mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 10:57:50 +08:00
This fixes #27.
209 lines
5.2 KiB
209 lines
5.2 KiB
package edit
import (
var defaultBindings = map[bufferMode]map[Key]string{
modeInsert: map[Key]string{
Default: "default-insert",
// Moving.
Key{Left, 0}: "move-dot-left",
Key{Right, 0}: "move-dot-right",
Key{Up, Alt}: "move-dot-up",
Key{Down, Alt}: "move-dot-down",
Key{Left, Ctrl}: "move-dot-left-word",
Key{Right, Ctrl}: "move-dot-right-word",
Key{Home, 0}: "move-dot-sol",
Key{End, 0}: "move-dot-eol",
// Killing.
Key{'U', Ctrl}: "kill-line-left",
Key{'K', Ctrl}: "kill-line-right",
Key{'W', Ctrl}: "kill-word-left",
Key{Backspace, 0}: "kill-rune-left",
// Some terminal send ^H on backspace
Key{'H', Ctrl}: "kill-rune-left",
Key{Delete, 0}: "kill-rune-right",
// Inserting.
Key{'.', Alt}: "insert-last-word",
Key{Enter, Alt}: "insert-key",
// Controls.
Key{Enter, 0}: "smart-enter",
Key{'D', Ctrl}: "return-eof",
// Key{'[', Ctrl}: "startCommand",
Key{Tab, 0}: "complete-prefix-or-start-completion",
Key{Up, 0}: "start-history",
Key{'N', Ctrl}: "start-navigation",
Key{'H', Ctrl}: "start-history-listing",
Key{'L', Ctrl}: "start-location",
modeCommand: map[Key]string{
Default: "default-command",
// Moving.
Key{'h', 0}: "move-dot-left",
Key{'l', 0}: "move-dot-right",
Key{'k', 0}: "move-dot-up",
Key{'j', 0}: "move-dot-down",
Key{'b', 0}: "move-dot-left-word",
Key{'w', 0}: "move-dot-right-word",
Key{'0', 0}: "move-dot-sol",
Key{'$', 0}: "move-dot-eol",
// Killing.
Key{'x', 0}: "kill-rune-right",
Key{'D', 0}: "kill-line-right",
// Controls.
Key{'i', 0}: "start-insert",
modeCompletion: map[Key]string{
Key{'[', Ctrl}: "cancel-completion",
Key{Up, 0}: "select-cand-up",
Key{Down, 0}: "select-cand-down",
Key{Left, 0}: "select-cand-left",
Key{Right, 0}: "select-cand-right",
Key{Tab, 0}: "cycle-cand-right",
Key{Enter, 0}: "accept-completion",
Default: "default-completion",
modeNavigation: map[Key]string{
Key{Up, 0}: "select-nav-up",
Key{Down, 0}: "select-nav-down",
Key{Left, 0}: "ascend-nav",
Key{Right, 0}: "descend-nav",
Key{'H', Ctrl}: "trigger-nav-show-hidden",
Default: "default-navigation",
modeHistory: map[Key]string{
Key{'[', Ctrl}: "start-insert",
Key{Up, 0}: "select-history-prev",
Key{Down, 0}: "select-history-next-or-quit",
Default: "default-history",
modeHistoryListing: map[Key]string{
Default: "default-history-listing",
modeLocation: map[Key]string{
Key{Up, 0}: "location-prev",
Key{Down, 0}: "location-next",
Key{Tab, 0}: "location-next",
Key{Enter, 0}: "accept-location",
Key{'[', Ctrl}: "cancel-location",
Default: "location-default",
var keyBindings = map[bufferMode]map[Key]Caller{}
var (
errKeyMustBeString = errors.New("key must be string")
errInvalidKey = errors.New("invalid key to bind to")
errInvalidFunction = errors.New("invalid function to bind")
// Caller is a function operating on an Editor. It is either a Builtin or an
// EvalCaller.
type Caller interface {
Call(ed *Editor)
func (b Builtin) Repr(int) string {
return b.name
func (b Builtin) Call(ed *Editor) {
// EvalCaller adapts an eval.Caller to a Caller.
type EvalCaller struct {
Caller eval.CallerValue
func (c EvalCaller) Repr(indent int) string {
return c.Caller.Repr(indent)
func (c EvalCaller) Call(ed *Editor) {
rout, chanOut, ports, err := makePorts()
if err != nil {
// Goroutines to collect output.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
rd := bufio.NewReader(rout)
for {
line, err := rd.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
// XXX notify is not concurrency-safe.
ed.notify("[bound fn bytes] %s", line[:len(line)-1])
go func() {
for v := range chanOut {
ed.notify("[bound fn value] %s", v.Repr(eval.NoPretty))
// XXX There is no source to pass to NewTopEvalCtx.
ec := eval.NewTopEvalCtx(ed.evaler, "[editor]", "", ports)
ex := ec.PCall(c.Caller, []eval.Value{})
if ex != nil {
ed.notify("function error: %s", ex.Error())
ed.refresh(true, true)
// makePorts connects stdin to /dev/null and a closed channel, identifies
// stdout and stderr and connects them to a pipe and channel. It returns the
// other end of stdout and the resulting []*eval.Port. The caller is
// responsible for closing the returned file and calling eval.ClosePorts on the
// ports.
func makePorts() (*os.File, chan eval.Value, []*eval.Port, error) {
in, err := makeClosedStdin()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
// Output
rout, out, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
chanOut := make(chan eval.Value)
return rout, chanOut, []*eval.Port{
{File: out, CloseFile: true, Chan: chanOut, CloseChan: true},
{File: out, Chan: chanOut},
}, nil
func makeClosedStdin() (*eval.Port, error) {
// Input
devnull, err := os.Open("/dev/null")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
in := make(chan eval.Value)
return &eval.Port{File: devnull, CloseFile: true, Chan: in}, nil