Qi Xiao d140e98f3c Fix definition of recursive functions with fn.
Also document explicitly that the function body may refer to the function being

This fixes #1206.
2021-01-03 20:44:52 +00:00

191 lines
6.2 KiB

package eval_test
import (
. "github.com/elves/elvish/pkg/eval"
. "github.com/elves/elvish/pkg/eval/evaltest"
func TestBuiltinSpecial(t *testing.T) {
// del - deleting variable
That("x = 1; del x").DoesNothing(),
That("x = 1; del x; echo $x").DoesNotCompile(),
That("x = 1; del :x; echo $x").DoesNotCompile(),
That("x = 1; del local:x; echo $x").DoesNotCompile(),
// del - deleting element
That("x = [&k=v &k2=v2]; del x[k2]; keys $x").Puts("k"),
That("x = [[&k=v &k2=v2]]; del x[0][k2]; keys $x[0]").Puts("k"),
// del - wrong use of del
That("del x").DoesNotCompile(),
That("del x[0]").DoesNotCompile(),
That("ab = 1; del a'b'").DoesNotCompile(),
That("del a:b").DoesNotCompile(),
That("x = 1; del $x").DoesNotCompile(),
That("del [a]").DoesNotCompile(),
That("x = []; del @x").DoesNotCompile(),
// and
That("and $true $false").Puts(false),
// and - short circuit
That("x = a; and $false (x = b); put $x").Puts(false, "a"),
// or
That("or $true $false").Puts(true),
That("or a b").Puts("a"),
// or - short circuit
That("x = a; or $true (x = b); put $x").Puts(true, "a"),
// if
That("if true { put then }").Puts("then"),
That("if $false { put then } else { put else }").Puts("else"),
That("if $false { put 1 } elif $false { put 2 } else { put 3 }").
That("if $false { put 2 } elif true { put 2 } else { put 3 }").Puts("2"),
// try
That("try { nop } except { put bad } else { put good }").Puts("good"),
That("try { e:false } except - { put bad } else { put good }").
That("try { fail tr }").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("tr")),
That("try { fail tr } finally { put final }").
That("try { fail tr } except { fail ex } finally { put final }").
That("try { fail tr } except { put ex } finally { fail final }").
That("try { fail tr } except { fail ex } finally { fail final }").Throws(ErrorWithMessage(
// try - wrong use
That("try { nop } except @a { }").DoesNotCompile(),
// while
That("x=0; while (< $x 4) { put $x; x=(+ $x 1) }").
Puts("0", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
That("x = 0; while (< $x 4) { put $x; break }").Puts("0"),
That("x = 0; while (< $x 4) { fail haha }").Throws(AnyError),
That("x = 0; while (< $x 4) { put $x; x=(+ $x 1) } else { put bad }").
Puts("0", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
That("while $false { put bad } else { put good }").Puts("good"),
// for
That("for x [tempora mores] { put 'O '$x }").
Puts("O tempora", "O mores"),
// break
That("for x [a] { break } else { put $x }").DoesNothing(),
// else
That("for x [a] { put $x } else { put $x }").Puts("a"),
// continue
That("for x [a b] { put $x; continue; put $x; }").Puts("a", "b"),
// More than one iterator.
That("for {x,y} [] { }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Invalid for loop lvalue. You can't use a var in a namespace other
// than the local namespace as the lvalue in a for loop.
That("for no-such-namespace:x [a b] { }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Exception when evaluating iterable.
That("for x [][0] { }").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
// More than one iterable.
That("for x (put a b) { }").Throws(
What: "value being iterated",
ValidLow: 1, ValidHigh: 1, Actual: 2},
"(put a b)"),
// fn.
That("fn f [x]{ put x=$x'.' }; f lorem; f ipsum").
Puts("x=lorem.", "x=ipsum."),
// Recursive functions with fn. Regression test for #1206.
That("fn f [n]{ if (== $n 0) { put 1 } else { * $n (f (- $n 1)) } }; f 3").
// return.
That("fn f []{ put a; return; put b }; f").Puts("a"),
func TestUse(t *testing.T) {
libdir, cleanup := testutil.InTestDir()
defer cleanup()
testutil.MustMkdirAll(filepath.Join("a", "b", "c"))
writeMod := func(name, content string) {
fname := filepath.Join(strings.Split(name, "/")...) + ".elv"
testutil.MustWriteFile(fname, []byte(content), 0600)
writeMod("has-init", "put has-init")
writeMod("put-x", "put $x")
writeMod("lorem", "name = lorem; fn put-name { put $name }")
writeMod("d", "name = d")
writeMod("a/b/c/d", "name = a/b/c/d")
"use ./d; d = $d:name; use ../../../lorem; lorem = $lorem:name")
TestWithSetup(t, func(ev *Evaler) { ev.SetLibDir(libdir) },
That(`use lorem; put $lorem:name`).Puts("lorem"),
// imports are lexically scoped
// TODO: Support testing for compilation error
// That(`{ use lorem }; put $lorem:name`).ErrorsAny(),
// use of imported variable is captured in upvalue
That(`use lorem; { put $lorem:name }`).Puts("lorem"),
That(`{ use lorem; { put $lorem:name } }`).Puts("lorem"),
That(`({ use lorem; put { { put $lorem:name } } })`).Puts("lorem"),
// use of imported function is also captured in upvalue
That(`{ use lorem; { lorem:put-name } }`).Puts("lorem"),
// use of a nested module
That(`use a/b/c/d; put $d:name`).Puts("a/b/c/d"),
// module is cached after first use
That(`use has-init; use has-init`).Puts("has-init"),
// overriding module
That(`use d; put $d:name; use a/b/c/d; put $d:name`).
Puts("d", "a/b/c/d"),
// relative uses
That(`use a/b/c/x; put $x:d $x:lorem`).Puts("a/b/c/d", "lorem"),
// relative uses from top-level
That(`use ./d; put $d:name`).Puts("d"),
// Renaming module
That(`use a/b/c/d mod; put $mod:name`).Puts("a/b/c/d"),
// Variables defined in the default global scope is invisible from
// modules
That("x = foo; use put-x").Throws(AnyError),
// TODO: Test module namespace
// Wrong uses of "use".
That("use a b c").DoesNotCompile(),
// Regression test for #1072
func TestUse_WarnsAboutDeprecatedFeatures(t *testing.T) {
restore := prog.SetShowDeprecations(true)
defer restore()
libdir, cleanup := testutil.InTestDir()
defer cleanup()
testutil.MustWriteFile("dep.elv", []byte("x = (ord 1)"), 0600)
TestWithSetup(t, func(ev *Evaler) { ev.SetLibDir(libdir) },
// Importing module triggers check for deprecated features
That("use dep").PrintsStderrWith("is deprecated"),