2016-02-16 19:15:29 +01:00

1001 lines
23 KiB

package eval
//go:generate ./boilerplate.py
import (
const (
// InterruptDeadline is the amount of time elvish waits for foreground
// tasks to finish after receiving a SIGINT. If a task didn't actually exit
// in time, its exit status takes the special "still running" value.
InterruptDeadline = 50 * time.Millisecond
var (
ErrStillRunning = errors.New("still running")
// Whether elvish should attempt to put itself in foreground after each pipeline
// execution.
var PutInForeground = true
var outputCaptureBufferSize = 16
type scope map[string]bool
type (
// Op is a compiled operation.
Op func(*EvalCtx)
// ValuesOp is a compiled Value-generating operation.
ValuesOp func(*EvalCtx) []Value
// VariableOp is a compiled Variable-generating operation.
VariableOp func(*EvalCtx) Variable
// compiler maintains the set of states needed when compiling a single source
// file.
type compiler struct {
// Used in error messages.
name, source string
// Lexical scopes.
scopes []scope
// Variables captured from outer scopes.
capture scope
// Stored error.
error error
func (cp *compiler) thisScope() scope {
return cp.scopes[len(cp.scopes)-1]
func (cp *compiler) errorf(p int, format string, args ...interface{}) {
throw(util.NewContextualError(cp.name, "syntax error", cp.source, p, format, args...))
func compile(name, source string, sc scope, n *parse.Chunk) (op Op, err error) {
cp := &compiler{name, source, []scope{sc}, scope{}, nil}
defer util.Catch(&err)
return cp.chunk(n), nil
func (cp *compiler) chunk(n *parse.Chunk) Op {
ops := cp.pipelines(n.Pipelines)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
for _, op := range ops {
const pipelineChanBufferSize = 32
func (cp *compiler) pipeline(n *parse.Pipeline) Op {
ops := cp.forms(n.Forms)
p := n.Begin()
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
var nextIn *Port
errorChans := make([]chan Error, len(ops))
// For each form, create a dedicated evalCtx and run asynchronously
for i, op := range ops {
newEc := ec.fork(fmt.Sprintf("form op %v", op))
if i > 0 {
newEc.ports[0] = nextIn
if i < len(ops)-1 {
// Each internal port pair consists of a (byte) pipe pair and a
// channel.
// os.Pipe sets O_CLOEXEC, which is what we want.
reader, writer, e := os.Pipe()
if e != nil {
ec.errorf(p, "failed to create pipe: %s", e)
ch := make(chan Value, pipelineChanBufferSize)
newEc.ports[1] = &Port{
File: writer, Chan: ch, CloseFile: true, CloseChan: true}
nextIn = &Port{
File: reader, Chan: ch, CloseFile: true, CloseChan: false}
thisOp := op
errorChans[i] = make(chan Error)
thisErrorChan := errorChans[i]
go func() {
err := newEc.PEval(thisOp)
// Logger.Printf("closing ports of %s", newEc.context)
thisErrorChan <- Error{err}
intCh := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(intCh, syscall.SIGINT)
interrupted := make(chan struct{})
cancel := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
// When SIGINT is received, sleep for InterruptDeadline before the
// closing interrupted channel.
select {
case <-intCh:
case <-cancel:
select {
case <-time.After(InterruptDeadline):
case <-cancel:
// Wait for all forms to finish and collect error returns, unless an
// interrupt was received and the form didn't quit within
// InterruptDeadline.
errors := make([]Error, len(ops))
for i, errorChan := range errorChans {
select {
case errors[i] = <-errorChan:
case <-interrupted:
errors[i] = Error{ErrStillRunning}
// Make sure the SIGINT listener exits.
// Make sure I am in foreground.
if PutInForeground && sys.IsATTY(0) {
err := sys.Tcsetpgrp(0, syscall.Getpgrp())
if err != nil {
if !allok(errors) {
if len(errors) == 1 {
} else {
func (cp *compiler) form(n *parse.Form) Op {
if len(n.Assignments) > 0 {
if n.Head != nil {
cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "temporary assignments not yet supported")
ops := cp.assignments(n.Assignments)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
for _, op := range ops {
if n.Control != nil {
if len(n.Args) > 0 {
cp.errorf(n.Args[0].Begin(), "control structure takes no arguments")
redirOps := cp.redirs(n.Redirs)
controlOp := cp.control(n.Control)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
for _, redirOp := range redirOps {
headStr, ok := oneString(n.Head)
if ok {
compileForm, ok := builtinSpecials[headStr]
if ok {
// special form
return compileForm(cp, n)
// Ignore the output. If a matching function exists it will be
// captured and eventually the Evaler executes it. If not, nothing
// happens here and the Evaler executes an external command.
cp.registerVariableGet(FnPrefix + headStr)
// XXX Dynamic head names should always refer to external commands
headOp := cp.compound(n.Head)
argOps := cp.compounds(n.Args)
// TODO: n.NamedArgs
redirOps := cp.redirs(n.Redirs)
// TODO: n.ErrorRedir
p := n.Begin()
// ec here is always a subevaler created in compiler.pipeline, so it can
// be safely modified.
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
// head
headValues := headOp(ec)
headMust := ec.must(headValues, "the head of command", p)
headCaller := mustCaller(headValues[0])
// args
var args []Value
for _, argOp := range argOps {
args = append(args, argOp(ec)...)
// redirs
for _, redirOp := range redirOps {
headCaller.Call(ec, args)
func (cp *compiler) control(n *parse.Control) Op {
switch n.Kind {
case parse.IfControl:
condOps := cp.errorCaptures(n.Conditions)
bodyOps := cp.chunks(n.Bodies)
var elseOp Op
if n.ElseBody != nil {
elseOp = cp.chunk(n.ElseBody)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
for i, condOp := range condOps {
if condOp(ec)[0].(Error).inner == nil {
if elseOp != nil {
case parse.WhileControl:
condOp := cp.errorCapture(n.Condition)
bodyOp := cp.chunk(n.Body)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
for condOp(ec)[0].(Error).inner == nil {
ex := ec.PEval(bodyOp)
if ex == Continue {
// do nothing
} else if ex == Break {
} else if ex != nil {
case parse.ForControl:
iteratorOp := cp.singleVariable(n.Iterator, "must be a single variable")
valuesOp := cp.array(n.Array)
bodyOp := cp.chunk(n.Body)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
iterator := iteratorOp(ec)
values := valuesOp(ec)
for _, v := range values {
doSet(ec, []Variable{iterator}, []Value{v})
ex := ec.PEval(bodyOp)
if ex == Continue {
// do nothing
} else if ex == Break {
} else if ex != nil {
case parse.BeginControl:
return cp.chunk(n.Body)
cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "unknown ControlKind %s, compiler bug", n.Kind)
func (cp *compiler) literal(n *parse.Primary, msg string) string {
switch n.Type {
case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
return n.Value
cp.errorf(n.Begin(), msg)
return "" // not reached
func (cp *compiler) assignment(n *parse.Assignment) Op {
variableOps := cp.multiVariable(n.Dst)
valuesOp := cp.compound(n.Src)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
variables := make([]Variable, len(variableOps))
for i, variableOp := range variableOps {
variables[i] = variableOp(ec)
doSet(ec, variables, valuesOp(ec))
func (cp *compiler) multiVariable(n *parse.Indexing) []VariableOp {
var variableOps []VariableOp
if n.Head.Type == parse.Braced {
// XXX ignore n.Indicies.
compounds := n.Head.Braced
indexings := make([]*parse.Indexing, len(compounds))
for i, cn := range compounds {
if len(cn.Indexings) != 1 {
cp.errorf(cn.Begin(), "must be a variable spec")
indexings[i] = cn.Indexings[0]
variableOps = cp.singleVariables(indexings, "must be a variable spc")
} else {
variableOps = []VariableOp{cp.singleVariable(n, "must be a variable spec or a braced list of those")}
return variableOps
func (cp *compiler) singleVariable(n *parse.Indexing, msg string) VariableOp {
// XXX will we be using this for purposes other than setting?
varname := cp.literal(n.Head, msg)
p := n.Begin()
if len(n.Indicies) == 0 {
return func(ec *EvalCtx) Variable {
splice, ns, barename := parseVariable(varname)
if splice {
// XXX
ec.errorf(p, "not yet supported")
variable := ec.ResolveVar(ns, barename)
if variable == nil {
// New variable.
// XXX We depend on the fact that this variable will
// immeidately be set.
variable = NewPtrVariable(nil)
ec.local[barename] = variable
return variable
indexOps := cp.arrays(n.Indicies)
indexBegins := make([]int, len(n.Indicies))
indexEnds := make([]int, len(n.Indicies))
for i, in := range n.Indicies {
indexBegins[i] = in.Begin()
indexEnds[i] = in.End()
return func(ec *EvalCtx) Variable {
splice, ns, name := parseVariable(varname)
if splice {
// XXX
ec.errorf(p, "not yet supported")
variable := ec.ResolveVar(ns, name)
if variable == nil {
ec.errorf(p, "variable $%s does not exisit, compiler bug", varname)
if len(indexOps) == 0 {
// Just a variable, return directly.
return variable
// Indexing. Do Index up to the last but one index.
value := variable.Get()
n := len(indexOps)
for _, op := range indexOps[:n-1] {
indexer := mustIndexer(value, ec)
indicies := op(ec)
values := indexer.Index(indicies)
if len(values) != 1 {
throw(errors.New("multi indexing not implemented"))
value = values[0]
// Now this must be an IndexSetter.
indexSetter, ok := value.(IndexSetter)
if !ok {
ec.errorf( /* from p to */ indexBegins[n-1], "cannot be indexed for setting (value is %s, type %s)", value.Repr(), value.Kind())
// XXX Duplicate code.
indicies := indexOps[n-1](ec)
if len(indicies) != 1 {
ec.errorf(indexBegins[n-1], "index must eval to a single Value (got %v)", indicies)
return elemVariable{indexSetter, indicies[0]}
func makeFlag(m parse.RedirMode) int {
switch m {
case parse.Read:
return os.O_RDONLY
case parse.Write:
return os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE
case parse.ReadWrite:
return os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE
case parse.Append:
return os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND
// XXX should report parser bug
panic("bad RedirMode; parser bug")
const defaultFileRedirPerm = 0644
// redir compiles a Redir into a op.
func (cp *compiler) redir(n *parse.Redir) Op {
var dstOp ValuesOp
if n.Dest != nil {
dstOp = cp.compound(n.Dest)
p := n.Begin()
srcOp := cp.compound(n.Source)
sourceIsFd := n.SourceIsFd
pSrc := n.Source.Begin()
mode := n.Mode
flag := makeFlag(mode)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) {
var dst int
if dstOp == nil {
// use default dst fd
switch mode {
case parse.Read:
dst = 0
case parse.Write, parse.ReadWrite, parse.Append:
dst = 1
// XXX should report parser bug
panic("bad RedirMode; parser bug")
} else {
// dst must be a valid fd
dst = ec.must(dstOp(ec), "FD", p).mustOneNonNegativeInt()
ec.growPorts(dst + 1)
// Logger.Printf("closing old port %d of %s", dst, ec.context)
srcMust := ec.must(srcOp(ec), "redirection source", pSrc)
src := string(srcMust.mustOneStr())
if sourceIsFd {
if src == "-" {
// close
ec.ports[dst] = &Port{}
} else {
fd := srcMust.zerothMustNonNegativeInt()
ec.ports[dst] = ec.ports[fd].Fork()
} else {
f, err := os.OpenFile(src, flag, defaultFileRedirPerm)
if err != nil {
ec.errorf(p, "failed to open file %q: %s", src, err)
ec.ports[dst] = &Port{
File: f, Chan: make(chan Value), CloseFile: true, CloseChan: true,
func (cp *compiler) compound(n *parse.Compound) ValuesOp {
if len(n.Indexings) == 0 {
return literalStr("")
tilde := false
indexings := n.Indexings
begins := indexingBegins(n.Indexings)[1:]
if n.Indexings[0].Head.Type == parse.Tilde {
// A lone ~.
if len(n.Indexings) == 1 {
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
return []Value{String(mustGetHome(""))}
tilde = true
indexings = indexings[1:]
begins = begins[1:]
ops := cp.indexings(indexings)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
// Accumulator.
vs := ops[0](ec)
// Logger.Printf("concatenating %v with %d more", vs, len(ops)-1)
for _, op := range ops[1:] {
us := op(ec)
vs = outerProduct(vs, us, cat)
// Logger.Printf("with %v => %v", us, vs)
if tilde {
newvs := make([]Value, len(vs))
for i, v := range vs {
newvs[i] = doTilde(v)
vs = newvs
hasGlob := false
for _, v := range vs {
if _, ok := v.(GlobPattern); ok {
hasGlob = true
if hasGlob {
newvs := make([]Value, 0, len(vs))
for _, v := range vs {
if gp, ok := v.(GlobPattern); ok {
// Logger.Printf("globbing %v", gp)
newvs = append(newvs, doGlob(gp)...)
} else {
newvs = append(newvs, v)
vs = newvs
return vs
func cat(lhs, rhs Value) Value {
switch lhs := lhs.(type) {
case String:
switch rhs := rhs.(type) {
case String:
return lhs + rhs
case GlobPattern:
segs := stringToSegments(string(lhs))
// We know rhs contains exactly one segment.
segs = append(segs, rhs.Segments[0])
return GlobPattern{segs}
case GlobPattern:
// NOTE Modifies lhs in place.
switch rhs := rhs.(type) {
case String:
return lhs
case GlobPattern:
// We know rhs contains exactly one segment.
return lhs
throw(fmt.Errorf("unsupported concat: %s and %s", lhs.Kind(), rhs.Kind()))
func outerProduct(vs []Value, us []Value, f func(Value, Value) Value) []Value {
ws := make([]Value, len(vs)*len(us))
nu := len(us)
for i, v := range vs {
for j, u := range us {
ws[i*nu+j] = f(v, u)
return ws
func doTilde(v Value) Value {
switch v := v.(type) {
case String:
s := string(v)
i := strings.Index(s, "/")
var uname, rest string
if i == -1 {
uname = s
} else {
uname = s[:i]
rest = s[i+1:]
dir := mustGetHome(uname)
return String(path.Join(dir, rest))
case GlobPattern:
if len(v.Segments) == 0 || v.Segments[0].Type != glob.Literal {
throw(errors.New("cannot determine user name from glob pattern"))
s := v.Segments[0].Literal
// Find / in the first segment to determine the username.
i := strings.Index(s, "/")
if i == -1 {
throw(errors.New("cannot determine user name from glob pattern"))
uname := s[:i]
dir := mustGetHome(uname)
// Replace ~uname in first segment with the found path.
v.Segments[0].Literal = dir + s[i:]
return v
throw(fmt.Errorf("tilde doesn't work on value of type %s", v.Kind()))
func mustGetHome(uname string) string {
dir, err := util.GetHome(uname)
if err != nil {
return dir
func doGlob(gp GlobPattern) []Value {
names := glob.Pattern(gp).Glob()
vs := make([]Value, len(names))
for i, name := range names {
vs[i] = String(name)
return vs
func catOps(ops []ValuesOp) ValuesOp {
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
// Use number of compound expressions as an estimation of the number
// of values
vs := make([]Value, 0, len(ops))
for _, op := range ops {
us := op(ec)
vs = append(vs, us...)
return vs
func (cp *compiler) array(n *parse.Array) ValuesOp {
return catOps(cp.compounds(n.Compounds))
func (cp *compiler) indexing(n *parse.Indexing) ValuesOp {
if len(n.Indicies) == 0 {
return cp.primary(n.Head)
headOp := cp.primary(n.Head)
indexOps := cp.arrays(n.Indicies)
// p := n.Begin()
indexPoses := make([]int, len(n.Indicies))
for i, index := range n.Indicies {
indexPoses[i] = index.Begin()
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
vs := headOp(ec)
for _, indexOp := range indexOps {
indicies := indexOp(ec)
newvs := make([]Value, 0, len(vs)*len(indicies))
for _, v := range vs {
newvs = append(newvs, mustIndexer(v, ec).Index(indicies)...)
vs = newvs
return vs
func literalValues(v ...Value) ValuesOp {
return func(e *EvalCtx) []Value {
return v
func literalStr(text string) ValuesOp {
return literalValues(String(text))
func variable(qname string, p int) ValuesOp {
splice, ns, name := parseVariable(qname)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
variable := ec.ResolveVar(ns, name)
if variable == nil {
ec.errorf(p, "variable $%s not found", qname)
value := variable.Get()
if splice {
list, ok := value.(List)
if !ok {
ec.errorf(p, "variable $%s is not a list", qname)
return *list.inner
return []Value{value}
func (cp *compiler) registerVariableGet(qname string) bool {
_, ns, name := parseVariable(qname)
if ns != "" && ns != "local" && ns != "up" {
// Variable in another mod, do nothing
return true
// Find in local scope
if ns == "" || ns == "local" {
if cp.thisScope()[name] {
return true
} else if ns == "local" {
return false
// Find in upper scopes
for i := len(cp.scopes) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
if cp.scopes[i][name] {
// Existing name: record capture and return.
cp.capture[name] = true
return true
return false
func (cp *compiler) registerVariableSet(qname string) bool {
_, ns, name := parseVariable(qname)
switch ns {
case "local":
cp.thisScope()[name] = true
return true
case "up":
for i := len(cp.scopes) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
if cp.scopes[i][name] {
// Existing name: record capture and return.
cp.capture[name] = true
return true
return false
case "":
if cp.thisScope()[name] {
// A name on current scope. Do nothing.
return true
// Walk up the upper scopes
for i := len(cp.scopes) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
if cp.scopes[i][name] {
// Existing name. Do nothing
cp.capture[name] = true
return true
// New name. Register on this scope!
cp.thisScope()[name] = true
return true
// Variable in another mod, do nothing
return true
func (cp *compiler) primary(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
switch n.Type {
case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
return literalStr(n.Value)
case parse.Variable:
qname := n.Value
if !cp.registerVariableGet(qname) {
cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "variable %s not found", n.Value)
return variable(qname, n.Begin())
case parse.Wildcard:
vs := []Value{GlobPattern{[]glob.Segment{
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
return vs
case parse.Tilde:
cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "compiler bug: Tilde not handled in .compound")
return literalStr("~")
case parse.ErrorCapture:
return cp.errorCapture(n.Chunk)
case parse.OutputCapture:
return cp.outputCapture(n)
case parse.List:
op := cp.array(n.List)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
return []Value{NewList(op(ec)...)}
case parse.Lambda:
return cp.lambda(n)
case parse.Map:
return cp.map_(n)
case parse.Braced:
return cp.braced(n)
cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "bad PrimaryType; parser bug")
return literalStr(n.SourceText())
func (cp *compiler) errorCapture(n *parse.Chunk) ValuesOp {
op := cp.chunk(n)
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
return []Value{Error{ec.PEval(op)}}
func (cp *compiler) outputCapture(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
op := cp.chunk(n.Chunk)
// p := n.Chunk.Begin()
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
return captureOutput(ec, op)
func captureOutput(ec *EvalCtx, op Op) []Value {
vs := []Value{}
newEc := ec.fork(fmt.Sprintf("channel output capture %v", op))
pipeRead, pipeWrite, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
throw(fmt.Errorf("failed to create pipe: %v", err))
bufferedPipeRead := bufio.NewReader(pipeRead)
ch := make(chan Value, outputCaptureBufferSize)
bytesCollected := make(chan bool)
chCollected := make(chan bool)
newEc.ports[1] = &Port{Chan: ch, File: pipeWrite, CloseFile: true}
go func() {
for v := range ch {
vs = append(vs, v)
chCollected <- true
go func() {
for {
line, err := bufferedPipeRead.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
// TODO report error
ch <- String(line[:len(line)-1])
bytesCollected <- true
return vs
func (cp *compiler) pushScope() scope {
sc := scope{}
cp.scopes = append(cp.scopes, sc)
return sc
func (cp *compiler) popScope() {
cp.scopes[len(cp.scopes)-1] = nil
cp.scopes = cp.scopes[:len(cp.scopes)-1]
func (cp *compiler) lambda(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
// Collect argument names
var argNames []string
var variadic bool
if n.List != nil {
// [argument list]{ chunk }
argNames = make([]string, len(n.List.Compounds))
for i, arg := range n.List.Compounds {
name := mustString(cp, arg, "expect string")
argNames[i] = name
} else {
// { chunk }
variadic = true
// XXX The fiddlings with cp.capture is likely wrong.
thisScope := cp.pushScope()
thisScope["args"] = true
thisScope["kwargs"] = true
for _, argName := range argNames {
thisScope[argName] = true
op := cp.chunk(n.Chunk)
capture := cp.capture
cp.capture = scope{}
for name := range capture {
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
evCapture := make(map[string]Variable, len(capture))
for name := range capture {
evCapture[name] = ec.ResolveVar("", name)
return []Value{newClosure(argNames, op, evCapture, variadic)}
func (cp *compiler) map_(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
nn := len(n.MapPairs)
keysOps := make([]ValuesOp, nn)
valuesOps := make([]ValuesOp, nn)
poses := make([]int, nn)
for i := 0; i < nn; i++ {
keysOps[i] = cp.compound(n.MapPairs[i].Key)
valuesOps[i] = cp.compound(n.MapPairs[i].Value)
poses[i] = n.MapPairs[i].Begin()
return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
m := make(map[Value]Value)
for i := 0; i < nn; i++ {
keys := keysOps[i](ec)
values := valuesOps[i](ec)
if len(keys) != len(values) {
ec.errorf(poses[i], "%d keys but %d values", len(keys), len(values))
for j, key := range keys {
m[key] = values[j]
return []Value{Map{&m}}
func (cp *compiler) braced(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
ops := cp.compounds(n.Braced)
// TODO: n.IsRange
// isRange := n.IsRange
return catOps(ops)
// parseVariable parses a variable name.
func parseVariable(qname string) (splice bool, ns string, name string) {
if strings.HasPrefix(qname, "@") {
splice = true
qname = qname[1:]
if qname == "" {
qname = "args"
i := strings.IndexRune(qname, ':')
if i == -1 {
return splice, "", qname
return splice, qname[:i], qname[i+1:]