Qi Xiao 47d9766f5c Control deprecation warnings with a number instead of a bool.
Previously, to avoid showing deprecation warnings for the next release when the
user is running on HEAD, a boolean CLI flag -show-deprecations is introduced,
and is set to false in the master branch. The idea is that release branches will
have this default to true, so people running released versions will see

However, this means that people running on HEAD will never see any deprecations
unless they use this CLI flag, which is not ideal. This commit replaces the flag
bool -show-deprecations with a numerical -deprecation-level flag, which requests
deprecations that are active as of release 0.X to be shown. The default value of
this flag will be the minor version number of the *last* release, so that people
running HEAD will see as many deprecation warnings as people running the last
release would. This number will be bumped just before releases.
2021-01-19 21:37:36 +00:00

287 lines
9.1 KiB

package eval_test
import (
. "github.com/elves/elvish/pkg/eval"
. "github.com/elves/elvish/pkg/eval/evaltest"
func TestVar(t *testing.T) {
// Declaring one variable
That("var x", "put $x").Puts(nil),
// Declaring one variable whose name needs to be quoted
That("var 'a/b'", "put $'a/b'").Puts(nil),
// Declaring one variable whose name ends in ":".
That("var a:").DoesNothing(),
// Declaring multiple variables
That("var x y", "put $x $y").Puts(nil, nil),
// Declaring one variable with initial value
That("var x = foo", "put $x").Puts("foo"),
// Declaring multiple variables with initial values
That("var x y = foo bar", "put $x $y").Puts("foo", "bar"),
// Declaring multiple variables with initial values, including a rest
// variable in the assignment LHS
That("var x @y z = a b c d", "put $x $y $z").
Puts("a", vals.MakeList("b", "c"), "d"),
// An empty RHS is technically legal although rarely useful.
That("var @x =", "put $x").Puts(vals.EmptyList),
// Shadowing.
That("var x = old; fn f { put $x }", "var x = new; put $x; f").
Puts("new", "old"),
// Variable name that must be quoted after $ must be quoted
That("var a/b").DoesNotCompile(),
// Multiple @ not allowed
That("var x @y @z = a b c d").DoesNotCompile(),
// Namespace not allowed
That("var local:a").DoesNotCompile(),
// Index not allowed
That("var a[0]").DoesNotCompile(),
// Composite expression not allowed
That("var a'b'").DoesNotCompile(),
func TestSet(t *testing.T) {
// Setting one variable
That("var x; set x = foo", "put $x").Puts("foo"),
// An empty RHS is technically legal although rarely useful.
That("var x; set @x =", "put $x").Puts(vals.EmptyList),
// Not duplicating tests with TestCommand_Assignment.
// TODO: After legacy assignment form is removed, transfer tests here.
// = is required.
That("var x; set x").DoesNotCompile(),
func TestDel(t *testing.T) {
// Deleting variable
That("x = 1; del x").DoesNothing(),
That("x = 1; del x; echo $x").DoesNotCompile(),
That("x = 1; del :x; echo $x").DoesNotCompile(),
That("x = 1; del local:x; echo $x").DoesNotCompile(),
// Deleting variable whose name contains special characters
That("'a/b' = foo; del 'a/b'").DoesNothing(),
// Deleting element
That("x = [&k=v &k2=v2]; del x[k2]; keys $x").Puts("k"),
That("x = [[&k=v &k2=v2]]; del x[0][k2]; keys $x[0]").Puts("k"),
// Error cases
// Deleting nonexistent variable
That("del x").DoesNotCompile(),
// Deleting element of nonexistent variable
That("del x[0]").DoesNotCompile(),
// Deleting variable in non-local namespace
That("del a:b").DoesNotCompile(),
// Variable name given with $
That("x = 1; del $x").DoesNotCompile(),
// Variable name not given as a single primary expression
That("ab = 1; del a'b'").DoesNotCompile(),
// Variable name not a string
That("del [a]").DoesNotCompile(),
// Variable name has sigil
That("x = []; del @x").DoesNotCompile(),
// Variable name not quoted when it should be
That("'a/b' = foo; del a/b").DoesNotCompile(),
func TestAnd(t *testing.T) {
That("and $true $false").Puts(false),
That("and a b").Puts("b"),
That("and $false b").Puts(false),
That("and $true b").Puts("b"),
// short circuit
That("x = a; and $false (x = b); put $x").Puts(false, "a"),
func TestOr(t *testing.T) {
That("or $true $false").Puts(true),
That("or a b").Puts("a"),
That("or $false b").Puts("b"),
That("or $true b").Puts(true),
// short circuit
That("x = a; or $true (x = b); put $x").Puts(true, "a"),
func TestIf(t *testing.T) {
That("if true { put then }").Puts("then"),
That("if $false { put then } else { put else }").Puts("else"),
That("if $false { put 1 } elif $false { put 2 } else { put 3 }").
That("if $false { put 2 } elif true { put 2 } else { put 3 }").Puts("2"),
func TestTry(t *testing.T) {
That("try { nop } except { put bad } else { put good }").Puts("good"),
That("try { e:false } except - { put bad } else { put good }").
That("try { fail tr }").Throws(ErrorWithMessage("tr")),
That("try { fail tr } finally { put final }").
That("try { fail tr } except { fail ex } finally { put final }").
That("try { fail tr } except { put ex } finally { fail final }").
That("try { fail tr } except { fail ex } finally { fail final }").
// wrong syntax
That("try { nop } except @a { }").DoesNotCompile(),
func TestWhile(t *testing.T) {
// while
That("x=0; while (< $x 4) { put $x; x=(+ $x 1) }").
Puts("0", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
That("x = 0; while (< $x 4) { put $x; break }").Puts("0"),
That("x = 0; while (< $x 4) { fail haha }").Throws(AnyError),
That("x = 0; while (< $x 4) { put $x; x=(+ $x 1) } else { put bad }").
Puts("0", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
That("while $false { put bad } else { put good }").Puts("good"),
func TestFor(t *testing.T) {
// for
That("for x [tempora mores] { put 'O '$x }").
Puts("O tempora", "O mores"),
// break
That("for x [a] { break } else { put $x }").DoesNothing(),
// else
That("for x [a] { put $x } else { put $x }").Puts("a"),
// continue
That("for x [a b] { put $x; continue; put $x; }").Puts("a", "b"),
// More than one iterator.
That("for {x,y} [] { }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Invalid for loop lvalue. You can't use a var in a namespace other
// than the local namespace as the lvalue in a for loop.
That("for no-such-namespace:x [a b] { }").DoesNotCompile(),
// Exception when evaluating iterable.
That("for x [][0] { }").Throws(ErrorWithType(errs.OutOfRange{}), "[][0]"),
// More than one iterable.
That("for x (put a b) { }").Throws(
What: "value being iterated",
ValidLow: 1, ValidHigh: 1, Actual: 2},
"(put a b)"),
func TestFn(t *testing.T) {
That("fn f [x]{ put x=$x'.' }; f lorem; f ipsum").
Puts("x=lorem.", "x=ipsum."),
// Recursive functions with fn. Regression test for #1206.
That("fn f [n]{ if (== $n 0) { put 1 } else { * $n (f (- $n 1)) } }; f 3").
// Exception thrown by return is swallowed by a fn-defined function.
That("fn f []{ put a; return; put b }; f").Puts("a"),
func TestUse(t *testing.T) {
libdir, cleanup := testutil.InTestDir()
defer cleanup()
testutil.MustMkdirAll(filepath.Join("a", "b", "c"))
writeMod := func(name, content string) {
fname := filepath.Join(strings.Split(name, "/")...) + ".elv"
testutil.MustWriteFile(fname, []byte(content), 0600)
writeMod("has-init", "put has-init")
writeMod("put-x", "put $x")
writeMod("lorem", "name = lorem; fn put-name { put $name }")
writeMod("d", "name = d")
writeMod("a/b/c/d", "name = a/b/c/d")
"use ./d; d = $d:name; use ../../../lorem; lorem = $lorem:name")
TestWithSetup(t, func(ev *Evaler) { ev.SetLibDir(libdir) },
That(`use lorem; put $lorem:name`).Puts("lorem"),
// imports are lexically scoped
// TODO: Support testing for compilation error
// That(`{ use lorem }; put $lorem:name`).ErrorsAny(),
// use of imported variable is captured in upvalue
That(`use lorem; { put $lorem:name }`).Puts("lorem"),
That(`{ use lorem; { put $lorem:name } }`).Puts("lorem"),
That(`({ use lorem; put { { put $lorem:name } } })`).Puts("lorem"),
// use of imported function is also captured in upvalue
That(`{ use lorem; { lorem:put-name } }`).Puts("lorem"),
// use of a nested module
That(`use a/b/c/d; put $d:name`).Puts("a/b/c/d"),
// module is cached after first use
That(`use has-init; use has-init`).Puts("has-init"),
// repeated uses result in the same namespace being imported
That("use lorem; use lorem lorem2; put $lorem:name $lorem2:name").
Puts("lorem", "lorem"),
// overriding module
That(`use d; put $d:name; use a/b/c/d; put $d:name`).
Puts("d", "a/b/c/d"),
// relative uses
That(`use a/b/c/x; put $x:d $x:lorem`).Puts("a/b/c/d", "lorem"),
// relative uses from top-level
That(`use ./d; put $d:name`).Puts("d"),
// Renaming module
That(`use a/b/c/d mod; put $mod:name`).Puts("a/b/c/d"),
// Variables defined in the default global scope is invisible from
// modules
That("x = foo; use put-x").Throws(AnyError),
// TODO: Test module namespace
// Wrong uses of "use".
That("use a b c").DoesNotCompile(),
// Regression test for #1072
func TestUse_WarnsAboutDeprecatedFeatures(t *testing.T) {
restore := prog.SetDeprecationLevel(15)
defer restore()
libdir, cleanup := testutil.InTestDir()
defer cleanup()
testutil.MustWriteFile("dep.elv", []byte("x = (ord 1)"), 0600)
TestWithSetup(t, func(ev *Evaler) { ev.SetLibDir(libdir) },
// Importing module triggers check for deprecated features
That("use dep").PrintsStderrWith("is deprecated"),