2017-09-21 20:05:47 +01:00

309 lines
8.0 KiB

package eval
var bundledModules = map[string]string{
"epm": `-data-dir = ~/.elvish
-repo = $-data-dir/pkgindex
-installed = $-data-dir/epm-installed
-repo-url = https://github.com/elves/pkgindex
fn -info [text]{
print (edit:styled '=> ' green)
echo $text
fn -error [text]{
print (edit:styled '=> ' red)
echo $text
fn update {
if (-is-dir $-repo) {
-info 'Updating epm repo...'
git -C $-repo pull
} else {
-info 'Cloning epm repo...'
git clone $-repo-url $-repo
fn add-installed [pkg]{
echo $pkg >> $-installed
fn -install-one [pkg]{
dest = $-data-dir/lib/$pkg
if ?(test -e $dest) {
-error 'Package '$pkg' already exists locally.'
metafile = $-repo/pkg/$pkg
if (not ?(test -f $metafile)) {
-error 'Package '$pkg' not found. Try epm:update?'
meta = (cat $metafile | from-json)
url desc = $meta[url description]
-info 'Installing package '$pkg': '$desc
git clone $url $dest
add-installed $pkg
fn install [@pkgs]{
if (eq $pkgs []) {
-error 'Must specify at least one package.'
for pkg $pkgs {
-install-one $pkg
fn installed {
if ?(test -f $-installed) {
cat $-installed
fn -upgrade-one [pkg]{
dest = $-data-dir/lib/$pkg
if (not ?(test -d $dest)) {
-error 'Package '$pkg' not installed locally.'
-info 'Upgrading package '$pkg
git -C $dest pull
fn upgrade [@pkgs]{
if (eq $pkgs []) {
pkgs = [(installed)]
-info 'Upgrading all installed packages'
for pkg $pkgs {
-upgrade-one $pkg
fn -uninstall-one [pkg]{
installed-pkgs = [(installed)]
if (not (has-value $installed-pkgs $pkg)) {
-error 'Package '$pkg' is not registered as installed.'
dest = $-data-dir/lib/$pkg
if (not ?(test -d $dest)) {
-error 'Package '$pkg' does not exist locally.'
-info 'Removing package '$pkg
rm -rf $dest
# issue #486
for installed $installed-pkgs {
if (not-eq $installed $pkg) {
echo $installed
} > $-installed
fn uninstall [@pkgs]{
if (eq $pkgs []) {
-error 'Must specify at least one package.'
for pkg $pkgs {
-uninstall-one $pkg
"narrow": `# Implementation of location, history and lastcmd mode using the new
# -narrow-read mode. One advantage of this is that it allows the
# execution of arbitrary hooks before or after each mode.
# Usage:
# use narrow
# narrow:bind-trigger-keys
# narrow:bind-trigger-keys binds keys for location, history and lastcmd
# modes. Without options, it uses the default bindings (same as the
# default bindings for edit:location, edit:history and edit:lastcmd),
# but different keys can be specified with the options. To disable a
# binding, specify its key as "".
# Example:
# narrow:bind-trigger-keys &location=Alt-l &lastcmd=""
# Hooks
# Each hook variable is an array which must contain lambdas, all of
# which will be executed in sequence before and after the
# corresponding mode.
# Example (list the new directory after switching to it in location mode):
# narrow:after-location = [ $@narrow:after-location { edit:insert-at-dot "ls"; edit:smart-enter } ]
before-location = []
after-location = []
before-history = []
after-history = []
before-lastcmd = []
after-lastcmd = []
fn location {
for hook $before-location { $hook }
candidates = [(dir-history | each [arg]{
score = (splits . $arg[score] | take 1)
put [
&display=$score" "$arg[path]
edit:-narrow-read {
put $@candidates
} [arg]{
cd $arg[content]
for hook $after-location { $hook }
} &modeline="[narrow] Location " &ignore-case=$true
fn history {
for hook $before-history { $hook }
candidates = [(edit:command-history | each [arg]{
put [
&display=$arg[id]" "(replaces "\t" " " (replaces "\n" " " $arg[cmd]))
edit:-narrow-read {
put $@candidates
} [arg]{
edit:replace-input $arg[content]
for hook $after-history { $hook }
} &modeline="[narrow] History " &keep-bottom=$true &ignore-case=$true
fn lastcmd {
for hook $before-lastcmd { $hook }
last = (edit:command-history -1)
cmd = [
&display="M-1 "$last[cmd]
index = 0
candidates = [$cmd ( edit:wordify $last[cmd] | each [arg]{
put [
&display=$index" "$arg
index = (+ $index 1)
edit:-narrow-read {
put $@candidates
} [arg]{
edit:insert-at-dot $arg[content]
for hook $after-lastcmd { $hook }
} &modeline="[narrow] Lastcmd " &auto-commit=$true &bindings=[&M-1={ edit:narrow:accept-close }] &ignore-case=$true
fn -bind-insert [k f]{
edit:insert:binding[$k] = $f
fn -bind [k f]{
edit:narrow:binding[$k] = $f
# Bind keys for location, history and lastcmd modes. Without
# options, it uses the default bindings, but different keys
# can be specified with the options. To disable a binding,
# specify its key as "".
# Example:
# narrow:bind-trigger-keys &location=Alt-l &lastcmd=""
fn bind-trigger-keys [&location=C-l &history=C-r &lastcmd=M-1]{
if (not-eq $location "") { -bind-insert $location narrow:location }
if (not-eq $history "") { -bind-insert $history narrow:history }
if (not-eq $lastcmd "") { -bind-insert $lastcmd narrow:lastcmd }
# Set up some default useful bindings for narrow mode
-bind Up $edit:narrow:&up
-bind PageUp $edit:narrow:&page-up
-bind Down $edit:narrow:&down
-bind PageDown $edit:narrow:&page-down
-bind Tab $edit:narrow:&down-cycle
-bind S-Tab $edit:narrow:&up-cycle
-bind Backspace $edit:narrow:&backspace
-bind Enter $edit:narrow:&accept-close
-bind M-Enter $edit:narrow:&accept
-bind default $edit:narrow:&default
-bind "C-[" $edit:insert:&start
-bind C-G $edit:narrow:&toggle-ignore-case
-bind C-D $edit:narrow:&toggle-ignore-duplication
"readline-binding": `b=[k f]{ edit:insert:binding[$k] = $f } {
$b Ctrl-A $edit:&move-dot-sol
$b Ctrl-B $edit:&move-dot-left
$b Ctrl-D {
if (> (count $edit:current-command) 0) {
} else {
$b Ctrl-E $edit:&move-dot-eol
$b Ctrl-F $edit:&move-dot-right
$b Ctrl-H $edit:&kill-rune-left
$b Ctrl-L { clear > /dev/tty }
$b Ctrl-N $edit:&end-of-history
# TODO: ^O
$b Ctrl-P $edit:history:&start
# TODO: ^S ^T ^X family ^Y ^_
$b Alt-b $edit:&move-dot-left-word
# TODO Alt-c Alt-d
$b Alt-f $edit:&move-dot-right-word
# TODO Alt-l Alt-r Alt-u
# Ctrl-N and Ctrl-L occupied by readline binding, $b to Alt- instead.
$b Alt-n $edit:navigation:&start
$b Alt-l $edit:location:&start
b=[k f]{ edit:completion:binding[$k] = $f } {
$b Ctrl-B $edit:completion:&left
$b Ctrl-F $edit:completion:&right
$b Ctrl-N $edit:completion:&down
$b Ctrl-P $edit:completion:&up
$b Alt-f $edit:completion:&trigger-filter
b=[k f]{ edit:navigation:binding[$k] = $f } {
$b Ctrl-B $edit:navigation:&left
$b Ctrl-F $edit:navigation:&right
$b Ctrl-N $edit:navigation:&down
$b Ctrl-P $edit:navigation:&up
$b Alt-f $edit:navigation:&trigger-filter
b=[k f]{ edit:history:binding[$k] = $f } {
$b Ctrl-N $edit:history:&down-or-quit
$b Ctrl-P $edit:history:&up
$b Ctrl-G $edit:insert:&start
b=[k f]{ edit:listing:binding[$k] = $f } {
$b Ctrl-N $edit:listing:&down
$b Ctrl-P $edit:listing:&up
$b Ctrl-V $edit:listing:&page-down
$b Alt-v $edit:listing:&page-up
$b Ctrl-G $edit:insert:&start
b=[k f]{ edit:histlist:binding[$k] = $f } {
$b Alt-g $edit:histlist:&toggle-case-sensitivity
$b Alt-d $edit:histlist:&toggle-dedup