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package eval
// Builtin special forms. Special forms behave mostly like ordinary commands -
// they are valid commands syntactically, and can take part in pipelines - but
// they have special rules for the evaluation of their arguments and can affect
// the compilation phase (whereas ordinary commands can only affect the
// evaluation phase).
// For example, the "and" special form evaluates its arguments from left to
// right, and stops as soon as one booleanly false value is obtained: the
// command "and $false (fail haha)" does not produce an exception.
// As another example, the "del" special form removes a variable, affecting the
// compiler.
// Flow control structures are also implemented as special forms in elvish, with
// closures functioning as code blocks.
import (
type compileBuiltin func(*compiler, *parse.Form) effectOp
var builtinSpecials map[string]compileBuiltin
// IsBuiltinSpecial is the set of all names of builtin special forms. It is
// intended for external consumption, e.g. the syntax highlighter.
var IsBuiltinSpecial = map[string]bool{}
type noSuchModule struct{ spec string }
func (err noSuchModule) Error() string { return "no such module: " + err.spec }
func init() {
// Needed to avoid initialization loop
builtinSpecials = map[string]compileBuiltin{
"var": compileVar,
"set": compileSet,
"del": compileDel,
"fn": compileFn,
"use": compileUse,
"and": compileAnd,
"or": compileOr,
"if": compileIf,
"while": compileWhile,
"for": compileFor,
"try": compileTry,
for name := range builtinSpecials {
IsBuiltinSpecial[name] = true
// VarForm = 'var' { VariablePrimary } [ '=' { Compound } ]
func compileVar(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
lhs := lvaluesGroup{rest: -1}
for i, cn := range fn.Args {
if parse.SourceText(cn) == "=" {
var rhs valuesOp
if i == len(fn.Args)-1 {
rhs = nopValuesOp{diag.PointRanging(fn.Range().To)}
} else {
rhs = seqValuesOp{
diag.MixedRanging(fn.Args[i+1], fn.Args[len(fn.Args)-1]),
return &assignOp{fn.Range(), lhs, rhs}
if len(cn.Indexings) != 1 {
cp.errorpf(cn, "variable name must be a single string literal")
if len(cn.Indexings[0].Indicies) > 0 {
cp.errorpf(cn, "variable name must not have indicies")
pn := cn.Indexings[0].Head
if !parse.ValidLHSVariable(pn, true) {
cp.errorpf(cn, "invalid variable name")
name := pn.Value
if !IsUnqualified(name) {
cp.errorpf(cn, "variable declared in var must be unqualified")
sigil, name := SplitSigil(name)
if sigil == "@" {
if lhs.rest != -1 {
cp.errorpf(cn, "multiple variable names with @ not allowed")
lhs.rest = i
slotIndex := cp.thisScope().add(name)
lhs.lvalues = append(lhs.lvalues,
lvalue{cn.Range(), &varRef{localScope, slotIndex, nil}, nil, nil})
// If there is no assignment, there is no work to be done at eval-time.
return nopOp{}
// IsUnqualified returns whether name is an unqualified variable name.
func IsUnqualified(name string) bool {
i := strings.IndexByte(name, ':')
return i == -1 || i == len(name)-1
// SetForm = 'set' { LHS } '=' { Compound }
func compileSet(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
eq := -1
for i, cn := range fn.Args {
if parse.SourceText(cn) == "=" {
eq = i
if eq == -1 {
cp.errorpf(diag.PointRanging(fn.Range().To), "need = and right-hand-side")
lhs := cp.parseCompoundLValues(fn.Args[:eq])
var rhs valuesOp
if eq == len(fn.Args)-1 {
rhs = nopValuesOp{diag.PointRanging(fn.Range().To)}
} else {
rhs = seqValuesOp{
diag.MixedRanging(fn.Args[eq+1], fn.Args[len(fn.Args)-1]),
return &assignOp{fn.Range(), lhs, rhs}
const delArgMsg = "arguments to del must be variable or variable elements"
// DelForm = 'del' { LHS }
func compileDel(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
var ops []effectOp
for _, cn := range fn.Args {
if len(cn.Indexings) != 1 {
cp.errorpf(cn, delArgMsg)
head, indices := cn.Indexings[0].Head, cn.Indexings[0].Indicies
if head.Type == parse.Variable {
cp.errorpf(cn, "arguments to del must drop $")
} else if !parse.ValidLHSVariable(head, false) {
cp.errorpf(cn, delArgMsg)
qname := head.Value
var f effectOp
ref := resolveVarRef(cp, qname, nil)
if ref == nil {
cp.errorpf(cn, "no variable $%s", head.Value)
if len(indices) == 0 {
if ref.scope == envScope {
f = delEnvVarOp{fn.Range(), ref.subNames[0]}
} else if ref.scope == localScope && len(ref.subNames) == 0 {
f = delLocalVarOp{ref.index}
cp.thisScope().deleted[ref.index] = true
} else {
cp.errorpf(cn, "only variables in local: or E: can be deleted")
} else {
f = newDelElementOp(ref, head.Range().From, head.Range().To, cp.arrayOps(indices))
ops = append(ops, f)
return seqOp{ops}
type delLocalVarOp struct{ index int }
func (op delLocalVarOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
fm.local.slots[op.index] = nil
return nil
type delEnvVarOp struct {
name string
func (op delEnvVarOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
return fm.errorp(op, os.Unsetenv(op.name))
func newDelElementOp(ref *varRef, begin, headEnd int, indexOps []valuesOp) effectOp {
ends := make([]int, len(indexOps)+1)
ends[0] = headEnd
for i, op := range indexOps {
ends[i+1] = op.Range().To
return &delElemOp{ref, indexOps, begin, ends}
type delElemOp struct {
ref *varRef
indexOps []valuesOp
begin int
ends []int
func (op *delElemOp) Range() diag.Ranging {
return diag.Ranging{From: op.begin, To: op.ends[0]}
func (op *delElemOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
var indices []interface{}
for _, indexOp := range op.indexOps {
indexValues, exc := indexOp.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return exc
if len(indexValues) != 1 {
return fm.errorpf(indexOp, "index must evaluate to a single value in argument to del")
indices = append(indices, indexValues[0])
err := vars.DelElement(deref(fm, op.ref), indices)
if err != nil {
if level := vars.ElementErrorLevel(err); level >= 0 {
return fm.errorp(diag.Ranging{From: op.begin, To: op.ends[level]}, err)
return fm.errorp(op, err)
return nil
// FnForm = 'fn' StringPrimary LambdaPrimary
// fn f []{foobar} is a shorthand for set '&'f = []{foobar}.
func compileFn(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
args := cp.walkArgs(fn)
nameNode := args.next()
name := stringLiteralOrError(cp, nameNode, "function name")
bodyNode := args.nextMustLambda("function body")
// Define the variable before compiling the body, so that the body may refer
// to the function itself.
index := cp.thisScope().add(name + FnSuffix)
op := cp.lambda(bodyNode)
return fnOp{nameNode.Range(), index, op}
type fnOp struct {
keywordRange diag.Ranging
varIndex int
lambdaOp valuesOp
func (op fnOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
// Initialize the function variable with the builtin nop function. This step
// allows the definition of recursive functions; the actual function will
// never be called.
fm.local.slots[op.varIndex].Set(NewGoFn("<shouldn't be called>", nop))
values, exc := op.lambdaOp.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return exc
c := values[0].(*closure)
c.Op = fnWrap{c.Op}
return fm.errorp(op.keywordRange, fm.local.slots[op.varIndex].Set(c))
type fnWrap struct{ effectOp }
func (op fnWrap) Range() diag.Ranging { return op.effectOp.(diag.Ranger).Range() }
func (op fnWrap) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
exc := op.effectOp.exec(fm)
if exc != nil && exc.Reason() != Return {
// rethrow
return exc
return nil
// UseForm = 'use' StringPrimary
func compileUse(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
var name, spec string
switch len(fn.Args) {
case 0:
end := fn.Head.Range().To
cp.errorpf(diag.PointRanging(end), "lack module name")
case 1:
spec = stringLiteralOrError(cp, fn.Args[0], "module spec")
// Use the last path component as the name; for instance, if path =
// "a/b/c/d", name is "d". If path doesn't have slashes, name = path.
name = spec[strings.LastIndexByte(spec, '/')+1:]
case 2:
// TODO(xiaq): Allow using variable as module path
spec = stringLiteralOrError(cp, fn.Args[0], "module spec")
name = stringLiteralOrError(cp, fn.Args[1], "module name")
default: // > 2
cp.errorpf(diag.MixedRanging(fn.Args[2], fn.Args[len(fn.Args)-1]),
"superfluous argument(s)")
return useOp{fn.Range(), cp.thisScope().add(name + NsSuffix), spec}
type useOp struct {
varIndex int
spec string
func (op useOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
ns, err := use(fm, op.spec, op)
if err != nil {
return fm.errorp(op, err)
return nil
var bundledModules = bundled.Get()
func use(fm *Frame, spec string, r diag.Ranger) (*Ns, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(spec, "../") {
var dir string
if fm.srcMeta.IsFile {
dir = filepath.Dir(fm.srcMeta.Name)
} else {
var err error
dir, err = os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
path := filepath.Clean(dir + "/" + spec)
return useFromFile(fm, spec, path, r)
if ns, ok := fm.Evaler.modules[spec]; ok {
return ns, nil
if code, ok := bundledModules[spec]; ok {
return evalModule(fm, spec,
parse.Source{Name: "[bundled " + spec + "]", Code: code}, r)
// TODO: For non-relative imports, use the spec (instead of the full path)
// as the module key instead to avoid searching every time.
for _, dir := range fm.Evaler.getLibDirs() {
ns, err := useFromFile(fm, spec, filepath.Join(dir, spec), r)
if _, isNoSuchModule := err.(noSuchModule); isNoSuchModule {
return ns, err
return nil, noSuchModule{spec}
// TODO: Make access to fm.Evaler.modules concurrency-safe.
func useFromFile(fm *Frame, spec, path string, r diag.Ranger) (*Ns, error) {
if ns, ok := fm.Evaler.modules[path]; ok {
return ns, nil
_, err := os.Stat(path + ".so")
if err != nil {
code, err := readFileUTF8(path + ".elv")
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, noSuchModule{spec}
return nil, err
src := parse.Source{Name: path + ".elv", Code: code, IsFile: true}
return evalModule(fm, path, src, r)
plug, err := pluginOpen(path + ".so")
if err != nil {
return nil, noSuchModule{spec}
sym, err := plug.Lookup("Ns")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ns, ok := sym.(**Ns)
if !ok {
return nil, noSuchModule{spec}
fm.Evaler.modules[path] = *ns
return *ns, nil
// TODO: Make access to fm.Evaler.modules concurrency-safe.
func evalModule(fm *Frame, key string, src parse.Source, r diag.Ranger) (*Ns, error) {
ns, exec, err := fm.PrepareEval(src, r, new(Ns))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Installs the namespace before executing. This prevent circular use'es
// from resulting in an infinite recursion.
fm.Evaler.modules[key] = ns
err = exec()
if err != nil {
// Unload the namespace.
delete(fm.Evaler.modules, key)
return nil, err
return ns, nil
// compileAnd compiles the "and" special form.
// The and special form evaluates arguments until a false-ish values is found
// and outputs it; the remaining arguments are not evaluated. If there are no
// false-ish values, the last value is output. If there are no arguments, it
// outputs $true, as if there is a hidden $true before actual arguments.
func compileAnd(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
return &andOrOp{fn.Range(), cp.compoundOps(fn.Args), true, false}
// compileOr compiles the "or" special form.
// The or special form evaluates arguments until a true-ish values is found and
// outputs it; the remaining arguments are not evaluated. If there are no
// true-ish values, the last value is output. If there are no arguments, it
// outputs $false, as if there is a hidden $false before actual arguments.
func compileOr(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
return &andOrOp{fn.Range(), cp.compoundOps(fn.Args), false, true}
type andOrOp struct {
argOps []valuesOp
init bool
stopAt bool
func (op *andOrOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
var lastValue interface{} = vals.Bool(op.init)
out := fm.ValueOutput()
for _, argOp := range op.argOps {
values, exc := argOp.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
return exc
for _, value := range values {
if vals.Bool(value) == op.stopAt {
return fm.errorp(op, out.Put(value))
lastValue = value
return fm.errorp(op, out.Put(lastValue))
func compileIf(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
args := cp.walkArgs(fn)
var condNodes []*parse.Compound
var bodyNodes []*parse.Primary
condLeader := "if"
for {
condNodes = append(condNodes, args.next())
bodyNodes = append(bodyNodes, args.nextMustLambda(condLeader))
if !args.nextIs("elif") {
condLeader = "elif"
elseNode := args.nextMustLambdaIfAfter("else")
condOps := cp.compoundOps(condNodes)
bodyOps := cp.primaryOps(bodyNodes)
var elseOp valuesOp
if elseNode != nil {
elseOp = cp.primaryOp(elseNode)
return &ifOp{fn.Range(), condOps, bodyOps, elseOp}
type ifOp struct {
condOps []valuesOp
bodyOps []valuesOp
elseOp valuesOp
func (op *ifOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
bodies := make([]Callable, len(op.bodyOps))
for i, bodyOp := range op.bodyOps {
bodies[i] = execLambdaOp(fm, bodyOp)
elseFn := execLambdaOp(fm, op.elseOp)
for i, condOp := range op.condOps {
condValues, exc := condOp.exec(fm.fork("if cond"))
if exc != nil {
return exc
if allTrue(condValues) {
return fm.errorp(op, bodies[i].Call(fm.fork("if body"), NoArgs, NoOpts))
if op.elseOp != nil {
return fm.errorp(op, elseFn.Call(fm.fork("if else"), NoArgs, NoOpts))
return nil
func compileWhile(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
args := cp.walkArgs(fn)
condNode := args.next()
bodyNode := args.nextMustLambda("while body")
elseNode := args.nextMustLambdaIfAfter("else")
condOp := cp.compoundOp(condNode)
bodyOp := cp.primaryOp(bodyNode)
var elseOp valuesOp
if elseNode != nil {
elseOp = cp.primaryOp(elseNode)
return &whileOp{fn.Range(), condOp, bodyOp, elseOp}
type whileOp struct {
condOp, bodyOp, elseOp valuesOp
func (op *whileOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
body := execLambdaOp(fm, op.bodyOp)
elseBody := execLambdaOp(fm, op.elseOp)
iterated := false
for {
condValues, exc := op.condOp.exec(fm.fork("while cond"))
if exc != nil {
return exc
if !allTrue(condValues) {
iterated = true
err := body.Call(fm.fork("while"), NoArgs, NoOpts)
if err != nil {
exc := err.(Exception)
if exc.Reason() == Continue {
// Do nothing
} else if exc.Reason() == Break {
} else {
return exc
if op.elseOp != nil && !iterated {
return fm.errorp(op, elseBody.Call(fm.fork("while else"), NoArgs, NoOpts))
return nil
func compileFor(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
args := cp.walkArgs(fn)
varNode := args.next()
iterNode := args.next()
bodyNode := args.nextMustLambda("for body")
elseNode := args.nextMustLambdaIfAfter("else")
lvalue := cp.compileOneLValue(varNode)
iterOp := cp.compoundOp(iterNode)
bodyOp := cp.primaryOp(bodyNode)
var elseOp valuesOp
if elseNode != nil {
elseOp = cp.primaryOp(elseNode)
return &forOp{fn.Range(), lvalue, iterOp, bodyOp, elseOp}
type forOp struct {
lvalue lvalue
iterOp valuesOp
bodyOp valuesOp
elseOp valuesOp
func (op *forOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
variable, err := derefLValue(fm, op.lvalue)
if err != nil {
return fm.errorp(op.lvalue, err)
iterable, err := evalForValue(fm, op.iterOp, "value being iterated")
if err != nil {
return fm.errorp(op, err)
body := execLambdaOp(fm, op.bodyOp)
elseBody := execLambdaOp(fm, op.elseOp)
iterated := false
var errElement error
errIterate := vals.Iterate(iterable, func(v interface{}) bool {
iterated = true
err := variable.Set(v)
if err != nil {
errElement = err
return false
err = body.Call(fm.fork("for"), NoArgs, NoOpts)
if err != nil {
exc := err.(Exception)
if exc.Reason() == Continue {
// do nothing
} else if exc.Reason() == Break {
return false
} else {
errElement = err
return false
return true
if errIterate != nil {
return fm.errorp(op, errIterate)
if errElement != nil {
return fm.errorp(op, errElement)
if !iterated && elseBody != nil {
return fm.errorp(op, elseBody.Call(fm.fork("for else"), NoArgs, NoOpts))
return nil
func compileTry(cp *compiler, fn *parse.Form) effectOp {
logger.Println("compiling try")
args := cp.walkArgs(fn)
bodyNode := args.nextMustLambda("try body")
logger.Printf("body is %q", parse.SourceText(bodyNode))
var exceptVarNode *parse.Compound
var exceptNode *parse.Primary
if args.nextIs("except") {
// Parse an optional lvalue into exceptVarNode.
n := args.peek()
if _, ok := cmpd.StringLiteral(n); ok {
exceptVarNode = n
exceptNode = args.nextMustLambda("except body")
elseNode := args.nextMustLambdaIfAfter("else")
finallyNode := args.nextMustLambdaIfAfter("finally")
var exceptVar lvalue
var bodyOp, exceptOp, elseOp, finallyOp valuesOp
bodyOp = cp.primaryOp(bodyNode)
if exceptVarNode != nil {
exceptVar = cp.compileOneLValue(exceptVarNode)
if exceptNode != nil {
exceptOp = cp.primaryOp(exceptNode)
if elseNode != nil {
elseOp = cp.primaryOp(elseNode)
if finallyNode != nil {
finallyOp = cp.primaryOp(finallyNode)
return &tryOp{fn.Range(), bodyOp, exceptVar, exceptOp, elseOp, finallyOp}
type tryOp struct {
bodyOp valuesOp
exceptVar lvalue
exceptOp valuesOp
elseOp valuesOp
finallyOp valuesOp
func (op *tryOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
body := execLambdaOp(fm, op.bodyOp)
var exceptVar vars.Var
if op.exceptVar.ref != nil {
var err error
exceptVar, err = derefLValue(fm, op.exceptVar)
if err != nil {
return fm.errorp(op, err)
except := execLambdaOp(fm, op.exceptOp)
elseFn := execLambdaOp(fm, op.elseOp)
finally := execLambdaOp(fm, op.finallyOp)
err := body.Call(fm.fork("try body"), NoArgs, NoOpts)
if err != nil {
if except != nil {
if exceptVar != nil {
err := exceptVar.Set(err.(Exception))
if err != nil {
return fm.errorp(op.exceptVar, err)
err = except.Call(fm.fork("try except"), NoArgs, NoOpts)
} else {
if elseFn != nil {
err = elseFn.Call(fm.fork("try else"), NoArgs, NoOpts)
if finally != nil {
errFinally := finally.Call(fm.fork("try finally"), NoArgs, NoOpts)
if errFinally != nil {
// TODO: If err is not nil, this discards err. Use something similar
// to pipeline exception to expose both.
return fm.errorp(op, errFinally)
return fm.errorp(op, err)
func (cp *compiler) compileOneLValue(n *parse.Compound) lvalue {
if len(n.Indexings) != 1 {
cp.errorpf(n, "must be valid lvalue")
lvalues := cp.parseIndexingLValue(n.Indexings[0])
if lvalues.rest != -1 {
cp.errorpf(lvalues.lvalues[lvalues.rest], "rest variable not allowed")
if len(lvalues.lvalues) != 1 {
cp.errorpf(n, "must be exactly one lvalue")
return lvalues.lvalues[0]
// Executes a valuesOp that is known to yield a lambda and returns the lambda.
// Returns nil if op is nil.
func execLambdaOp(fm *Frame, op valuesOp) Callable {
if op == nil {
return nil
values, exc := op.exec(fm)
if exc != nil {
panic("must not be erroneous")
return values[0].(Callable)