: $(PKG_COVERS)
echo mode: $(COVER_MODE) > $@
for f in $(PKG_COVERS); do test -f $$f && sed 1d $$f >> $@ || true; done
# We would love to test for coverage in pull requests, but it's now
# bettered turned off for two reasons:
# 1) The goverall badge will always show the "latest" coverage, even if that
# comes from a PR.
# 2) Some of the tests have fluctuating coverage (the test against
# edit.tty.AsyncReader), and goveralls will put a big cross on the PR when the
# coverage happens to drop.
goveralls: cover/all
test "$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST)" = false \
&& go get -u github.com/mattn/goveralls \
&& $(FIRST_GOPATH)/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=cover/all -service=travis-ci \
|| echo "not sending to coveralls"
codecov: cover/all
test "$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST)" = false \
&& curl -s https://codecov.io/bash -o codecov.bash \
&& bash codecov.bash -f cover/all \
|| echo "not sending to codecov.io"
test "$(TRAVIS_OS_NAME)" = linux \
&& echo "$(TRAVIS_GO_VERSION)" | grep -q '^1.9' \
&& test "$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST)" = false \
&& test -n "$(TRAVIS_TAG)" -o "$(TRAVIS_BRANCH)" = master \
&& go build -o ./elvish \
&& ./elvish build-and-upload.elv \
|| echo "not build-and-uploading"
travis: goveralls codecov testmain upload
.PHONY: default get generate test goveralls upload travis