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synced 2024-12-15 11:57:55 +08:00
Editor builtins now implement eval.FnValue directly, and there is a quick path in (*Editor).CallFn to skip redirections when calling an editor builtin.
468 lines
11 KiB
468 lines
11 KiB
// Package edit implements a command line editor.
package edit
import (
var Logger = util.GetLogger("[edit] ")
const (
lackEOLRune = '\u23ce'
lackEOL = "\033[7m" + string(lackEOLRune) + "\033[m"
// Editor keeps the status of the line editor.
type Editor struct {
file *os.File
writer *writer
reader *Reader
sigs chan os.Signal
store *store.Store
evaler *eval.Evaler
cmdSeq int
ps1 eval.Variable
rps1 eval.Variable
completers map[string]ArgCompleter
abbreviations map[string]string
rpromptPersistent bool
beforeReadLine eval.Variable
historyMutex sync.RWMutex
active bool
activeMutex sync.Mutex
type editorState struct {
// States used during ReadLine. Reset at the beginning of ReadLine.
savedTermios *sys.Termios
notificationMutex sync.Mutex
notifications []string
tips []string
tokens []Token
prompt []*styled
rprompt []*styled
line string
dot int
mode Mode
insert insert
command command
completion completion
navigation navigation
hist hist
histlist *histlist
bang *bang
location *location
// A cache of external commands, used in stylist and completer of command
// names.
isExternal map[string]bool
parseErrorAtEnd bool
// Used for builtins.
lastKey Key
nextAction action
// NewEditor creates an Editor.
func NewEditor(file *os.File, sigs chan os.Signal, ev *eval.Evaler, st *store.Store) *Editor {
seq := -1
if st != nil {
var err error
seq, err = st.NextCmdSeq()
if err != nil {
// TODO(xiaq): Also report the error
seq = -1
prompt, rprompt := defaultPrompts()
ed := &Editor{
file: file,
writer: newWriter(file),
reader: NewReader(file),
sigs: sigs,
store: st,
evaler: ev,
cmdSeq: seq,
ps1: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(prompt, MustBeFn),
rps1: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(rprompt, MustBeFn),
abbreviations: make(map[string]string),
beforeReadLine: eval.NewPtrVariableWithValidator(
eval.NewList(), eval.IsListOfFnValue),
ev.Editor = ed
ev.Modules["le"] = makeModule(ed)
return ed
func (ed *Editor) Active() bool {
return ed.active
func (ed *Editor) ActiveMutex() *sync.Mutex {
return &ed.activeMutex
func (ed *Editor) flash() {
// TODO implement fish-like flash effect
func (ed *Editor) addTip(format string, args ...interface{}) {
ed.tips = append(ed.tips, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (ed *Editor) Notify(format string, args ...interface{}) {
defer ed.notificationMutex.Unlock()
ed.notifications = append(ed.notifications, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (ed *Editor) refresh(fullRefresh bool, tips bool) error {
// Re-lex the line, unless we are in modeCompletion
src := ed.line
if ed.mode.Mode() != modeCompletion {
n, err := parse.Parse(src)
ed.parseErrorAtEnd = err != nil && atEnd(err, len(src))
if err != nil {
// If all the errors happen at the end, it is liekly complaining
// about missing texts that will eventually be inserted. Don't show
// such errors.
// XXX We may need a more reliable criteria.
if tips && !ed.parseErrorAtEnd {
ed.addTip("parser error: %s", err)
if n == nil {
ed.tokens = []Token{{ParserError, src, nil, ""}}
} else {
ed.tokens = tokenize(src, n)
_, err := ed.evaler.Compile(n)
if err != nil {
if tips && !atEnd(err, len(src)) {
ed.addTip("compiler error: %s", err)
if err, ok := err.(*util.PosError); ok {
p := err.Begin
for i, token := range ed.tokens {
if token.Node.Begin() <= p && p < token.Node.End() {
stylist := &Stylist{ed.tokens, ed}
return ed.writer.refresh(&ed.editorState, fullRefresh)
func atEnd(e error, n int) bool {
switch e := e.(type) {
case *util.PosError:
return e.Begin == n
case *util.Errors:
for _, child := range e.Errors {
if !atEnd(child, n) {
return false
return true
return false
// insertAtDot inserts text at the dot and moves the dot after it.
func (ed *Editor) insertAtDot(text string) {
ed.line = ed.line[:ed.dot] + text + ed.line[ed.dot:]
ed.dot += len(text)
func setupTerminal(file *os.File) (*sys.Termios, error) {
fd := int(file.Fd())
term, err := sys.NewTermiosFromFd(fd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't get terminal attribute: %s", err)
savedTermios := term.Copy()
err = term.ApplyToFd(fd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't set up terminal attribute: %s", err)
err = sys.FlushInput(fd)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't flush input: %s", err)
return savedTermios, nil
// startReadLine prepares the terminal for the editor.
func (ed *Editor) startReadLine() error {
defer ed.activeMutex.Unlock()
ed.active = true
savedTermios, err := setupTerminal(ed.file)
if err != nil {
return err
ed.savedTermios = savedTermios
_, width := sys.GetWinsize(int(ed.file.Fd()))
// Turn on autowrap, write lackEOL along with enough padding to fill the
// whole screen. If the cursor was in the first column, we end up in the
// same line (just off the line boundary); otherwise we are now in the next
// line. We now rewind to the first column and erase anything there. The
// final effect is that a lackEOL gets written if and only if the cursor
// was not in the first column.
fmt.Fprintf(ed.file, "\033[?7h%s%*s\r \r", lackEOL, width-WcWidth(lackEOLRune), "")
// Turn off autowrap. The edito has its own wrapping mechanism. Doing
// wrapping manually means that when the actual width of some characters
// are greater than what our wcwidth implementation tells us, characters at
// the end of that line gets hidden -- compared to pushed to the next line,
// which is more disastrous.
// Turn on SGR-style mouse tracking.
// Enable bracketed paste.
return nil
// finishReadLine puts the terminal in a state suitable for other programs to
// use.
func (ed *Editor) finishReadLine(addError func(error)) {
defer ed.activeMutex.Unlock()
ed.active = false
ed.mode = &ed.insert
ed.tips = nil
ed.dot = len(ed.line)
if !ed.rpromptPersistent {
ed.rprompt = nil
addError(ed.refresh(false, false))
// ed.reader.Stop()
// Turn on autowrap.
// Turn off mouse tracking.
// Disable bracketed paste.
// restore termios
err := ed.savedTermios.ApplyToFd(int(ed.file.Fd()))
if err != nil {
addError(fmt.Errorf("can't restore terminal attribute: %s", err))
ed.savedTermios = nil
ed.editorState = editorState{}
// ReadLine reads a line interactively.
func (ed *Editor) ReadLine() (line string, err error) {
e := ed.startReadLine()
if e != nil {
return "", e
defer ed.finishReadLine(func(e error) {
if e != nil {
err = util.CatError(err, e)
ed.mode = &ed.insert
isExternalCh := make(chan map[string]bool, 1)
go getIsExternal(ed.evaler, isExternalCh)
go ed.reader.Run()
fullRefresh := false
beforeReadLines := ed.beforeReadLine.Get().(eval.ListLike)
beforeReadLines.Iterate(func(f eval.Value) bool {
return true
for {
ed.prompt = callFnForPrompt(ed, ed.ps1.Get().(eval.Fn))
ed.rprompt = callFnForPrompt(ed, ed.rps1.Get().(eval.Fn))
err := ed.refresh(fullRefresh, true)
fullRefresh = false
if err != nil {
return "", err
ed.tips = nil
select {
case m := <-isExternalCh:
ed.isExternal = m
case sig := <-ed.sigs:
// TODO(xiaq): Maybe support customizable handling of signals
switch sig {
case syscall.SIGINT:
// Start over
ed.editorState = editorState{
savedTermios: ed.savedTermios,
isExternal: ed.isExternal,
ed.mode = &ed.insert
goto MainLoop
case syscall.SIGWINCH:
fullRefresh = true
continue MainLoop
case syscall.SIGCHLD:
// ignore
ed.addTip("ignored signal %s", sig)
case err := <-ed.reader.ErrorChan():
ed.Notify("reader error: %s", err.Error())
case mouse := <-ed.reader.MouseChan():
ed.addTip("mouse: %+v", mouse)
case <-ed.reader.CPRChan():
// Ignore CPR
case b := <-ed.reader.PasteChan():
if !b {
var buf bytes.Buffer
timer := time.NewTimer(EscSequenceTimeout)
for {
// XXX Should also select on other chans. However those chans
// will be unified (agina) into one later so we don't do
// busywork here.
select {
case k := <-ed.reader.KeyChan():
if k.Mod != 0 {
ed.Notify("function key within paste")
break paste
case b := <-ed.reader.PasteChan():
if !b {
break paste
case <-timer.C:
ed.Notify("bracketed paste timeout")
break paste
topaste := buf.String()
if ed.insert.quotePaste {
topaste = parse.Quote(topaste)
case k := <-ed.reader.KeyChan():
keyBinding, ok := keyBindings[ed.mode.Mode()]
if !ok {
ed.addTip("No binding for current mode")
fn, bound := keyBinding[k]
if !bound {
fn = keyBinding[Default]
ed.insert.insertedLiteral = false
ed.lastKey = k
if ed.insert.insertedLiteral {
} else {
ed.insert.literalInserts = 0
act := ed.nextAction
ed.nextAction = action{}
switch act.typ {
case noAction:
case reprocessKey:
err = ed.refresh(false, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
goto lookupKey
case exitReadLine:
if act.returnErr == nil && act.returnLine != "" {
return act.returnLine, act.returnErr
// getIsExternal finds a set of all external commands and puts it on the result
// channel.
func getIsExternal(ev *eval.Evaler, result chan<- map[string]bool) {
names := make(chan string, 32)
go func() {
isExternal := make(map[string]bool)
for name := range names {
isExternal[name] = true
result <- isExternal