
58 lines
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package eval_test
import (
. "github.com/elves/elvish/pkg/eval/evaltest"
func TestBuiltinFnIO(t *testing.T) {
That(`put foo bar`).Puts("foo", "bar"),
That(`put $nil`).Puts(nil),
That("print abcd | read-upto c").Puts("abc"),
// read-upto does not consume more than needed
That("print abcd | { read-upto c; slurp }").Puts("abc", "d"),
// read-upto reads up to EOF
That("print abcd | read-upto z").Puts("abcd"),
That(`print eof-ending | read-line`).Puts("eof-ending"),
That(`print "lf-ending\n" | read-line`).Puts("lf-ending"),
That(`print "crlf-ending\r\n" | read-line`).Puts("crlf-ending"),
That(`print "extra-cr\r\r\n" | read-line`).Puts("extra-cr\r"),
That(`print [foo bar]`).Prints("[foo bar]"),
That(`print foo bar &sep=,`).Prints("foo,bar"),
That(`echo [foo bar]`).Prints("[foo bar]\n"),
That(`pprint [foo bar]`).Prints("[\n foo\n bar\n]\n"),
That(`repr foo bar ['foo bar']`).Prints("foo bar ['foo bar']\n"),
// A sanity test that show writes something.
That(`show ?(fail foo) | !=s (slurp) ''`).Puts(true),
// Baseline for only-{bytes,values}
That(`{ print bytes; put values }`).Prints("bytes").Puts("values"),
That(`{ print bytes; put values } | only-bytes`).Prints("bytes").Puts(),
That(`{ print bytes; put values } | only-values`).Prints("").Puts("values"),
That(`print "a\nb" | slurp`).Puts("a\nb"),
That(`print "a\nb" | from-lines`).Puts("a", "b"),
That(`print "a\nb\n" | from-lines`).Puts("a", "b"),
That(`echo '{"k": "v", "a": [1, 2]}' '"foo"' | from-json`).
Puts(vals.MakeMap("k", "v", "a", vals.MakeList(1.0, 2.0)),
That(`echo '[null, "foo"]' | from-json`).Puts(
vals.MakeList(nil, "foo")),
That(`echo 'invalid' | from-json`).Throws(AnyError),
That(`put "l\norem" ipsum | to-lines`).Prints("l\norem\nipsum\n"),
That(`put [&k=v &a=[1 2]] foo | to-json`).
That(`put [$nil foo] | to-json`).Prints("[null,\"foo\"]\n"),