Qi Xiao 9f7312a802 pkg/ui: Improve API for Text.
- Add a TextBuilder for building a Text efficiently.

- Remove NormalizeText, and make functionsn this package always return already
  normal Text instances.

- Rename Style.{Foreground Background} to Fg and Bg.

- Fix the Repr output of both Text and Segment.
2023-01-02 01:00:26 +00:00

214 lines
6.6 KiB

package ui
import (
// Styling specifies how to change a Style. It can also be applied to a Segment
// or Text.
type Styling interface{ transform(*Style) }
// StyleText returns a new Text with the given Styling's applied. It does not
// modify the given Text.
func StyleText(t Text, ts ...Styling) Text {
newt := make(Text, len(t))
for i, seg := range t {
newt[i] = StyleSegment(seg, ts...)
return newt
// StyleSegment returns a new Segment with the given Styling's applied. It does
// not modify the given Segment.
func StyleSegment(seg *Segment, ts ...Styling) *Segment {
return &Segment{Text: seg.Text, Style: ApplyStyling(seg.Style, ts...)}
// ApplyStyling returns a new Style with the given Styling's applied.
func ApplyStyling(s Style, ts ...Styling) Style {
for _, t := range ts {
if t != nil {
return s
// Stylings joins several transformers into one.
func Stylings(ts ...Styling) Styling { return jointStyling(ts) }
// Common stylings.
var (
Reset Styling = reset{}
FgDefault Styling = setForeground{nil}
FgBlack Styling = setForeground{Black}
FgRed Styling = setForeground{Red}
FgGreen Styling = setForeground{Green}
FgYellow Styling = setForeground{Yellow}
FgBlue Styling = setForeground{Blue}
FgMagenta Styling = setForeground{Magenta}
FgCyan Styling = setForeground{Cyan}
FgWhite Styling = setForeground{White}
FgBrightBlack Styling = setForeground{BrightBlack}
FgBrightRed Styling = setForeground{BrightRed}
FgBrightGreen Styling = setForeground{BrightGreen}
FgBrightYellow Styling = setForeground{BrightYellow}
FgBrightBlue Styling = setForeground{BrightBlue}
FgBrightMagenta Styling = setForeground{BrightMagenta}
FgBrightCyan Styling = setForeground{BrightCyan}
FgBrightWhite Styling = setForeground{BrightWhite}
BgDefault Styling = setBackground{nil}
BgBlack Styling = setBackground{Black}
BgRed Styling = setBackground{Red}
BgGreen Styling = setBackground{Green}
BgYellow Styling = setBackground{Yellow}
BgBlue Styling = setBackground{Blue}
BgMagenta Styling = setBackground{Magenta}
BgCyan Styling = setBackground{Cyan}
BgWhite Styling = setBackground{White}
BgBrightBlack Styling = setBackground{BrightBlack}
BgBrightRed Styling = setBackground{BrightRed}
BgBrightGreen Styling = setBackground{BrightGreen}
BgBrightYellow Styling = setBackground{BrightYellow}
BgBrightBlue Styling = setBackground{BrightBlue}
BgBrightMagenta Styling = setBackground{BrightMagenta}
BgBrightCyan Styling = setBackground{BrightCyan}
BgBrightWhite Styling = setBackground{BrightWhite}
Bold Styling = boolOn{boldField{}}
Dim Styling = boolOn{dimField{}}
Italic Styling = boolOn{italicField{}}
Underlined Styling = boolOn{underlinedField{}}
Blink Styling = boolOn{blinkField{}}
Inverse Styling = boolOn{inverseField{}}
NoBold Styling = boolOff{boldField{}}
NoDim Styling = boolOff{dimField{}}
NoItalic Styling = boolOff{italicField{}}
NoUnderlined Styling = boolOff{underlinedField{}}
NoBlink Styling = boolOff{blinkField{}}
NoInverse Styling = boolOff{inverseField{}}
ToggleBold Styling = boolToggle{boldField{}}
ToggleDim Styling = boolToggle{dimField{}}
ToggleItalic Styling = boolToggle{italicField{}}
ToggleUnderlined Styling = boolToggle{underlinedField{}}
ToggleBlink Styling = boolToggle{blinkField{}}
ToggleInverse Styling = boolToggle{inverseField{}}
// Fg returns a Styling that sets the foreground color.
func Fg(c Color) Styling { return setForeground{c} }
// Bg returns a Styling that sets the background color.
func Bg(c Color) Styling { return setBackground{c} }
type reset struct{}
type setForeground struct{ c Color }
type setBackground struct{ c Color }
type boolOn struct{ f boolField }
type boolOff struct{ f boolField }
type boolToggle struct{ f boolField }
func (reset) transform(s *Style) { *s = Style{} }
func (t setForeground) transform(s *Style) { s.Fg = t.c }
func (t setBackground) transform(s *Style) { s.Bg = t.c }
func (t boolOn) transform(s *Style) { *t.f.get(s) = true }
func (t boolOff) transform(s *Style) { *t.f.get(s) = false }
func (t boolToggle) transform(s *Style) { p := t.f.get(s); *p = !*p }
type boolField interface{ get(*Style) *bool }
type boldField struct{}
type dimField struct{}
type italicField struct{}
type underlinedField struct{}
type blinkField struct{}
type inverseField struct{}
func (boldField) get(s *Style) *bool { return &s.Bold }
func (dimField) get(s *Style) *bool { return &s.Dim }
func (italicField) get(s *Style) *bool { return &s.Italic }
func (underlinedField) get(s *Style) *bool { return &s.Underlined }
func (blinkField) get(s *Style) *bool { return &s.Blink }
func (inverseField) get(s *Style) *bool { return &s.Inverse }
type jointStyling []Styling
func (t jointStyling) transform(s *Style) {
for _, t := range t {
// ParseStyling parses a text representation of Styling, which are kebab
// case counterparts to the names of the builtin Styling's. For example,
// ToggleInverse is expressed as "toggle-inverse".
// Multiple stylings can be joined by spaces, which is equivalent to calling
// Stylings.
// If the given string is invalid, ParseStyling returns nil.
func ParseStyling(s string) Styling {
if !strings.ContainsRune(s, ' ') {
return parseOneStyling(s)
var joint jointStyling
for _, subs := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
parsed := parseOneStyling(subs)
if parsed == nil {
return nil
joint = append(joint, parseOneStyling(subs))
return joint
var boolFields = map[string]boolField{
"bold": boldField{},
"dim": dimField{},
"italic": italicField{},
"underlined": underlinedField{},
"blink": blinkField{},
"inverse": inverseField{},
func parseOneStyling(name string) Styling {
switch {
case name == "default" || name == "fg-default":
return FgDefault
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "fg-"):
if color := parseColor(name[len("fg-"):]); color != nil {
return setForeground{color}
case name == "bg-default":
return BgDefault
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "bg-"):
if color := parseColor(name[len("bg-"):]); color != nil {
return setBackground{color}
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "no-"):
if f, ok := boolFields[name[len("no-"):]]; ok {
return boolOff{f}
case strings.HasPrefix(name, "toggle-"):
if f, ok := boolFields[name[len("toggle-"):]]; ok {
return boolToggle{f}
if f, ok := boolFields[name]; ok {
return boolOn{f}
if color := parseColor(name); color != nil {
return setForeground{color}
return nil