Qi Xiao 9ac476028a pkg/edit: Fix edit:listing:accept.
The accept of a combobox is done on the listbox, not codearea.
2019-12-28 01:50:48 +00:00

286 lines
7.5 KiB

package edit
import (
func initListings(app cli.App, ev *eval.Evaler, ns eval.Ns, st store.Store, fuser *histutil.Fuser) {
bindingVar := newBindingVar(EmptyBindingMap)
"binding": bindingVar,
}.AddGoFns("<edit:listing>:", map[string]interface{}{
"accept": func() { listingAccept(app) },
"accept-close": func() { listingAcceptClose(app) },
"close": func() { closeListing(app) },
"up": func() { listingUp(app) },
"down": func() { listingDown(app) },
"up-cycle": func() { listingUpCycle(app) },
"down-cycle": func() { listingDownCycle(app) },
"page-up": func() { listingPageUp(app) },
"page-down": func() { listingPageDown(app) },
"start-custom": func(fm *eval.Frame, opts customListingOpts, items interface{}) {
listingStartCustom(app, fm, opts, items)
"toggle-filtering": cli.ListingToggleFiltering,
var histStore histutil.Store
if fuser != nil {
histStore = fuserWrapper{fuser}
initHistlist(app, ev, ns, histStore, bindingVar)
initLastcmd(app, ev, ns, histStore, bindingVar)
initLocation(app, ev, ns, st, bindingVar)
func initHistlist(app cli.App, ev *eval.Evaler, ns eval.Ns, histStore histutil.Store, commonBindingVar vars.PtrVar) {
bindingVar := newBindingVar(EmptyBindingMap)
binding := newMapBinding(app, ev, bindingVar, commonBindingVar)
dedup := newBoolVar(true)
caseSensitive := newBoolVar(true)
"binding": bindingVar,
}.AddGoFns("<edit:histlist>", map[string]interface{}{
"start": func() {
histlist.Start(app, histlist.Config{
Binding: binding, Store: histStore,
CaseSensitive: func() bool {
return caseSensitive.Get().(bool)
Dedup: func() bool {
return dedup.Get().(bool)
"toggle-case-sensitivity": func() {
"toggle-dedup": func() {
func initLastcmd(app cli.App, ev *eval.Evaler, ns eval.Ns, histStore histutil.Store, commonBindingVar vars.PtrVar) {
bindingVar := newBindingVar(EmptyBindingMap)
binding := newMapBinding(app, ev, bindingVar, commonBindingVar)
"binding": bindingVar,
}.AddGoFn("<edit:lastcmd>", "start", func() {
// TODO: Specify wordifier
lastcmd.Start(app, lastcmd.Config{
Binding: binding, Store: histStore})
func initLocation(app cli.App, ev *eval.Evaler, ns eval.Ns, st store.Store, commonBindingVar vars.PtrVar) {
bindingVar := newBindingVar(EmptyBindingMap)
pinnedVar := newListVar(vals.EmptyList)
hiddenVar := newListVar(vals.EmptyList)
workspacesVar := newMapVar(vals.EmptyMap)
binding := newMapBinding(app, ev, bindingVar, commonBindingVar)
workspaceIterator := location.WorkspaceIterator(
"binding": bindingVar,
"hidden": hiddenVar,
"pinned": pinnedVar,
"workspaces": workspacesVar,
}.AddGoFn("<edit:location>", "start", func() {
location.Start(app, location.Config{
Binding: binding, Store: dirStore{ev, st},
IteratePinned: adaptToIterateString(pinnedVar),
IterateHidden: adaptToIterateString(hiddenVar),
IterateWorkspaces: workspaceIterator,
ev.AddAfterChdir(func(string) {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
// TODO(xiaq): Surface the error.
st.AddDir(wd, 1)
kind, root := workspaceIterator.Parse(wd)
if kind != "" {
st.AddDir(kind+wd[len(root):], 1)
//elvdoc:fn listing:accept
// Accepts the current selected listing item.
func listingAccept(app cli.App) {
w, ok := app.CopyState().Addon.(cli.ComboBox)
if !ok {
//elvdoc:fn listing:accept-close
// Accepts the current selected listing item and closes the listing.
func listingAcceptClose(app cli.App) {
//elvdoc:fn listing:up
// Moves the cursor up in listing mode.
func listingUp(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.Prev) }
//elvdoc:fn listing:down
// Moves the cursor down in listing mode.
func listingDown(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.Next) }
//elvdoc:fn listing:up-cycle
// Moves the cursor up in listing mode, or to the last item if the first item is
// currently selected.
func listingUpCycle(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.PrevWrap) }
//elvdoc:fn listing:down-cycle
// Moves the cursor down in listing mode, or to the first item if the last item is
// currently selected.
func listingDownCycle(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.NextWrap) }
//elvdoc:fn listing:page-up
// Moves the cursor up one page.
func listingPageUp(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.PrevPage) }
//elvdoc:fn listing:page-down
// Moves the cursor down one page.
func listingPageDown(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.NextPage) }
//elvdoc:fn listing:left
// Moves the cursor left in listing mode.
func listingLeft(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.Left) }
//elvdoc:fn listing:right
// Moves the cursor right in listing mode.
func listingRight(app cli.App) { listingSelect(app, cli.Right) }
func listingSelect(app cli.App, f func(cli.ListBoxState) int) {
w, ok := app.CopyState().Addon.(cli.ComboBox)
if !ok {
func listingRefilter(app cli.App) {
w, ok := app.CopyState().Addon.(cli.ComboBox)
if !ok {
//elvdoc:var location:hidden
// A list of directories to hide in the location addon.
//elvdoc:var location:pinned
// A list of directories to always show at the top of the list of the location
// addon.
//elvdoc:var location:workspaces
// A map mapping types of workspaces to their patterns.
func adaptToIterateString(variable vars.Var) func(func(string)) {
return func(f func(s string)) {
vals.Iterate(variable.Get(), func(v interface{}) bool {
return true
func adaptToIterateStringPair(variable vars.Var) func(func(string, string) bool) {
return func(f func(a, b string) bool) {
m := variable.Get().(hashmap.Map)
for it := m.Iterator(); it.HasElem(); it.Next() {
k, v := it.Elem()
ks, kok := k.(string)
vs, vok := v.(string)
if kok && vok {
next := f(ks, vs)
if !next {
// Wraps the histutil.Fuser interface to implement histutil.Store. This is a
// bandaid as we cannot change the implementation of Fuser without breaking its
// other users. Eventually Fuser should implement Store directly.
type fuserWrapper struct {
func (f fuserWrapper) AddCmd(cmd store.Cmd) (int, error) {
return f.Fuser.AddCmd(cmd.Text)
// Wraps an Evaler to implement the cli.DirStore interface.
type dirStore struct {
ev *eval.Evaler
st store.Store
func (d dirStore) Chdir(path string) error {
return d.ev.Chdir(path)
func (d dirStore) Dirs(blacklist map[string]struct{}) ([]store.Dir, error) {
return d.st.Dirs(blacklist)
func (d dirStore) Getwd() (string, error) {
return os.Getwd()