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synced 2024-12-13 09:57:51 +08:00
Qualified imports of pkg/tt outnumber unqualified (27 to 24). Improve consistency, and clarity, by changing the dot (unqualified) imports of that package symbols to qualified.
84 lines
2.2 KiB
84 lines
2.2 KiB
package parse
import (
var n = mustParse("ls $x[0]$y[1];echo done >/redir-dest")
var pprintASTTests = tt.Table{
Compound/Indexing/Primary ExprCtx=CmdExpr Type=Bareword Value="ls"
Compound ExprCtx=NormalExpr
Indexing ExprCtx=NormalExpr
Primary ExprCtx=NormalExpr Type=Variable Value="x"
Array/Compound/Indexing/Primary ExprCtx=NormalExpr Type=Bareword Value="0"
Indexing ExprCtx=NormalExpr
Primary ExprCtx=NormalExpr Type=Variable Value="y"
Array/Compound/Indexing/Primary ExprCtx=NormalExpr Type=Bareword Value="1"
Compound/Indexing/Primary ExprCtx=CmdExpr Type=Bareword Value="echo"
Compound/Indexing/Primary ExprCtx=NormalExpr Type=Bareword Value="done"
Redir Mode=Write RightIsFd=false
Compound/Indexing/Primary ExprCtx=NormalExpr Type=Bareword Value="/redir-dest"
func TestPPrintAST(t *testing.T) {
tt.Test(t, tt.Fn("PPrintAST (to string)", func(n Node) string {
var b strings.Builder
pprintAST(n, &b)
return b.String()
}), pprintASTTests)
var pprintParseTreeTests = tt.Table{
`Chunk "ls $x[0]$y...redir-dest" 0-36
Pipeline/Form "ls $x[0]$y[1]" 0-13
Compound/Indexing/Primary "ls" 0-2
Sep " " 2-3
Compound "$x[0]$y[1]" 3-13
Indexing "$x[0]" 3-8
Primary "$x" 3-5
Sep "[" 5-6
Array/Compound/Indexing/Primary "0" 6-7
Sep "]" 7-8
Indexing "$y[1]" 8-13
Primary "$y" 8-10
Sep "[" 10-11
Array/Compound/Indexing/Primary "1" 11-12
Sep "]" 12-13
Sep ";" 13-14
Pipeline/Form "echo done >/redir-dest" 14-36
Compound/Indexing/Primary "echo" 14-18
Sep " " 18-19
Compound/Indexing/Primary "done" 19-23
Sep " " 23-24
Redir ">/redir-dest" 24-36
Sep ">" 24-25
Compound/Indexing/Primary "/redir-dest" 25-36
func TestPPrintParseTree(t *testing.T) {
tt.Test(t, tt.Fn("PPrintParseTree (to string)", func(n Node) string {
var b strings.Builder
pprintParseTree(n, &b)
return b.String()
}), pprintParseTreeTests)
func mustParse(src string) Node {
tree, err := Parse(SourceForTest(src), Config{})
if err != nil {
return tree.Root